SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Fair enough. It does have its uses though.

Don’t generalise me!
I still abuse st.RH like it’s SF4. ._.

It definitely does, but personally, unless I’m using the Pandora gems I’d rather not take the risk with Pandora.

That makes me think though…if I have Juri at 25% life and at least 1 bar I basically can make the opponent not throw fireballs or raw tag. Because at any point I believe I can Pandora, then do EX Dive Kick with Xiaoyu into Super for a ton of damage, and possibly a kill if I have the Pandora power gem and the power gem that activates with a super art. (Though in that case I’d better be going for the kill).

I’m gonna have to double check that though since I don’t know if that works or not…I think that the amount of time it takes for the EX Dive Kick to finish would allow for Pandora to refill the meter enough to go into super…

To the Lab!

This person sounds like a very handsome and intelligent young man .

I think it would work. Meter doesn’t refill during ex moves or other stuff that costs meter. But you are able to do 1 hakkesho before super, right? That should give enough time to charge it up.

It’s true – You play Juri and you’ll fall in love.

just played a few matches online, I really want to upload videos of my play again but I’d much rather do so against a worth while opponents.
One fella just let me win out of frustration…that was frustrating to me.
seriously if I’m on XBL and someone wants to play hit me up: Rayartz

OR if you want to learn Chun; I’d be super happy to do training sessions to help out – so tired of seeing Chun played like a bitch, kikouken kikouken kikouken-- christ screw dat turtle B.S.
act fast cause Assassins Creed 3 is coming soon, lol!
or if I’m playing DOA5, I can’t swtich over it is too addicting and my execution will turn to ass for at least 5 or so matches.

I’ll try it, but I don’t know if it will work because the juggle properties of Hakkesho is different pre-patch.

Would anyone like to play footsies with me? I could use the practice.

I may jump on for a couple matchs before I go to the gym after work - if not I’ll definitely be on in a couple hours.

Wanted to learn Chun for a while but just haven’t sat down and given her time since I’m already rollin’ like four characters deep lol. BUT, a primer to get me started could be cool. I’ll worry about that later though. XD

I’ll add you on XBL and see what’s up in a bit.

…crap, I think you’re right. I think I may end up dropping Ken or Heihachi and use Juri instead…:eek:

Don’t say anything Songi. I already know who you’re going to suggest I drop. :nono:

Damn…you can keep playing him then, drop Ken because he’s a flowchart with only one move SHORYUKEN!!! Such a boring character imo. :lame:

But…but…but my Ken is different…

…nah, I don’t think I’m gonna drop Ken and Heihachi for Juri per se. I think I’ll keep that team; I’ll just use Juri on a team with Xiaoyu. I think that’d work best.

After all, Ken’s not into women who are all talk and no show. Besides, he’s married anyway.

A cookie to anyone who sees what I did there

Multiple teams, ftw. :slight_smile:

Rayartz - FR sent. I’ll be on later tonight for matches. :slight_smile:

I definitely respect you for being able to use basically the entire roster. That shit is not easy…I can only use characters I like, unfortunately 90% of the roster is on my “shit list” so it’s gonna be a cold day in hell before I start using anyone else.

I’ve been playing around with Dudley lately, is MGB plus on block?

Hmmmm… Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma
just saw the intro… could this be the first Blazing game get? (WAAAYY to many damn good games coming out)
anyone suggest the series? I know abosultely nothing about it other than slick 2D designs and animation.

Roknin FR declined – just kidding I accepted, haha.

I believe LP MGB is negative on block but it’s safe (somewhere around -1 or -2).

Oh okay, I don’t know where I heard it was plus. Still pretty cool though.

BlazBlue is easy to pick up, give Persona a shot or CSEX if you’re interested.

They’re all negative on block. I know shotos can punish mp version and higher on block with Srk.