SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

For combos into Kazuya you can use HP DP to switch cancel, or HK Tatsu in the corner.

The Heihachi Raijin stance thing^^^^ holy crap does it work.:rofl:

Been trying to Raijin’s against wake ups too…scares people, either trades or counterhits into crumple…pretty sure I got a wall bounce counter hit off it somehow too in one match. Have to play with it more

Im aware. I ment the part after there in.

With Roo i go for cr.mp cr.fierce xx donkey kick

And Kaz cr. Mp cr.hp EWGF or QCF+HP but id imagine theres better stuff

We got people getting interseted in trying out XT seriously and people who play a whole varieity of games. You should come out seeing how you’re in Berkley. Heading there now myself should be there in an hour or so.

Sorry to be a pain, could you clarify yourself please? Here’s what I’m thinking:

You mean what can Kazuya do off of a Ryu tag, well he could get three EWGF’s, I believe that’s the maximum for Kazuya off tag ins.

If you’re tagging into Ryu, you could do Cr.Mp, Cr.Hp, QCB HK (Tag), (Ryu), Jp.Hp, Cr.Hp, HP SRK.

sim is the best keep out character. rapes gief. There’s anti gief tech. CODY and SIM?! gdlk getting it. ooh you trying to get ABC FROM CODY. Sim…will lame you out! What do you do from there…kill yourself. Japan is coming in hard with lame stuff. Like will08 said. If the gf is a lame fest people and america isn’t in gf the game might suffer a huge blow in terms of hype. America can’t afford to lose to this lame stuff!


There i fixed it for you =D

RyRy only joined cause I asked him to. He’s a good dude.

Only reason i’d play Dudley is because he screams “ELEGANCE!” with his launcher.

There i re-fixed it for myself… If that makes any sense…

eh he’s kinda bitter about losing to will08 at the nyc qualifier and not making top 8. I didn’t know that’s why he doesn’t like the game until he told me. Still it was nice to see him play the game =)

Fixed for you.

Lol don’t we all scream ELEGANCE! with our launchers?

Nope… I yell this every time I hit a raw launcher:


Side note: love me some Monster Hunter.

Conversely, this plays whenever my launcher gets blocked:


I see! I looked in my history, and I was at necphilly.com

No new players in sfxt at Bear’s lair (to be expected) and that one guy that thought he could win abusing day one tactics to prove a point (pre patches) got bodied.I Spent a lot of time playing ae2012, and I honestly find that game very boring now. I am well beyond trying to justify this game’s brilliance to haters. The best we can do is open our doors wider to those who willing to try this game and improving the players those who are learning. Also shoutouts to Lord_Raptor. I would have not made it out there today if it wasn’t for him.

That game is not boring as long as you play the characters that didn’t make the cut to this game…like my main Rose. However, if try to play existing characters in that game you’d be severely unimpressed. That’s why I dropped Ryu as my sub in that game and I am looking forward to learning Gen or something as my new alternate character.

Anyways, It’s not easy juggling two games and trying to be competent at both. At least for me.

Also, to be honest. The SFxT community needs to stop making fun of AE and Marvel as if they were games underneath SFxT as far as quality. That is not gonna help the growth of it. I think the FGC haters and some of the members of the SFxT community need to fucking stop having this silly rivalry.

Why can’t we all just be more open minded? I lol @ you calling AE boring and I also lol @ people saying SFxT is trash.

Am I the only person in that middle ground? :open_mouth:

SFxT is just different. That’s how I see it.

My team is Gief/Dudley. The problem with his normals is range, he is a T-Rex in a gentleman’s body :slight_smile:
I really like some of them tho, I get a load of CH from crMP, absolutely love this move. After any crMp you get a good confirm into MGB into Tag Cancel into a lot of pain

huh? OK, its obviously different than the other fighting games…but what’s the point of saying its different and not saying anything else?