SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

thats what happens when u blink when watching a match with a really good player and a fraud :coffee:

Sounds like you missed a chance to make some money.

Step 1: "Betting on time outs? I’ll bet less than 1. Any takers?"
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Buy big dinner, courtesy of morons.

please for the love of god Capcom fix the damn matchmaking!!!

Me and my friend have been trying to find a game for the last 15minutes!!!

smh. glad sfxt went up when it did. Thank you jibbo for showing the lemmings what high level sfxt play is all about. I’m humbled to have played you. You’ve given me higher desire to keep on improving.

http://www.twitch.tv/rvafighters/b/334692655 @ 2:38:00 ish

Talking about the people that were there.

Thanks Jibbo!

What do you guys think of a Poison/Bryan team? I am currently experimenting.

good team. back to ryan’s point about point characters. these two are good point characters but if it were me def poison on point in certain matches and bryan on point on certain matches. It’s solely up to whomever you feel the most comfortable with on point and match up experience.

You’re right that the game can be selling a lot more copies and more people have started playing online because of the 25th. I’m really just an offline guy though, tournaments are the reason I play. So what I mean is the game still hasn’t had a breakout event to get more people out to real life gatherings. I’m not even an ‘old school OG’ player, I play online quite a bit, but sticking to XBL as opposed to playing in real tournaments is more like giving up to me.

just do what i’ve been saying to do for the longest time go out and support.
Jibbo gave 20 bucks of his own money to the pot bonus and i gave 5 bucks more. We got 16 ppl easily and more wanted to join but we closed it, well jibbo did.
Money is sadly what drives a lot of people to play games. The idea of sfxt is to use your noggin. There is no marvel 3 zero may cry team. Every team has a chance. Smart players win. Fun is always had. Jibbo was rocking my face off but i was learning and having fun. It’s made me want to improve my overall meta game. People were considering giving sfxt a second chance even, we even convinced the richmond tourney organizer to put sfxt back on the ballot! You just gotta go out there and fight for it people.

I will say this before i pass out of lack of sleep…i expect to see a lot of you at NEC. I want to see west coast sfxt vs east coast sfxt grudge match. You guys may have tatsu but we got jibbo, ryan hunter, and will08. I like them against west coast finest and that’s a call out. You guys ain’t shit =)

I just watched JiBbo’s ‘set’, if we can call it that. Wow, what an ass kicking! Seeing that, hearing Huoshen say "RyRy, you just f*cked up, made me chuckle and desire this game even more! How I wish my disk didn’t crack.

No traveling for me until after the holidays (saving to go see my family, already skipped my summer visit :().

After that I’m visiting Cali in February-ish to start scouting for a new place to live, possibly San Fran or San Diego areas… and preferably some place where I don’t have to pay 3k a month for rent. >__>

If uh, anyone has any leads/ideas on that… :wink:

That said, I’m going to make a better effort to attend local stuff in AZ and drag my setup with me now that my Saturdays are freed up once more.

I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding a cheap copy anywhere. You can even hit up the trading outlet on SRK and maybe get away with a copy for $10 or $15 lol

Sorry I had to miss that, man. I’m sure the hype gems would be fully active in that match if I was there.

Seriously though, big shoutout to Jibbo and juri_kills_friend for running the side tournament and finding enough people to play for a decent payout. I had to fight to get that PS3 setup up when the event started, but once I did there were quite a few people who gravitated towards it like a bug zapper. There was a SICK Marduk player from my county who came to play it, and thanks to not having any clue what to do in that matchup since I never see him online safe but once, I got rocked big time. Still, I did get a lot of wins that I’m proud of against people that clearly knew what they were doing, and that I think should be a sign of progress. The fact that I got a win in on Ryry should say how much I’ve leveled up since Civil War, and I really think if I showed a little more patience and better judgment of spacing like Jibbo was telling me, I could have won that set: many thanks to Jibbo and juri_kills_friend for being patient with me and telling me exactly where I was going wrong. The one match I did win during the tournament was against a Guile/Hugo player, and I could tell immediately he didn’t really understand what the game was truly about: I just had to exercise patience and sure enough, I was able to raw launch Guile’s c.HK on reaction and jump all over Hugo.

I cannot describe how trippy it was for the General of the Defense Force to be playing on my PS3. Thanks again to everyone who participated.

Very nice work Jibbo! And congratulations! You were dropping a lot of combos actually, and you still blasted through that grand final like it was arcade mode on easy!:stuck_out_tongue:

Holy SFxT overload batman!!!


5 streams at the same time of SFxT 25th anniversary Japan tournament!

Edit: Seems to be an archive not a stream lol! No the less, the first link I posted is the main stream and contains 4-5 hrs of footage

Edit2: Holy hell Tokido has 44k bp in this game!

I’d like to draw attention to the reference to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Obviously Jibbo’s stream.

Read from eventhubs that MOV has taken my team Sim and Jack (But plays Jack on point it seems). I am happy that it was MOV, since after Jibbo talking about the MOV incident at EVO, I am convinced he cares about this game! Now if I only could find some footage!

Edit: Found footage! He plays Sim on point like me, and he almost plays as good as me:P I’ll see if I can pick up some tech! Japanese players picking up Sim makes happy;)

Just got it. I’m back, and boy does it feel good. :slight_smile:

That one dude at the end. “RyRy, you just got fucked up!” That just summed it up so well.

Is it a Lili specific thing to always style? >_<