SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I know im a little late but…Ryry stick to UMVC3 please, that was fucking free! Do not ever touch SFxT again unless you know you can win lmao! Good shit Jibbo.

People here are extremely nice! Too bad nobody around here plays SFxT, all I’m seeing is FIFA 13. Ah well, really a magnificent country!

Just to keep this on topic: I watched the vids of the SFxT OTS tournament. GOOD STUFF. I like that there was actually some really solid Akuma footage on behalf of OZLeon. Good matches overall.

He can quit after I get my redemption win on him. I took a game today, next time I’m taking a set!

Are you on XBL? Check my friends list out, my name is the same as it is here. I know a few people who play this game, to a good standard too. :Thanks for your praise, I like my country also. :slight_smile:

So everyone moving to the UK? :slight_smile:
I moved from Germany. I can agree, they are not posh… Especially not in the NorthEast. Whey aye man :smiley:

Thanks. I remember the early days when everyone said Akuma sucked. He really has some neat stuff if you look hard enough.

I guess everybody knows the REAL Street Fighter X Tekken competition is down here. :stuck_out_tongue:
Urgh, those accents…how unpleasant. Note, I’m from London and use a vast amount of slang and profanities. But Chelsea, in London has THE best posh accents.

Have you guys being trying out those meaty auto corrects? I’ve been trying to see whether I could make the Shoto LP DP a useful auto correct, but it’s not so successful.

Needs more ladies.


It looked like he got by with only boost combo bs. Glad jibbo put a stop on that shit quick lol. And that was about the fastest set i have ever seen.

UK is gonna be the new mecca of SFxT.

BadIntent couldn’t defend U.S. turf this past weekend and we lost to the Norwegians.

Queue the European dominance!

Seriously where is the confirmation that NEC will have SFxT? I keep reading it will be there but I dont see legit source (like big e website or twitter).

Meaty Autocorrect? On wakeup? Lariat autocorrect! :smiley:

Love Dudley’s overhead meaty. Just lov it…just sayin.

Double post, bloody phone

Check out the video and read underneath.


"However, this version, with Heihachi is probably the best one I’ve seen because you get a meaty Raijin Stance, which is amazing.

See, the problem you run into most of the time with this tech is that the timing needed to get the autocorrect means that you don’t have much time before the opponent is standing. This means that for longer startup specials (or super jumps), even though you’re autocorrecting your move to follow their roll, you aren’t getting them meaty on wakeup. Look at the Akuma video and notice how long Ryu is standing before he’s hit by the demon flip. This would be easily DPable on reaction. It’s not the biggest deal, but it can cause problems depending on what you’re doing.

This is why I really like this Raijin Stance version. It’s fast enough that it’s not easy to react to, and it hits them meaty, and you get frame advantage on block. That’s what it takes to be able to go beyond using this tech to being able to abuse it.

For the people just now finding out about this tech, and want to explore it, please do, and let me give you a head start by pointing out some things that become obvious once you become more familiar with it and how it works. One of the things you want to keep in mind is where you perform the special to be autocorrected. This will determine the timing for when the move hits compared to when the opponent wakes up.

Think about it this way: When performing this, you’re going to buffer a motion, and then press the button for the motion right after the time the opponent would pass through you if they were to roll. This is how this autocorrect works. Now consider that the distance you’re standing from the knocked down opponent changes when that point in time will be. This knowledge can help you tune your setup to get your special to properly hit as a meaty, or earlier, or later, or whatever the desired effect is.

So looking back at the Heihachi example, if you notice, he is standing as close as possible to the downed opponent when he performs the motion. This means the point in time when the opponent would roll through is very early in the duration of the roll. This is how he’s able to time the Raijin Stance to be very meaty, even though it’s 15f startup. If he was standing further away, he would have to wait longer for the opponent to roll through before he could hit the button, and this would not give him the time needed to get the meaty.

So yeah, just keep that in mind while messing with this.

Also, I hate to say it, but the Heihachi one actually isn’t the best one I’ve seen. Unfortunately, the Gief one (that Ultradavid made) is the best I’ve seen, and one of the scariest things I’ve seen in this game. Luckily, I haven’t fought anyone who actually did it. But it gets an autocorrected Green Hand to hit you not only meaty, but meaty enough to give him slight frame advantage because of how many active frames Green Hand has in this game. If that’s not scary, I don’t know what is."

~Ryan Hunter

People be weaksauce at internet browsing;)


And he is right :slight_smile:
Saw that before, forgot to give you Kudos for it.
There you go: kudos
Really nice find. I already know the Gief one tho.
Actually could work pretty well with Dudley. Still don’t understand why no one plays Dudley. So much dignity

Yeah OZ has been tearing it up with his team of Akuma/Heihachi, especially me.

Personally I love to call OZ’s team: ‘Team Pensioners’ because they’re both old and can still kick ass at the same time.

Speaking of which I can’t seem to find like a good name for my team anyways. It’s pretty difficult for me, I tend to be good with coming up with names for other teams but not my own for some reason. I’ve tried ‘Beauty and the Beast’ but that sounds WAY too generic.

That said my Road To B Rank series is making its return…well soon. The video is all finished and its longer now at least :D! I just need to start the uploading process of the video which I don’t think will happen today at least because I gotta get to bed early for an early start tomorrow at college.

Unless somehow Youtube allows me to upload videos whilst I’m sleeping which I don’t think is possible…or at least I think so.

Kudos received, proceeds to massage his own ego.
The ONE issue I have with Dudley is his normals, they seem really bad. But I guess that’s what your point character is for. Ryu/Dudley is a strong team, I feel anybody with good normals can really benefit Dudley.

Does anyone run Roo/Kaz? I need help with their switch combos :x