SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Every champ starts losing at their beginnings… so don’t let this shit screw you over, Fergus-san.

Keep improving. You did great - and you’ll only be better as of now, if you keep practicing. So, don’t give up.

Plus, if you wanna that SFxT stays healthy at your state, you gotta support your scene, right? So keep playing.

I wonder what this game would be like with a 4 frame reversal window.

I’ll see about still supporting the game, it’s just gonna be difficult trying to play it in this country as it’s basically me and maybe 1-2 other people that are interested and even then those 2 people only dabble in the game.

There’s definitely not gonna be any tournaments anyway unless I run one for it.

I was literally one ex falling rain AA from making winners finals, and I messed up the input and died, it’s really disheartening, because he had Ryu/Gief and I had to work my ass off to do anything and it just all flopped when I got mad and lost my huge lead of 1 match and 1 round, and our match was hyped up for a while so there was a lot of expections from me because he doesn’t really play the game and gets wins with Ryu/Gief and it annoys me and I spent countless hours in training mode and online perfecting my team and still got Gief’ed out. I had loads of tech to use vs DP tag and Gief in general but it all flew out of my head when I got frustrated and just started playing bad.

W/e I’m salty, I’ll come back in an hour with a clear mind .


That’s Ladnopoka for you!

I’ll go if I dont get called into work tomorrow. Any idea of who plays sfxt up there?

Also Fergus, I’d support your decision either way. I’m going to keep it real. On one hand you’ll want to improve on what you did wrong so you can win the next big SFxT event you attend and help build a scene in your area. On the other hand, it’s also not realistic to expect the popularity for this game to suddenly spike so you can guarantee all your effort will even be worth it.

Personally I’ve spent a lot of time and a lot of money trying to drag people in NorCal to play since June. It’s been very mentally taxing running an entire tournament series in my city, and traveling multiple times a week just to have only one or two people show up to a session. Many people, myself included, have just been hoping that if you keep working with a very small loyal group of players things will look up. It has KIND OF gotten better in my area with the effort TZA and I have been putting forth but at some point a lot of the other die hard supporters of the game are going to run into the same dillema you’re in: keep putting forth all this effort even if it might not pay off or just cut your losses? And that miracle patch to save the game people keep on talking about… If 12 additional characters, a free Capcom-run tournament with huge prize support including a CAR can’t get people to play then you sure as hell better believe a “balance” patch won’t suddenly make people jump back on. I’m not trying to be a pessimist, I mean I’ve been supporting the game hardcore since release. I’m just being realistic. I wish you the best whatever you decide to do.

No one. Not a single person. The people that were at STA thursday know the people there but those guys are too busy to make it out to anything. Everyone else just plays marvel and AE, but mostly marvel.

Play will continue so long as there are people who support it.

There isn’t really anything that I can say about your performance that hasn’t already been said but you showed the determination needed to win at a high level of play.

Losing mental strength is something most people struggle with at high levels. The best way to deal with it is to apply the following mentality in my opinion:

‘No matter what happens, that next round, that next game will be mine!’ :nunchuck:

Sometimes you just can’t help getting pissed at stuff that you have studied up on especially if it’s against Ryu and Gief.

And also the fact that you gained 4th with Asuka. Ok I understand 4th is a crap position for most because it isn’t top 3 but at the same time, you did that with Asuka and what you did at that place may have changed people’s perceptions about the game and on top of this, you may have made some new acquaintances whilst you were at it.

So don’t let the loss get to you that much besides, it will be the turn of us Londoners to face our bitter, eternal rivals in December soon :tup: (or at least I think that it’s in December) so you may see me in your position after I probably say to this thread (or probably general discussion 4 or 5) of possibly how quickly I died in one match.

…Or about how I should just stop making premonitions like that before my first ever entry into a competitive tournament has even begun :sweat:

Bwahaha so guys i learned even more Hwoarang mixups, even my mixups have mixups now :), also i wish this game had a top players list like the ssf4 jap arcades do, so i can be one of the top ranked hwoarang players and make it official lol

My area doesn’t include this game in ranbats, and it will only be run at our major if we have enough people (25) so I can relate to this.

I share those sentiments.

Ok gf is ryry vs jibbo. East coast sfxt! Tune in to rva fighters. I’ll commentating.

Channel description:
“Home to all of your favorite Capcom Fighting Games such as Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom and Street Fighter x Tekken.
Watch all of the Street Fighter 25th Global Tournaments live and stay tuned for new and exciting content!”

I don’t know about y’all…but this sounds very intriguing to me. I’m gonna stick around, keep playing SFxT, and “stay tuned” for whatever Capcom has up their sleeve for this new twitch fighting game channel. Maybe they have more events in store. Maybe not. If any of y’all want to bail, go ahead. Play what you want, that’s my motto.

Anyways, I’m starting to care less and less about fickle “local scenes” and “tournaments” that represent a tiny portion of the actual gaming population. A few months ago KOF13 and Skullgirls were the greatest things going, and now you barely hear about them. I wonder if P4A and DOA5 will follow suit. Hell, will TTT2 follow suit? While usually a sure fire hit, sales in Japan have thus far been substantially less than T6 in the same time period. Who knows about sales in the west. Who knows about anything in this genre anymore? Things aren’t always as they seem on the surface. And, as long as Marvel is viewed as the most popular fighting game in “local scenes” and “tournaments”, when it actually ISN’T the most popular fighitng game in terms of, umm, REALITY…then screw “local scenes” and “tournaments”. They’re fraudulent. Filled with misinformation, intolerance, and peer pressure.

Thank God for online.

But, that’s the thing. It HAS. Online has been more populated since all this stuff. Plus, the price drops over the past month or so, also have increase interest in the game.

Apparently, “local scenes” and “local tournaments” are the only true indicators of interest in a given fighting game.

Says who? This isn’t 2000. You don’t HAVE to have a “local scene” to find people who play this game. In the year 2012, you have online. Like it or not, online is how people play video games these days.

Damnit, I really wanna see your Hwo in action :frowning:

Soon grand finals in sfxt of Jibbo vs RyRy here: http://no.twitch.tv/rvafighters/

After Marvel 3, JiBBo is gonna make quick werk of RyRy.

Tekkens sales don’t mean much, considering the games been out for over a year and the game is played in arcades for the most part. Exceptions are made with stuff like SF4 and Persona/Blazblue, with the former being a reboot to an otherwise ‘dead’ franchise, and P4/BB printing money like it’s no ones business.

man i wish new york didnt despise this game soo much i would enter EVERYTHING lol

also, after reading the previous discussion thread, what happened to all those people that played this game @_@ did they leave?

I swear everyone’s a closet SFxT lover.

I need a new SFxT team. Getting demolished online because Nina and Law doesn’t have great damage together.

Aight, I’m calm now, thanks for the kind words everyone.