SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

aw maaaaaaaaaaaan i would find something right before i go to Tampa for a month @_@

You actually use that move?

The only time I use Spin Scythe is by accident when trying to do a Lynx Tail…

How good would Julia be?

This isnt really specific, how good would Julia be if…?
Or how good IS Julia?

How good is Julia, yeah. :coffee:

She has low health, good mixups, an awesome backdash, “ok” dp but her strength is footsies, her normals have awesome range, due to her lower than average health and high damage i feel shes a high risk/reward character

Julia has 1000 health (avg).

what? i thought i read 900 health somewhere o.O nvm shes a solid footsie character lol

Anybody knows whats going on with the Capcom tourney? I couldn’t find any information on what consoles they’re using…

Lol! Yeah I was happily surprised by it myself. I’m hoping she doesn’t catch the Makoto Nerf Disease in the patch. Really no need to, but you know… Capcom :-p

Got an extended set of games in with Fivz using my new Juri/Xiaoyu team, I think I only won one out of all of them. Clearly I need to practice more. GGs to him though.

I’m also thinking that I may need to rethink this Juri/Xiaoyu team. It’s a fun team, and the synergy with combos and Pandora is great…but they seem to lose pretty hard to Cammy and Rolento. All the opponent needs to do is fish for st.mk xx st.hk with Cammy, or st.hp from Rolento and I basically can’t do anything about it.

I wanna keep Juri though…maybe I’ll try a Juri/Heihachi team. They seem to have some good Pandora synergy, and I think that Heihachi has a better chance vs Cammy. Primarily because of :b: :lp:, since it crushes jabs AND st.mk from Cammy. :smiley:

I wonder if :b: :lp: beats Rolento’s standing :hp:? I know it beats standing jabs…

here’s what I read

was like huh?

i actually had to reread that like 5 or 6 times to see it wasnt gems there

I’m seeing some really scary stuff from Bryan online…is he pretty good? I haven’t picked up the DLC yet.

Sanford!! Good to see him playing it bcus he actually likes it

Top 10. You have to play a specialist to appreciate her options, on psn u got me and sionide (if hes still around) and u got ryan on xbl. Dont even bother watching gamerbee his julia sucks and just uses her to extend combos and spam cr lk which is gdlk. If ur ganna pick her up get ready for nerfs in ver 2013.

the only bryan i even know is Windalfr and my friend who plays every fkin tekken char o.O

and btw Bob is gdlike idk why no one uses him

Wanna run a ft5 around 6pm est when I get home ?

Who? o.O

sure thing, need that matchup knowledge with my main team