SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

LMAO that was sooo ridiculously free

lol that was fast. Good shit Jibbo.

whoa, ive been workin on law a bit and im pretty sure u can get some amazing damage, with the amount of hard hits law can put in a combo

guess what guys, Jibbo won with NO jab pressure, or NO time outs! lmaoooo my sides!!!

What’s the file format of your external hard drive? You may encounter problems if it is still in FAT32.

I’m thinking Law/King or something silly. I want a versatile point char, tag in someone to wipe the floor and then get out.

Heh, if you want a versatile point character, I don’t think you wanna be playing Law on point. I used to think Law was a good point character just by the virtues of good footsies, and the sheer amounts of meter he builds. But now that I know more characters, I see that he really is limited in certain aspects, and if you can’t work with those limitations, he’s better suited for anchor. I think he can still work as point, but you have to accept his weaknesses and play around them. In other words, you kind of have to play a little over-aggressive to force your footsies and avoid jump ins. This is perfectly fine, but is by no means “versatile,” which is why I’m bringing it up.

Overall, I think Law’s pressure is better than his neutral game, which is again why I think he’s better suited as anchor. But, he’s one of those chars, like Jin for instance, that can be played in either slot, if your other character is more “forced” into a slot. Your idea for Law/King is a perfect example.

Yeah, I’ve been using Law since day -5. He’s good all around and there’s a few glaring weaknesses some characters can exploit. I’m only sticking to him because I’ve put in a lot of time with him and I want to just swap out one new character to learn and pair up at a time.

What characters would you suggest on point?

Can always rely on Ryan to drop some knowledge :slight_smile:

…yeah it was free. Jibbo showed sfxt. Jibbo def helped me see I need to improve hard. Had fun

Fuck I forgot to unpause the stream and I missed it while playing matches/talking fuck!!! :crybaby:


Good stuff JiBbo!

God I hate that little green troll. Also, I learned today that Cammy crap all over Alisa’s close and mid range game, forcing me back.

It hurts me to say it but, I hate Cammy. At least I do in this game.

Will there forsure be SFxT players?

No, there will not. I am the only sfxt player in Berkeley. But feel free to find out, I could be wrong. But as fars as I know those guys only care for marvel.

Gotta love that feel when you have been zoned out all match, u finally get in and get some momentum and then “a communication error has occured” FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

Crowd monsters were talking about betting on time outs. Grand finals were over before they even realized. Idiots.

lmao i didn’t hear them say anything about time outs all i heard was people saying “wow i wanna give sfxt a chance now, that went by REALLY fast”

Haven’t watched the match yet, but based on the comments here you have curb-stomped your opponent. Congratulations you taught them a lesson out there. :smiley:

I missed it.