SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I got lasik last month so no more glasses for me

You ol’ Hip-hipster you. :-p

dudleys does

Anyone else completely drop AE or do most of you still play it?

I still play it. I do still like it overall even if I do like this game more.

However, if Yang was in SF X TK I probably would drop AE entirely. Yang is the only reason that I’m still playing AE. :smiley:

I definitely dropped that game. My main character has become a whore and I refuse to play the game just for her. I’m rose every once and awhile, but I don’t see myself putting the AE disc in of my own accord

SFxT vita drops next week.

I’m going to body people while in the toilet.

D-pad with my thumb and swiping with the rear touch pad on one hand and clutching my ass cheek in the other while I drop a log trap.

anyone know if DS3 is compatable with Vita?

AE is still my main game, it’s pretty much AE and Marvel being played here.

I’m playing a lot of TTT2 recently, Miharu is so much fun but seems like a lot of effort for low reward, but nonetheless been waiting a long time for her so I’m really happy with what I have, also camera throw is best throw.

Yo man, don’t underestimate the Australian FGC. All people play down here is SF4 and Marvel.
Well, yeah, we play Tekken, too, but I gave up on XBL TTT2 because just about everyone on there is way free, so playing there was actually making me worse at the game.

AE is my main game and the game I enjoy the most. Quite frankly i’m dropping SFxT… slowly but surely.

The only time I ever touch AE is if I’m at a friend’s house and they’re up for a game. IV gave me a lot of good times, but after playing SFxT there’s no way I can go back.

Speaking of good times, I got some serious matchup experience against Dhalsim today. I still know very, very little what to do during teleport shenanigans (playing as Sagat), and right now the only solution I’ve come up with is “jump around a lot.” It feels like Dhalsim bodies Sagat in a lot of aspects.

I’m playing bits of everything. No real main game.


Miharu ain’t too bad if you’re a Xiaoyu player. I can’t wait to team both of them up when I get done perfecting my main team.

I still play it. Its fun. Hate how stiff I feel playing that game though. Bison feels like a robot (no pun intended).

I hated SF4 more and more as I tried to get better. I kept finding stuff that I didn’t like, had disagreements with certain mechanics. SFxT was a godsend for me. Not perfect, but hey…as long as I enjoy it, there’s no need to look back.

Yoooo~…erm, I mean…classy avatar you got there, old chap!

Hipster glasses, eh?



I have no fucking clue why I just made that…

I have a name you know!

Also I’ve had some fun with my day 3 Xiaoyu online, and surprisingly, abusing her mixups and a nice little crossup setup I stole off of YouTube, I have yet to recieve any hatemail for it. Instead, people seem to be having fun with it. I was playing against a Ryu/Law, who was on mic, and by the end of the match, I quite literally heard him sing the “Yaa-haa!” song along with her. My question is to you guys. Is Xiaoyu just too adorable to hate?

I still play it but rarely. Truth be told, I kinda’ dropped it when KOF XIII came out because I was bored with it then, though I still think it’s a great game and I do enjoy watching AE matches.

However, after playing this and TTT2 online, I simply cannot stand SF4 online anymore. So I’ll only play it when I go to locals or when I have get-togethers with friends who want to play it, where that evil wizard known as Input Lag doesn’t try to screw me over every other minute.

SFxT is my main fg, enjoying it the most.

Yes. Even when I get hit by Cyanide and I want to swear and throw things… I can’t. :frowning:

I think your avatar can answer that question. :wink:

To be honest, I don’t hate any of the characters in this game. Not even Blanka. I don’t know what it is…in SF4 I hated at least half the cast. In this game I like everyone. :wonder: