SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

AE is my main game and will always be my main game.

But I find SFxT really interesting hence why I put a lot of time into it, and I really hope it develops in the FGC.

Nice to see people experimenting with the auto-correct stuff. :smiley:

I was putting the auto-correct Raijin Stance to work in a few matches…and it really does work well. I gotta start properly hit-confirming it though instead of auto-piloting to st.lk xx EX Rising Upper whether it hits or is blocked, since I just end up wasting meter (I’d use st. lk xx LP Rising upper instead but the LP Rising Upper whiffs way too often in my experience, at least off of a meaty Raijin Stance). Although, I started using it a bit too much against an Asuka, and I auto-corrected against a roll and ran right into a wake-up counter. :frowning:

Hmm…now that I think about it, since the Raijin Stance is Heihachi’s charge move, perhaps you can use it as somewhat of a feint against characters with proper reversals. You could do the auto-correct trick and then backdash (which will be a forward dash if they roll), and you should stay in a relatively good position and will be able to bait a reversal move, or just continue pressuring if they don’t do anything.

Never! Fight hate with hate! :sunglasses:

Nah seriously, I respect every fighter. However, it’s not that xT is the only game filled with BS or mechanics that seem to be off. The ignorance has to go.

Peeps just need to see more varied opinions. But yeah, it shouldn’t really be you gotta play one game at a time. With so many fighting games out, I’m sure most people that really like this genre could pick up two or three at a time and play. Players like Justin Wong, Chris G, Tokido, etc,… even if some of them are paid to play games they are smart about how they find stuff in the games and excel at them. I’d like to think there’s enough intelligent people picking up new games to play on average. And with all the resources available online now too.

It’s just nutty and sad to read online responses about dead games. I guess Capcom hit some sort of lottery when they threw out Xfactor as a free pass to kill stuff in the game and striking such a good deal with the Marvel brand.

Am I the only one who sort of wishes that MvC3 never happened? Or at least not in the way it did? I don’t think it’s a terrible game by any means…I think it’s fun to play (albeit on a more casual level), and it is pretty fun to watch (though I’m never impressed by any X-factor comebacks because I still view level 3 X-factor as one of the dumbest ideas for a fighting game next to auto-block gems), but that game seems to be the cause of this skewed viewpoint on fighting games that they need to be “hype” in order to be “good.”

I know that people have their own reasons for disliking Street Fighter X Tekken. I know that there are several people who have played the game and didn’t like it. But I don’t think that a game being “boring to watch” should be a reason for saying that you hate a certain game or think that a certain game is bad.

I mean, I think that AE is boring to watch, but I don’t think it’s a bad game by any means. Sure, it has its flaws (what fighting game out there doesn’t?), but it’s still a pretty solid fighter overall in my opinion.

I still say that Soul Calibur II is the best fighting game ever though. :smiley:

The reason i prefer this game over ae and marvel is because marvel is wayy too cheap for me to truly enjoy, and ae is very very VERY definitive, once your opponent lands a hard knock down it pretty much goes downhill from there, sfxt is like a medium between the 2 with some stylish combos (marvel, while not being able to kill off someone with 1 practical combo) a STRONG footsie game (like ae). I also enjoy the hell out of the tag team function since, sfa3 i wanted a sf game that was 2vs2 instead of 1 vs 1
But i don’t knock people that say they enjoy playing marvel in ae, i knock the people that bought umvc3 and ssf4ae and then complain about the dlc stuff, i also knock the people that call this game trash and don’t even try to understand it and compare it to games like marvel and ae. That is all

Holy crap auto-correct Demon flipping is so god damn fun! :smiley:

GGs to Fergus. I really need to work on how to defend against that Asuka.
The FT5 we ran will be up in a few days.

Does anyone have any cleaning tips for sticks?


But seriously…



No problem man! Asuka is pretty hard to defend against in good hands, I look forward to the video. You had some tricky Alisa stuff too!

I know right :smiley:

By the way I should be mentioning this in the Akuma forums, It will be added there though but…

I’m doing more testing into it and it works like a charm against Jack-X :smiley:

A Meaty DF > Palm will make a good portion of his wake-up redundant. All of his DPs will whiff and you take one hit of his HK Charge Attack and then counter him with a normal of your choice this also works for EX as well.

So far I’ve found that it doesn’t work well against characters with very high vertically reaching anti-airs. So that takes off Sagat and Cammy off of the list of who this is effective against :(.

EDIT: So then I should call my team, ‘Team Graceful’ then :smokin:
Grace through Elegance, Style and POWER!!! :nunchuck:

so since my subpar showing at the last local i’ve been trying to put more time learning the frame data for the pre existing characters and working on general execution and footsies again. Taking a step back. Gonna make sure i’m ready for nec to take it to the house.


Btw for all those who can help contribute…
I need videos of you all playing against lilis. Wins and Losses. Those who can help contribute i will greatly appreciate it.
Thanks so much in advanced guys.

This weekend was my saltiest weekend of SFXT ever. I went up against this Ogre in Endless specifically to see how I matched up against him, since we both use Ogre. I went with Ogre x Bryan, and he had Akuma x Ogre. I felt I was doing okay at footsies at the start of the match, but then I just sort of fell apart. I had cold feet or something, and he just walked over me and then sent me a “freeeeee” ragemail after the match.

Then, I whipped some people in ranked to blow off steam only to lose 70 points to some guy with ~2000 BP using Dudley and Ken who basically did jump-in, jab jab jab, repeat. I was so mad.

I love this game, but the salt it incurs is tough sometimes to deal with. End rant, back to work now… :coffee:

Good to know I’m not the only one that found that match a bit tough lol. I was not prepared at all for Asuka in the tourney this weekend, and it showed.

Not to say your Julia wasn’t putting in work - because she definitely was. But damn, whenever Asuka was in I just wasn’t really sure what to do. I can’t recall the last competent Asuka I faced that wasn’t just going for j.HP crossups.

Also, now rededicating my time to Julia. Playing her over the weekend (and more lately in general) has been really, really fun. Just need to work on footsies and party crasher stuff, and some Julia/Juri tech.

lol apparantly raw launchers are decent anti airs, i was playin legit reapz and raw launchered him out of a dive kick (Rufus) it was hilarious

watch will08 and ryanhunter. Those two have some very good juilas you could learn some good stuff from.


I’m… going to try this a bit when I get home. I need… something for Rufus, because right now that fucker is my demon.

…along with patience and footsies. >__>