SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

decided to drink coffee with chocolate cake with vanilla icing, then went on a sugar high rampage and beat tatsu, mission accomplished lol

  • Buff normals so he can actually have a decent block string
  • Eliminate the whole “must force stand” to combo to lk.tatsu
  • Demon Flip Palm ground bounce on hit
  • Give him a move where the opponent cannot roll (demon flip palm counter hit)

Give akuma hp will be good.
Stream that bad? Lol
Tatsu going in and he isn’t playing, damn ppl.
I welcome sim nerds. Makes the lili match up 10-0.

Tatsu hosted a great stream tonight. Man I wish I could’ve got more matches in but damn I was totally distracted by Tatsu’s tech. Downloading tech in mid fight is just not good. On the other hand I think he gave me some good ideas for what I’m going to train on for when I fight Will08 again. :smiley:

Sorry for having the worst internet in the game.


I actually thought of almost the same thing.

  1. Buff cr mk (5 frame startup) so he could do a decent block string. Make it have a little more range
  2. lk tatsu can hit crouching opponents.
  3. demon flip palm ground bounce on hit.

LOL I want to find the artist of the pic and flog him for making that abomination!

Any PSN bros on right now? I don’t feel like doing ranked tonight

You missed it man, pretty much everyone was in Tatsu’s lobby getting there asses kicked.

I played you the other day on my alt. it was kinda laggy though

Log on earlier in the day and I wouldn’t mind fighting you. I honestly suck when it comes to fighting at late night…I get so careless and sloppy the later it gets.

Were you the Vega/Lili player? I remember Kammy being apart of the username

From the timestamps, I was watching Smackdown at the time. Fucking wrestling getting in the way of me being owned by Tatsu.

I’ll get on in a few if your willing to get on.

is 17f start up difficult to react to for an overhead?

It can be somewhat difficult to react to since I see a lot of people have issues reacting to Juri’s and her’s is a 15f start-up.

I wish I could but it’s almost 3 AM here and I’m worn out. Later on today (after I sleep) I’ll be available anytime so feel free to hit me up here.


If street fighter alpha 4 happens I will explode.

I’m excited for fight request in training mode

Yeah, that was my really angry, spur of the moment combo. I had no idea whether or not it would work at the time. I just wanted Kazuya gone! :sweat:

Alisa is going to be ridiculous in the 2013 update.

I know this is laughable at this point and time considering how long the game’s been out, but I’m actually finally understanding what I’m doing wrong with Julia’s PC stuff. Got it way more consistently tonight, though I still need to keep at it in training mode. Getting frustrated with that was part of the reason I “took a break” from her to begin with, so I’m glad to get by that barrier.

Also, I might actually crack 10k this weekend. One of the long-term goals I set for myself just to see if I could do it, to help keep me playing and kind of a benchmark to shoot for. Less than 900 points away. Provided I don’t choke anymore, lol.

TZA/BI: Sorry about the abrupt leave earlier. Played reaaaaally bad, and had to get right into my livestream right after that anyway so I opted to take a break and think on why I was playing like Herpderp Jr. -___-