SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I have to say, Jmk is actually a good anti air not the best but it works! and there’s also Jlp 5 frame start up, 2 frames faster than the latter. I would love to share some Law set ups once I perfect them.

j.MK can be okay but I find myself getting beat by everything with it. Might just be what I use it against though. Most times if I can jump early enough, j.MP does a better job.

That said, j.MK is a great, great cross-up.

ggs to you tonight. Besides that stupid accidental Pandora activation (Salt was everywhere when that happened) I feel it was a good set of matches all of them were pretty close.

I can see you abused my lack of knowledge on the Cole match up lol. I play more on Xbox nowadays so It’s understandable. I kept getting hit by random…I forgot the name of that move. Anyways, that move is so deceiving it looks like a freaking overhead but it has to be blocked low. I decided to set my dummy to all block and it just did the move and see if the dummy blocked high or low. The dummy blocked low, so there you go. Those little 2 minutes on the lab made me realize my blocking mistakes.

I look forward to our next fight. Kroco “Awesome Cole” Cola. :slight_smile:

Yeah Elena’s pretty underated right now, the only thing that really annoys me about her is that she’s a character who’s gameplay is based largely around her pokes and yet the hitboxes on some of her normals are shorter than her limbs.
Yoshimitsu and her should start a club or something…

I think you can play Rolento or Vega and have better results if you are looking for strong poking characters. Although, I really have no clue what type of style should Elena really represent. I rarely run into any Elenas online. I actually saw more Elenas playing when the hackers were roaming wild online back when the DLC was not officially released.

I’m still to this day salty about how 12 was treated in 3S. I actually got pretty decent to twelve only to find out how shitty he was… I was already pissed off they changed almost the entire cast. When I saw how limited 12 was i dropped 3S permanently.

I messed around with Guy/Dudley. Really solid team with pretty dumb damage, but the only reason I didn’t invest more time into them is because I feel like I’m doing it wrong if I don’t have a team composed of a Street Fighter and a Tekken character.
I really need to get over that.

Just play what’s effective. I am pretty positive not a lot of people care if their team is SF themed or Tekken themed. As long as the characters work together it’s all good from there. You can always have different teams as units on your hand ready. I have a SFxT team and I have a SF team. I have yet a Tekken only team but that’s just me not wanting to invest my time looking into it.

If you think the team is solid, then run it. The only way you can possibly make a team wrong is if you have no plans for synergy or covering huge weaknesses or whatnot. You’re still going to have weaknesses in any team, it’s up to you as the player to work around those said weaknesses and deal with it.

god here we go with the “Deal with it” shit again

i need to go get some sunglasses

GGs Bunnycap and Koji. You both got some pandora setups that make me a bit jealous, I need to make one up…

on a tangent thought; I’d like to personally thank Vegaman and Bunnycap for their tutelage. I feel like you two are NPCs on the internet assigning me missions to improve my game haha. I’m glad you both are so kind, and well that it’s almost scary how bad I used to be (I think Bunnycap would notice more) So again, thank you guys. some epic amounts of manlove here

Don’t worry Xiaoyu’s got you covered!

Most random thing I have seen all day. I also heard Raven’s voice saying deal with it. Must be them shades. hehehe

I love how Xiaoyu has become the Queen of the Pictures posted in this thread. I’ll hunt down something else with her to post!

I know that, it’s just my own sort of dumb “it’s a crossover game, so I’m playing a crossover team” mind set whose origin still remains a mystery to me.
But man, Dudley has some ridiculous damage coming in from a tag-cancelled Tatsu from Guy.

My main team (until another one of my teams eclipses it) is an all SF team right now. I had that same struggle though, way back in the early goings - I just had to have an SFxTK team! I had to rep Tekken in some way!

…yeah no. :-p Play what works. If the fates guide you towards a Tekken character down the line then hey, roll with it.

I do recommend having a pocket Tekken character to play so you’re familiar with their general playstyle, but yeah, not necessary or anything IMO.


Ok maybe a little too far :P. Her cr.lk cr.mk chain is pretty unsafe, I think the only somewhat safeish one is cr.lk st.mp.

Mine and Fergus’s set is up.
Already old though…

Maximilian’s breakdown on the 2013 patch so far;


Note: If you wish to keep your sanity avoid the comments section. The haters are at it again.

Can someone test something for me? I remember in that Pandora video that Vulcan Hades (I’m pretty sure it was him) posted a while back, he demonstrated some Pandora tech…and one of the methods for comboing into it was to do Juri’s crouching heavy punch, jump cancel it, but go into Pandora during the pre-jump frames (at least that’s my understanding of how that works). So I was thinking, since the crouching heavy punch does cause quite a bit of hitstun…perhaps you could do that to combo into the Alisa Pandora loop? :badboy:

I’d test this myself, but…I suck at doing that trick, and I don’t have access to Alisa at the moment. :frowning: