SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Vega is…a weird one. Because of rolls i have no idea how to approach the matchup. So hard to catch, and stupid online makes his moves unpunishable.

Auto-combos or whatever they’re called are fucking stupid.

So guys, I finally made it. I’m a B rank. And I’m hesitant to go any farther in ranked because of the litany of boredom and bs that is the top 5 in the game.

GGs Bro! Really Enjoyed the matches. Yes I know it was just mainly all whiff punishes and what not but I mean I use Bison so I had to pick my poison against Chun. You had some great whiff punishes. Some I didnt even know where possible. Like doing a move from max range and then using her long pokes to reach me. That over head move recovers so fast! But atleast you can backdash out of it and punish it! It was mainly first hit wins and it was good that we did take some high risk. I personally am a risk taker and I like to do stuff that people think I wont do. Especially when the match is on the line. GGs none the less! Next time I’m going with my Law/Lei Team! Still need to improve on them!


Honestly you can be creative in this game. Use your imagination as corny as that sounds. It will get you far. I play alot of mind games with people. Tends to work.

Oh yeah, Good couple of matches to Songi! Very nice Xiaoyu/Lili!

I can not fight Xyke’s team. I never have any idea of what’s happening and what’s safe.

Haven’t fought him yet. Was about to but I had to leave and the match froze. One day!

Thanks man, you Law/Lei is boss! Lol I honestly don’t fight Lei enough and with your footsies knowledge you really made him look strong. I really suck when it comes to reading certain jump set-ups that skilled players use.

I wish I could’ve fought his team again but my connection wasn’t gonna allow that to happen. Honestly Endless doesn’t like me at all. I probably would’ve got destroyed because my defense sucks ass.

you can launcher RCF if you see it coming. You have to apply constant pressure and maintain life lead when fighting him.

Lei really is a strong character. I’m learning something new with him everyday! His mixup tools are second to none in my opinion. He has something for everything.

But thanks. Cody’s J.RH seems…weak in this game. Keeps getting beat out by everything

If anyone wants Lei practice then HMU.

Quick question.

Iron wall or fortitude?

Neither, both gems promote lame tactics and aren’t doing anything positive for the game.

Yeah you definitely have to stop doing that so much. From what I’ve experienced, Xiaoyu’s Jabs apply enough pressure to where you could jab, jab, backdash, bait them to jump and then get into a combo from there. Raw Launcher is cool, but it will get you blown up. Happened to me and Will08 in our first to 5 today.

Both. I tend to get hit with Supers alot so I put Iron wall on for Bison. But then I put Fortitude on for getting hit with normals. I change my gems depending on what characters I’m playing against though.

So what? Play to win.

I really need to work on my jab pressure. I just can’t seem to make it where my junk is airtight. I get blown out of every single normal I toss out as Xiaoyu…pretty annoying. I’ll try to limit my raw launcher use but sometimes I just can’t help it when someone is spamming the hell out of cr. normals.

I find Fortitude is better than Iron Wall, but both are outclassed by Vitality.

I hate Chun! She kicks my ass. Always!