SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

dyanamic heel pressure??? hmmm

Actually I just thought about exactly that today. I know that my Gief but especially my Duds need feedback. I run way too much autopilot and I think something like that would really help me out.
Go for it!

Yeah her command dash mixups are fun to block online lol.

Hey, Doc. Our thread now exists! Feel free to post your match video. And everybody else, whether you’re a D+ or a Grandmaster, be sure to check out the critique thread, I believe it could be useful for us all, and I’d love to see our follow players help each other grow. :slight_smile:

I’ll check it for you.

There’s a replay in the Rankings section where he uses 3 Fortitude Level 1 gems.

1st: Get hit by 2 special moves. (091)
2nd: Get hit by a combo over 5 hits. (104)
3rd: Get hit by 4 normal moves. (082)

The ultimate “time-out” set-up ugh…o_O

after reading the event hubs article on the update I have to say that the comment section is like a billion times worse than SRKs. My eyes were burning…BURNING!! and its awesome to know, to be relevant we need to have tech pouring from the community 24/7.

Games with Fergus. Raw Launcher mixups for all!

Had an offline set, raw launchers are so much fun, empty jump raw launcher, walk up raw launcher, blockstring walk for full second, raw launcher, whiff divekick raw launcher, best thing ever.

Maaaaan I really wanna work on my Hwoarang for a just a bit today, might have to put this essay on hold for just half an hour.:wink:

Or with Alisa - cr.hp CADC throw.
And then when you teach him to block, launch. Then pause the game for 5 minutes of laughing!

I have like 70 tabs open and a lot of them are from srk. Do you think the ads on those tabs could be the ones that are lagging me?(the video ads)


It’s quite possible. These ads are pretty toxic on this site.

What browser do you use? Cause, at least with Chrome, you can disable flash on particular websites or set them to allow only. It makes viewing SRK a lot easier for me.

how ?

Go to settings,
show advanced settings,
under privacy settings, there’s contents settings,
then go to plug-ins,
manage exceptions,
add shoryuken.com/forum, and set to ask.
Or disallow, but that would mean you can’t see embedded youtube videos on this site at all.

syntax, thy name is mousefire.

o boy, dominating heel mixups are soo damn troll

is this the start of the hwoarang army??