SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Actually pandora seem to stop completely at least during the start up animation of supers. I once landed 3 supers with dhalsim without extender

Pretty much the above. I couldn’t have put it better myself. Though it would be really funny for him to use Lili because I remember one time in a post I remember LordWilliam saying that he hated her.

Personally If I had saw that many requests in my Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign Dialogues Series’ of videos on my channel, my heart would have sank considering my list currently looks like this:


But still it’s a good series of videos so far. Loving the variety of characters and those RAW launcher moments in your gameplay.

Good point my man, but its always an option which could lead to even more damage and heafty amount of mix ups. But either way Jin is Godlike man, 500+ damage tag ins for days, just found one with Cole and Jin, could break 600 with two bars.

Man the more I play Tekken Tag 2 the more I realize, this game should have an iteration of Tekken Tunes man, I would love me some custom soundtracks, freaking Daft Punk on Pitstop 109.

Maybe call it Cross Tunes or something like that.

I’m surprised you remembered that. :eek: hides from the Lili Army

I hate her as a character…she just seems like a spoiled brat who thinks she’s better than everyone else. Playstyle-wise, she seems like an interesting character to use.

It’s kind of like in SF4. I hate Evil Ryu as a character, but I really like his playstyle, even if I’m really, really bad with him. He’s waaaaaay more interesting and fun than regular Ryu. :slight_smile:

Yes but Dhalsim/Ryu/Megaman/possibly more have no super cinematics. The others are a huge commitment during pandora. Basically you need to know exactly where the pandora timer needs to be for it to be able to KO in time. Unless you kill pre-ciematic, but then you probably didn’t need to do super to kill anyway.

GGs to OZ, I still fuckin hate your Heihachi more than any other Heihachi online. After playing you for like 3 hours straight I think I understand the match-up better and there ain’t shit I can do to prevent time-outs from happening.

Akuma is a HUGE nuisance to a meterless Xiaoyu…I actually had to resort to mashing out ABC combos just to get her the fuck out! :eek: Akuma’s normals have crazy good frame data and Xiaoyu’s decent punishes are way too slow or lack the range to even be used against whiffs a lot of the time. I’m almost thinking I might hate Akuma more than Heihachi at this point. I actually don’t think he deserves any buffs, his walk speed basically makes him able to walk up and throw without any risk whatsoever against my team. One of these days, I’m gonna to destroy your team like I used to a few months ago when we first met.

Only Buffs I think Akuma could get would be, more damage on super(360), faster startup on crmk, and light tatsu to hit crouchers. Anything else and the character could be insanely broke.

Don’t worry about it, I actually used to hate the character myself. It was only at like near the end of Tekken 6’s life-span I decided to play her mainly because my friends were like to me one day:

‘Yo man, why don’t you use a female character? All I see is people like Akuma, King, Armor King, Dormammu, C.Falcon (because I play Smash on the side with them.) Your list of mains in fighters really lacks the female touch!’

It made me contemplate heavily because the last and erm…only ever female character I could use properly in a fighter before this was Nina but I don’t know how to use her anymore :frowning:

So then I go back to Tekken 6, I go to random select until I get a female character and then low and behold: Lili pops up, and I pretty much loved the idea of being able to piss about on someone’s wake-up options similar to how I like to pressure people with Akuma in SF.

Long story short, since then I didn’t really look back but that doesn’t put me in the ‘OMG LOOK AT LILI!’ fan-club.

The other guys though…

Runs off back to Physics Textbook


Double post but I’ll try to get this off of my chest quickly before I rile up the SRK mods.

The above makes me both happy and sad. Happy in the fact that OZ is holding it down out there against you with Akuma.

But on the other hand I’m sad because if you hate OZ’s Akuma, you will probably hate mine with the same passion :(. Albeit mixed with some pretty stern roll-back due to where we are in the world.

But hey I use Lili…doesn’t that balance it out in a way? :slight_smile:

Wait but the prospect of mirror matches will be a good challenge because I hardly have them because I tend to leave the match-up to Akuma.

Story of my life!

Personally, when I first saw Lili, I didn’t like her, and thought she was a huge stuck up b****. That’s why I didn’t play her for quite a while. Then, however, came a tournament where someone was using her. The first thing that caught my eye, was Sunflower Lance. I have a weakness for twirls. I became more interested in Lili after that. Then I asked another person who mainly uses female characters, and currently has a Miharu avatar. Not going to name names here. Then he/she/it showed me some Lili combos, and I was drawn further is.
Then, IT happened. I saw it. I saw the STARE. That combined with the words “Let’s Get Beautiful!” had me entranced. Then I picked up Lili. The end.


I don’t think we’d get too much lag considering you’re in the UK right? If you have a decent connection you should be fine. If your Akuma is anywhere as good as OZ’s then I may end up hating you as well…goes with the territory. I hate everyone that forces me to play lame, that’s just how I am. Don’t take it personally. :sunglasses:

As for mirror matches, I’m not really a huge fan of them since I tend to sandbag the first encounter with a mirror just to see if they got anything I want to adapt into my gameplay. Gotta steal dat superior tech! :rofl:

Stop running away and taunting with your little girls Songi! >:(

It’s an old Tekken habit. Xiaoyu has 2 different taunts in Tekken and it’s extremely fun to use when you’re stylin on your opponent. Unfortunately in this case, I was taunting out of frustration. (damn speed gems!)

I think I may start using a Juri/Xiaoyu team for a while. I actually like how both characters play, they seem to have good synergy…and I found 4 practical Pandora set-ups with them.


This should please Songi…

OMG Juri’s super used to do insane damage. Prepare for the patch

I’m just looking forward to experimenting with new Xiaoyu combos when the patch finally hits. :smiley:

Although, looking back on it…maybe the nerf on her super was warranted. It’s pretty darn easy to combo considering the damage that it did pre-patch.

Maybe I’ll get my first Pandora win online with this team…

Be careful. Once you go Juri, there’s no coming back.

…I never could get Xiaoyu’s cr.HK cancel to work for me, no matter how hard I tried. And I know it can’t be that hard. Everything else I seem to be getting better at doing but… frustration

Xiaoyu, Chun, Ibuki… sorry I am not worthy

If you’re not using pandora gems burning the same meter on regular switch combos will do more damage.

If I’m not using Pandora gems I’m not using Pandora. :coffee: