SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

The one in December is an open tournament in the UK .

I meant the San Fancisco finals. Edited last post for clarification

And thats what i said, the one that qualifies u directly to san francisco is the one in the uk.

“Now Juri I want you show us on this doll exactly where Guy touched you…”

I am almost positive the tournament in Paris also is a qualifier to San Francisco? It is listed as that on http://www.streetfighter25.com/en/tournaments/

Who should I contact to clear this up? Who is in charge of the Paris tournament?

I’m trying to figure this out too right now.
Been looking at that site and http://www.streetfightercup.com and everything looks like San Fran spots will be awarded in Paris as well, and that the London tourney is a separate one that’s got nothing to do with the MSE.

The http://www.streetfighter25.com/en/tournaments/ also only has 7 qualifying tourneys. So two spots are missing from the finals. That’s what led me to believe that there are two separate qualifiers in Paris.

0_0 , there are 2 qualifiers for san francisco , 1 in paris , 1 in uk , wow guys lol . The 8th qualifier is the one in japan.

Ok that about sums it up. Thanks.

Are any of Codys chains unsafe :rofl:

Alisa pandora?

There are some general rules to pandora success.

Wall bounce moves are the best, they track straight to your incoming character if you time it right.

If your character has to cut in a few steps back, any vacuum move or forward shifting attacks within a good time frame should tag the bouncee.

Well, I’m hoping to have the two “In the Lab” episodes for Abel up by this weekend…is there any character that anyone would like to see me use next? So far I’ve done Akuma and Guile, and I won’t be doing one on Ken or Heihachi since they’re my mains.

So far I’ve gotten requests for Vega and Bison…any other non-DLC characters you’d all like to see?

to all who liked my post and wished me luck for competing in a Tag themed tourney over the weekend
It was single elimination must win 2 times so if you go 1-1 it caused a reset situation, interesting but took awhile. Also no gems could be selected, I was a little bumbed there, cause I’m a meter gem whore.

a solid 32 person turn out (some were teams though I think 6 one guy was on two teams; WTF?) The bracket itself ended up being 18

First round I fought the winner of the UMVC3 tourney who used Ryu x Akuma
he clearly didn’t have a good grasp of X Tk’s mechanics but still posed enough threat to be careful and not pressure too much. That with nerves aside my execution in the first round was garbage!!! but I won that is enough for me.

Second round down to 8 entries two were teams I get the luck of fighting one of the teams.
so 2 on 1 it is. facing off against Kazuya x Geif; My execution was much more solid and thankfully I manage to land one of my big damage corner combos against Geif that put him down. My girls have to hit him millions of times for that dude to lay down but he only has to hit me three times!
Kazuya player was wayyy to jump and Juri laughed at his ignorance. A really nice Kasatushi cross up combo finished out this round
Truly Juri carried my ass in this fight as Chun had a hard time going offensive - they knew the match up well.

Final Four
My girls finally worked truly together and thankfully so. squaring off against Cammy x Sakura a pretty interesting team, the only girl in the tourney definately had some lab time under her belt and beat me in a close first fight. Thankfully too I didn’t really feel anything when I got beat just like oh well
BUT she did started our the rounds the same way. SO Daigo method – data assimilated, waited for the hooligan opener, punished accordingly and scored the tournies first Perfect riding that momentum I forced the reset. She switched to Cammy x King and I could tell she was nervous but the button presses.
and I pressured the heck out of King’s wake up with Jump cancels and resets out the ass securing my sport in the finals

