SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Man you guys have some good goals. I just go on rank and head to endless as soon as my bp is +whatever it was before I got on xD

When I first got to 5K I was all like “and now I’ll stop playing ranked and just train until I’m ready to take on 10k”. But the next time I played…

looks for endless lobby
joins a game with two C ranks and four more open slots
waits 6 minutes for his turn
get’s kicked

“Well, ranked isn’t that bad is it?”

Cough* Anti-Rog tech *Cough
Chun Li owns this has been boxer all day.

Edit for rank talk
I don’t play much ranked myself - I find the grind to attain a particular point total or label a hinderance and focusing too much on the points you are losing or gaining as opposed to focusing on the fight. Too many players will play scared to lose rather than play to win.
Of course the higher you get in ranked the more quality the competition you’re hopefully paired with.
I suppose if you just play and not care about points you may have more enjoyment, but why not play ranked?

I do however run into the wait in the lobby 6 minutes only to get kicked when it is my turn BS, which I usually report the player for unsportsmen like conduct in my rage. They were about to get raped and they know it…

Whats Chuns best AA?

I think he needs a gameplan lol D:

I play Balrog…


…maybe not that well yet but I do play him…

down-forward LK, you have to time it perfectly

You guys talking about Balrog are pretty clueless. He’s good in this game, and as a matter of fact, Eduardo said he would have mained him in SFxT, because he thought he was good, but he didn’t want to play the same character in SF4 and SFxT because it can be confusing due to completely different play styles and combos, which is exactly the case here.

The people that think Balrog is bad in this game are either the people who just go by what they’ve heard without actually looking at things themselves, or the people that tried to play Balrog and thought this was SF4 v2. Essentially, if you’re still doing c.LP as the basis of your Balrog, you’re doing it wrong.

By changing his c.LP to 4f in SFxT, the result is that his c.LK becomes almost strictly better. Same startup, better advantage on hit/block, and hits low. The only things c.LP does better now is that they’re chainable to other lights, and they have more range, which isn’t relevant when you’re pressuring up close. Besides c.LK, he has cl.HK, c.MK, and cl.MP/MK which are good frame trap tools to help give his pressure some variety. Somewhat surprisingly, he also has a good CADC, considering his charge move is…well, a charge move.

But pressure isn’t his strong suit anyway; Balrog is a footsies beast. He has a great set of bufferable pokes. You can pretty much buffer any poke just outside its range into s.HP, and even s.HK or s.HP themselves are amazing pokes buffered into launch. s.LP and c.MK specifically are nice pokes and are fast enough to be backed up by his c.HP AA which is still extremely solid in this game. Beyond that, in matchups where the other character mainly relies on standing pokes during footsies, s.HP gets extremely powerful because on standing CH, the crumple leads to 400-450 damage meterless with an optional switch.

Besides footsies, Balrog is an amazing point character because he has a lot of reliable ways to switch out safely. Any poke into cross rush does the trick, obviously. So does any combo into Headbutt (or just AA Headbutt) since you can juggle into launch. Forward throw is a safe tag, which is very significant (and also doubles as a free CH store if you’d prefer). Really just need to get out? How about just MP Dash Punch xx switch, which is nearly complete blockstun to your incoming character’s jab (that means it’s very safe). It’s like one of those switch cancels where you have frame advantage and they have to reversal to stop you.

Don’t sleep on this character, he is a wall of a point, and does good damage on top of it. His reversal options aren’t the best, but this is somewhat common among point characters when they don’t have DPs.

Ever play Bryan and miss the LP>knee/super after fish hook or Rekka…

Fuvk online sometimes.

Yep, I can’t use Bison in here at all. It conflicts with my AE timing. :frowning:

4F c.LK link timing vs 3F c.LK link timing are worlds different for me.

I think Bison is alright in here too, I just haven’t properly unlocked the right playstyle to use him. Devil’s Reverse is a stronger offensive tool in this game because there’s no focus attacks to counter it. Only strong anti airs.

Ahhh… the smell of Ryan bodying people in the morning.
Also if you think Rog is weak in this game, I suggest you send a friend request to Robot_Cop (aka Cyborg_Cop) on PSN and prepare yourself.

Yooooooo, man this Robot. It was my first time facing Rog in any game, I was just zoning and zoning and he just waited I jumped in…I hate a fully charged turned punch and with Cole that pretty much means death man. I proceeded to get bodied afterwards on the second round. Rog is an amazing character, completely being sleeped on, one of the best footsie characters in the game, I would use him If I didn’t suck so much at charging.

Same for me and using Juri and Cammy in AE - just not going to happen anymore, gets way too confusing.

As for Rog… Having played some good dedicated Rogs as well as Ryan’s a while back… Yeah Rog is no joke. He out-pokes everything. A good Rog can put up a frightening wall that hits back pretty damn hard.

Augh mah gawd, people need to learn to use Law, the more I use him the more I realize this turkey is straight up broken I LOVE IT. No anti air you say, I get 1 bar for every combo I land :stuck_out_tongue: alpha counter your jumping ass for free and If I got two bars tag cancel that for 300 damage. The more I play with Ray the more I realize that I have been playing this game too safe, gotta go nuts!

Thanks for the info. I actually thought he didn’t main him because Balrog at times seems weak or too different. I can see why he did that though. Playing the exact same character on both games can get pretty confusing and also boring since you are limiting yourself by character loyalty. Thanks for the info. I will make sure to quote you on this for anyone interested in Rog. I still think there’s better charge characters in this game. But that is just my opinion. I see far more potential on Vega and Bison as point characters. However, as I stated it’s how I perceive it.

Nothing wrong with that. I think the tone of my post was necessary. That’s how discussions and debates get started. However, I thought something was wrong with this character since the amount of representation he gets its not high. Also, about the turn punch charge off screen do you have to keep on holding to the 3 Kicks or 3 punches while you are playing your point character (solo play)? If not then that tactic is only practical on pair play then. :frowning:

Yeah I believe that’s only practical for pair play; have to keep all three buttons held. Juri’s Fuhajin (store) works the same way (also making it fairly impractical when solo).

And people say pair play is a joke and a gimmick. I believe on certain set ups and strategies pair play is the way to go. Also, I am a believer that in tournaments you should allow both solo players and teams. However, the prize money should stay the same. You are forced with the decision of using a pair play effective team for less money or just going solo for that full cash. I think it’s good to give people those options.

Crumble into P. Alisa doesn’t work because in the time between Pandora and the crumble, the enemy is just going to restand right after and jump right over the thruster loops. Also, I can’t lost access or quick access into it because those normals are too goddamn slow and again, the enemies will just restand and Alisa is piss easy to alpha counter. Asuka has the advantage up close against Lili, but any farther and suddenly you have the complete advantage. Lili moves faster, her normals comeout faster, and Asuka only has one reliable AA that requires spending a bar. Leg cutter is a no go cause its mad slow and you keep jumping over it, and jumping on you is a stupid idea cause of adante. So yeah, this team has it faults, like the fact that Alisa is slow and relies a lot on DES for pressure and her dp is slooooooooow. But I’m having too much fun to stop now.

I hate when my EX Sunflower Lance ends up missing the last 2 follow-up hits causing me to reset myself and eating a DP or whatever combo my opponent has in store for me because of it. I swear I can’t count how many times I’ve lost matches because of that happening to me. I really wished it wasn’t so “hit-or-miss” as an anti-air.

Why aren’t you using Andante into whatever?