SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Could anyone do me a favor and check out what gems Tokido are using for Dhalsim when playing online on psn? You can check during replays in pause menu, but I only have xbox. I think his nick is zet-familia.

I’m going to go against the grain here but I really think people are not doing themselves any favours by thinking of a team as point and anchor like this was Marvel. Of course you’re giving a character like King an advantage by placing him in 2nd spot so he comes into play off a tag and not starting from neutral but, I hate to state the obvious… once your ‘anchor’ is tagged in, he is now your ‘point’ and will most likely be point several times over (if you’re tagging frequently). This notion of getting an anchor in and then out straight away is idealistic theory-fighter imo. Not to mention, you really need that 2nd character’s health bar. You’re not going to win matches with one character sitting on the sidelines. As I said, there definitely is merit giving one character a head start coming in from a tag but let’s not get carried away. With players swapping places frequently and rolls giving some escape options on wakeup, you really need to be able to play both characters from a neutral position so choosing a team based around the point/anchor concept seems iffy to me. This isn’t Marvel where you go through a set 1-2-3 sequence.

Failing that, pick Ryu & Cody and not give a shit.

Oh, really? The random scrubs on XBL ranked aren’t advancing the game? Tell me more. I could log on AE on XBL right now and join random ranked matches and people will be doing the same shit they’ve been doing for the last 2 years. Or better yet, let me go get on Marvel online and critique the average level of play. Since when are random online players the gauge used to measure a game’s progression?

Furthermore, the fact that you assume stagnation is pretty condescending. Jibbo and I come up with new, ridiculous strategies and techniques on nearly a daily basis. We also pick up random characters people aren’t playing and innovate them from the ground up: how to play them in general, discover optimized combos, learn applications for non-used moves, etc. Looking back at the FT9 set Jibbo and I played ~1 month ago is already hilarious, because we’ve both evolved our main teams so much from then.

Just because we’re not innovating the tech you think is the game’s future, doesn’t mean we’re not innovating. You need to get over this standing reset thing, already. Sorry, but it’s just not good. The theory is great, but the application just isn’t there. There’s maybe 1 or 2 standing resets in the game that even remotely justifiable, and even those are only situational and/or positionally dependent.

Look at Nina for example, you do your standing reset, and get, what? A c.MK/Ivory Cutter 50/50? That’s cool, I guess. Or, you could just get max damage, stand a char length away, react to their roll decision by walking towards them…and apply the exact same mixup from even closer, which gives you more options. What’s the point of forcing them to “wakeup” in a certain place if you aren’t even getting a better mixup than you would otherwise? At that point, you’re just sacrificing damage for nothing. In this case, I would argue worse than nothing.

It’s just like the auto-correct meaties on wakeup in the sense that the theory is fantastic, but the applications just aren’t there. There are a handful of great ones, and that’s about it. Just because you’re not seeing people do this stuff doesn’t mean the game is stagnant; it just might not exist at all. No amount of my experimentation is going to give Julia a special move that’s slow startup and plus on block that I can use to autocorrect. Sorry, it just doesn’t exist.

And again, you have to ask yourself the question of “what’s the value of this?” Let’s say I discovered some magical auto correct meaty with Julia with gives me +2 on block. Again, that’s cool, I guess. Or, I could just stand back a little, react to their roll decision by walking toward them, and then just meaty Party Crasher them for the same +2. This is why I said Gief’s version of this tech is almost guaranteed to be the best one, because he gets the best possible position for him, which also happens to be a position he couldn’t guarantee otherwise, which also happens to be arguably the best position for any character in the game. Even the Heihachi one, as cute as it is, is pretty redundant. You can follow their roll decision manually, on reaction with t.MP for approximately the same (huge) frame advantage…and it’s a low.

It’s just that not that relevant. I know you want it to be, because you have these issues with rolling for some reason, but these “solutions” to the “problem” don’t actually do anything for the most part, which is why you’re not seeing anyone else do them. I’m not saying all avenues shouldn’t be explored; the Gief OS is fantastic for him and was a great creation. But that’s for him.

When I said that, I was trying to not get into it too much, but what I really meant by “for now I’m lazy” was “for now, I have better things to invest my time into” as far as my list of things to improve on in this game. Neither Julia nor Steve have good specials that end in towards that I can easily OS into my AC and just be done with it. So, my main option would be to back dash, which is obviously a lot more cumbersome, and will take significant practice. The amount of times I miss an AC and get a launcher right now is maybe 1 in 15…maybe. Usually, when someone blocks a launcher, it’s because I was legitimately trying to do a launcher. So a better use of my training time is with other things on my list to work on with my team. Eventually, yes, I’ll be working with this, but not while I have things that come into play more than once every few hours.

Please don’t speak for me, because you’re not even close. That’s just straight up not my philosophy. I don’t keep anything secret. I don’t play fighting games for a cheap win cashing in on someone’s ignorance or unfamiliarity. I’m playing because I’m going to outplay you, straight up. Any tactic I develop and rely on, is going to be one that can work on anyone, regardless of if they know what I’m doing or not. That’s not to say I don’t have or use gimmicks when the time is right, but that’s why they’re called gimmicks.