Totally didn’t expect to get here - I always feel there are better people out there you never know about until you go to something like this. I had been watching this guy in the corner of my eye using Julia (his tekken main) x Cody (his SF main). I knew if started with Cody on point I wanted Chun but if he started with Julia I wanted Juri on point. So he just sat there at the select screen moving the stick around trying to play mind games. about 10 seconds in I said fuck it picked Chun Juri like normal and he picked Cody Julia. Score! I like that starter match up.
He played Cody a lot like SSF4 but he still understood the XTk mechanics really well, major downside he too knew the Chun match up really well but not so much Juri.
The fight started and I immediately smoked him with Chun st. Hk (something I probably won’t be able to do in 2013 when they fix the ‘fight’ logo)
I rushed like an idiot wanting to apply pressure only to get laid out and had to play the defensive game, thankfully be left a small gap in his block strings- not sure if was trying to throw or just not timing a move right but it game me the chance to go offensive again and get Juri so Chun could rest up.
He tried like hell to get Cody out but Juri wasn’t going to let that happen. second round he started out too anxious going for Cody’s slide kick so Chun N. J punished. This round led to a timeout unfortunately as the fight drug on we played pretty smart micro managing our health bars but I was up 1-0
he switched to Julia on point so I swtich to Juri on point, turns out I probably shouldn’t have done that as Juri got hurt pretty quick and Chun couldn’t play Rocky and come back so a few rounds later it was 1-1. He kept his team order, I switched back to Chun on point and that when I really noticed he wasn’t sure how to approach Chun with Julia so I had to capitlize, foolishly I ate a few wake up DPs from Julia but at the very end of the third round I went to pressure her wake up assuming he’d DP again instead he tech rolled putting Chun in perfect Jump cancel position landed a hard hitting Cl.St.Hk xx LLegs tagged Juri in for her nasty corner setup fuhajin store- tag Chun back in and finshed the fight in epic fashion
long story short


Also competed in the DOA5 tourney using Tina and Mila but with a 16 player field I only got past the first round (BARELY!) where the same guy I beat for the X Tk tourny beat me the second round using Jann Lee and Hitomi – they hit hella hard!

Nice, congrats man!

Thanks a lot! and thanks a ton for all the likes again!
So glad my Chun Li x Juri team could perform as well as they did. The tourney was really well ran and the mix of characters made it really interesting.
There was more hype for Sf X Tk than UMVC3 and TTT2 combined. DOA5 had fewest competitors as the final game played but it had the biggest audience, easily 70 or so specatators in the room watching and a FANTASTIC Xaiyou cosplayer (gorgeous girl, I had to remind myself how old I am and how young she probably was). pretty awesome! DOA5 is very solid and fun game - it is really hard to make room for these two games, haha!

Love your Omar dogan avatar Roknin, Juri is sooo hot with her hair down, I demand Capcom making that an option

No pics?! I am disappoint. :frowning:

By the time I figured out your habits, you will have adjusted to me and I’d still be behind. I can give it a shot but you’re clearly just… better than me lol

Information about Japan’ s qualifier are here :

Top 8 next week :
Yukimura (Ryu/Kazuya) vs. Akitaya (Dhalsim/Alisa)
Inco (Rufus/Hwoarang) vs. Shiba (Cody/Rufus)
MCZ|Tokido (Dhalsim/Cody) vs. MOV (Dhalsim/JACK-X)
Kyonuma (Alisa/Juri) vs. EG|Momochi (Cody/Rufus)

But I ask myself about Tokido ,now he won in Brazil what about his place on Japan’s finals?

I heard something about Tokido being DQ’ed as he already qualified for San Francisco in Brazil this weekend.

Am I the only one who goes on Event Hubs for the 2013 update to look at the comments for entertainment value? I don’t know about anyone else but I just find the comments from the most of the haters to be really funny.

If ignorance is bliss then some of these people must be the happiest people on the planet. :smiley:

Again, shoutouts to The Juri Art thread for posting it, I hadn’t seen it until I randomly dropped in there… and I agree 100%. The mods I used in AE PC for her all had her hair down. :slight_smile:

Huge fan of Omar’s work as well, someday soon I’ll be at that level. :rock:

I thought this tournament was separate from the overall series? I’m probably wrong about that though.