SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

IIRC it doesn’t. I might be wrong but whenever I’ve used it, the timer didn’t start to drain until the cinematic was done as far as I remember.

Can anyone else confirm? (At work)

Tested to work only in the corner. Alisa goes for cr.HP xx EX dual boot etc. the boot by itself doesn’t combo for me after activation.

Oh. That’s a little disappointing I guess…oh well. Thanks for testing it. :wink:

Ironically that is one of my friends. He lives out in STL, maybe that’s why the connect was so meh with you guys?

I know what you mean, there’s real familiarity in playing with SF characters and it’s easier to feel comfortable in matches…but the Tekken characters are so different that you feel kind of guilty for sleeping on them:rofl:

I learned I have no idea how to fight Nina last night.

Yeah I played you guys as a team a few times and your character would be fine, then he would come in and it would just bottom out.

Finally, I finished episode 5!


Episode 6 might take a while…it’s getting difficult to find online matches on the PC version. :frowning:

Also, any suggestions for which character I should use next? I’ve already done episodes for Akuma, Guile, and now Abel, and I can’t use the DLC characters yet.

**Meanwhile in an average online match against Cody.

cr.:lk:, st.:mp:, cr.:lk:, st.:mp:, cr.:lk:, st.:mp:, cr.:lk:, st.:mp:-…

Yo you forgot **cr.:lk:,****cr.:lk:,****cr.:lk:,****cr.:lk:, Throw, **Oh didn’t work oh well, **cr.:lk:,****cr.:lk:,**cr.:lk:…

My man, show me some Paul PHOENIX, Bob, Jin, or Lili.

Today is probably the only day I can play and college stuff doesn’t muscle it’s way in. For some reason I just want to switch up my teams and try a bunch of characters I haven’t thought of before.

I can confirm that Jin pairs very well with Heihachi. Lots off 1 bar 500+ dmg combos off Jin’s MLD, dirty mixups tagging in off a Blocked launcher from Jin, 600+ dmg punishes for 2 bars.

I have been thinking, Jin’s EX Power Stance MA MP, leaves them In a great state for reset potential I am thinking like get 300 damge off it then go for Jump Hk cross up or into fake jump in low oh the possibilities! as for Heihachi well he’s Hei man anyone that sets up amazing amazing safe tag in’s will be his best friend, Jin has one of the best too. Launcher, Tag, Overhead or Low or Cross Up or Stomp em in nuts or well you know go from there.

In other words, if you hate Mishimas, it’s about to get worse.

Poster boys are da bes. Each share dat stupid Jump Hk, its in the blood man, also I need experience against an Electric Kazuya player man, hes got some nasty frame traps man.

Chaos Limits we need to run some games, don’t give a damn if it lags!

Can’t you hate Mishimas without hating Jin?

Tournament is confirmed to be Sunday. SF4 on Saturday. That means you can go! =)
Is there a car going from Norway? If so, does it have room for me?

If you’re spending a bar with Jin, especially with Heihachi as a partner, you’re better off just going for max damage and mixing them up on wakeup.

Re-quoting again since I was able to actually watch it now.

I… disagree with most of what he’s getting at later in the vid. The only thing that irks me is supers stopping the clock, but not enough to anger me I guess? It used to, now I just look at is as another decision to keep in mind - especially if I know the cinematic will give me a decent life lead when time is getting just low enough.

Same thing with the idea of the graphical changes being “fluff” - I agree they aren’t big system changes, but they are things that a lot of people have bitched about, particularly the gem glowing (that’s been a complaint since day -25). Not to say the changes are perfect and address every single thing, but it just seems like some of the aesthetic things that people have been verbal about now being addressed isn’t completely minute.

In any case, I guess we’ll all see what happens soon enough.

I think if supers stopped the clock we would have much less timeouts (and less whining), and pandora would automatically be viable. That’d mean you have 8 seconds to confirm into super. Very few characters can actually wait even the slightest bit before doing super in pandora ATM.

Just to make sure we agree, you’re saying stop both Pandora’s timer and the round timer, correct? If so, I agree. :-p

I guess my “hope” overall is that people aren’t going to latch on to this update to be the end-all reason they play the game, and that it somehow changes the game so dramatically that it’s not SFxT. Because that’s probably not going to be the case, and if it were I’d be disappointed.