SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Our Online Tournament Series has way more intense and skilled matches than the Brazilian Qualifiers. Just terrible.

the 1st time ive ever rooted for dhalsim in the history of ever…

lets do team super with 3 seconds on the clock and a round down!

We should be taking notes from this stream imo.

only thing i learned from this is you can dp through ryus tatsu crossup, im gonna use that

I damn near facepalmed through my fucking desk when I saw that. Just… argh… ugh… why?! WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! psffroiwotiuqpt9879821%@%$^#@@$%!!!


I’m… Im gonna’ go calm down now.

This stream is actually pretty accurate in describing the average playerbase from brazil.


From RCR last Saturday in Richmond during our SFxT 16 man tournament (which outdrew KOF and DOA), the Virginia branch of the Defense Force!


Major Juri_kills_friend, Sargeant Psycho, and General Jibbo.[/details]

Was that a video/stream link? I got nothing in the spoiler…

Fixed it. Sorry, the forum still isn’t working for my firefox so I’m posted from IE right now.

Ah I gotcha. SRK is being a dick lately, all kinds of stuff happening to my posts as well.

You can already do this. Thanks to the input shortcuts the game will accept :d::d:+:3k: for Misogi.

Wow almost all the Grand Finals highlights for SFxT was timeouts. Fucking pathetic. It’s no wonder people hate on this game, half the people onstream are either mashing LMHH or too busy holding UpBack to do that.

Can you imagine people’s reaction if Marvel players all got together and the next tournament consisted of LMHS LMHS OTG Hyper? People would fucking DIE. I’m talking riots in the streets, James Chen and Ultradavid kidnapped and held for ransom, and Honzogonzo smiling a wicked, sinister smile from his underground Fortress of Trollitude.

People attending these bigass national events: Please, PLEASE step your game up. For the sake of the game, I’m begging you.

step my game up?

how about you get on my level bitch

I wasn’t talking about you ya friggin goofball

Also what system are you on? Ps3?

Tatsu streaming some psn sfxt


Juri’s Senpusha is getting nerfed? That’s dumb… Juri hardly needs any changes at all
I’d trade the absorb hit shit for bigger range or faster startup on SPD. That’s all for gief IMO.
Hugo desperately needs a range buff on his command grabs. and he either needs less startup on his normals or they need to be safe on block. It’s just wrong to have someone with slow as fuck startup on everything AND unsafe on block. Knowing capcom Hugo will get some major damage nerfs making him completlyobsolete. He’s virtually that way as is already.
The only character that really needs a nerf is Kaz and a big maybe for Hei and Jack-X. Everyone else needs buffs… it’s just a matter of some characters needing more buffs than others.

He’s referring to the PC version since we still haven’t gotten past 1.02 yet. We still got broken assist gems and infinites. And Jin’s swag kick.

i didnt know it was nerfed… shouldnt have been. If Juri is to get any nerfs, the only thing that should ever be considered for nerfing is making grey/red health appear relative to the hit absorbed on her “teleport”. She needs no other buffs and no other nerfs.