I go out of my way to explain to people exactly what it is I’m doing and exactly what your options are, and then I’ll even go one step further and explain what my options are against your options so you can understand the full risk vs reward of the entire situation. When people are getting hit by the same thing over and over, I tell them exactly what’s going on, why they’re getting hit, and explain their better options or how to counter it. This is my philosophy, because the only way I can learn to properly apply my strategies and understand all the options is if I can fight someone that also understand them. This is why when a player like you plays a player like me, you might do well for the first 30 seconds, or round, or even game; but once I use my own knowledge of your character to adjust to what you’re doing, you’re basically done, because you have little to no experience with the “next level” of the strategy.

The only time I’ll intentionally “hide” something is if I need to keep it hidden while I’m testing it in real matches, to prevent my opponents from messing with my testing (Hawthorne effect). If I’m testing a new anti-DP strat, I’m not gonna tell you about the tech until I’m done testing it, because knowing I’m trying it might make you DP less. Usually, though, these kinds of things become obvious once I’ve done it once. Once you see me use Law’s EX Dragon Stance to armor your DP xx switch and then punish both chars, the secret is kinda out.

Again, I’m not disagreeing with your opinion on “saving” tech, but the rest of this is such a load of bullshit. We never made the game look good? At which tourneys that were streamed? SFxT was streamed at what, two majors before people stopped caring? And you’re surprised there was no crazy high level play within these first months? I never got to go to a tournament that was properly streamed. The only SFxT major I had a chance to go to was CEO, where top three was streamed, on the second stream station. This was three months after the game had been out.

Jibbo impressed a lot of people at Civil War, but that was so close after release that we still weren’t that good yet, and were still playing very basic. Tatsu started dominating WNF…after they switched back to 1v1 and stopped streaming it a couple of months into the game. Sethlolol won a NE major (NEC?) with Law/Kuma, doing some really cool shit. Too bad no one saw it, because, surprise, it wasn’t streamed. Or maybe you’re talking about Evo, where only top 4 was streamed, and it was teams. Give me a break.

I’m not disagreeing that the early streams didn’t make the game look interesting, but stop trying to put that blame on us. People judged the game on month 2 game play, and are dumb enough to assume that the game isn’t going to evolve. They’re pretty quick to forget the early months of Marvel where Marn was complaining about how bad Zero was because no one had figured out anything beyond MHS MMHS Super.

When it comes to having ideas and spreading information, again, let’s be real here. People don’t give a shit. They didn’t give a shit after month 1, and they don’t give a shit now. Jibbo and I could put out infinite videos of our sets like the first one we did, where I analyzed the gameplay and explained the higher level stuff we were doing, but no one gives a shit. It was great for the people who are already playing to help them improve, which is why I did that video in the first place, and I’m more than happy to continue to do stuff like that in the future for those people, but I’m not going to stand up on my seat with a bullhorn and try to get haters’ attention when they don’t give a shit. If they want to hate the game, they’re going to hate the game, period.

Ryan, I wanted to make a match analysis video thread, where players could come in, post a link to to their video, have it broken down, and then given points as to how they could improve. Would somebody like you be willing to help? As you’re one of the strongest players on this forum, and I know many players, myself included, could benefit from a few words of advice. Also, a ton of the character forums lack activity, and this would be a great way to help people level up. Your potential time, response and efforts would be very appreciated.

So conversely, what was this amazing tech that was coming out of SFIV at the same point in its lifecycle?

Yeah, I’d definitely put some time in to do that. I’m not going to sit through crazy long videos or anything, but if people wanna post videos of like 1-3 games, I’ll gladly provide some feedback.

I agree with your match duration. Thanks for your support.

Actually no. We’re capable of way more than that. Thing is, Brazillian players hate Cross Tekken with a passion, which is why pretty much none of the truly good players are playing it and the ones that do aren’t even trying.

MK9 tourneys were garbage and very facepalm worthy for like the first… YEAR. Then a number of patches came that tried to fix what was fixable. And they managed to turn MK into a somewhat worthy tournament fighter.

It’s pretty obvious that SFxT didn’t get the same amount of tolerance/patience.

I can also confirm that no new “revolutionary tech” was being discovered in the first 9 months of MK9’s life time. Actually, most of the tech that was being discovered were in fact glitches that NRS had to fix on the next patch. I personally came up with some option-select tech at one point but it turned out it only worked on like 5 characters in the game and only a select few characters that had an untechable knockdown could take advantage of it so it wasn’t that great.

So does tech = glitches? And if that’s the case, is it really SFxT’s fault for being virtually bug free compared to MK? lol

My first day back on SRK and I see a Ryan Hunter thesis. What a great way to start out!

BTW Ryan, CEO in Nov will have SFxT hope you and the SFL crew can make it!

BTW, wasnt there a SF25th in Dubai? I cant find the videos from the tournament.

Just watched some footage of Cody online play…and I don’t think I saw a single :f: :mp: from anyone. Is it worse in this game? I remember that was one of his best tools in SF4 since it had great frame-advantage (+1 on block and +6 on hit), and was a good approach tool overall.

The Dubai tourney had the worst stream ever, and they were aware of this and asked in the stream chat if they should just drop the streaming and release high quality recorded footage later on. I don’t know what they decided to do, but there should be some footage out there somewhere!

Edit: At least I think it was the Dubai tourney, but I won’t say I am 100% sure.

We are live.

Good shit on stream last nights, provided some late night entertainment for me!

Robofobe about to be on stream.

Edit: alongside shitty muffin stories.

Oh snap Robofobe gettin in

I am officially free to derp.

Hey, but you almost threw up a P in that first round…

Not enough. Thx for your support though.

Fuck Ibuki :frowning: command dash mixups are unblockable with online delay