SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

That would be fine if I played Xiaoyu, but I play Ryu. And yes, they rhyme, but they’re not the same. :rofl:

bwahahaha @ 20:02

yeah he has a very very solid cross up but remember with jump ins if u block the cross up you can punish his next move with a raw launcher or dp
edit:also its his jumpin MP he has no punches all his punch buttons are kicks lol

LOL I remember that replay! Good stuff someone noticed that link at the end. :tup:

btw this vid actually taught me a couple of things, from watching a Japanese Hwoarang main, so yeaaaah i might have some footsies goin on now :slight_smile:

I personally think that Akuma’s health should stay how it is. He just needs to do more damage so that he isn’t as partner reliant and thus more open ended. They can give him more damage by buffing up the damage and usefulness of his Super Arts or just making his normals stronger as well as fixing some of the glitches he has with his Demon.

And I usually don’t like to make Ryu flow charts simply because I approach every new Ryu Player with a blank mental notebook in hand but generally this is how their little ‘mix-up’ goes:

Joudan Pressure!!!

Did he block?

                                 Did he block it?

                                Yes?: Got Meter?

Yes?: Switch Cancel No?: DAMNIT! HE’S A SCRUB UNLIKE ME THOUGH! :slight_smile:

               Is DP Switch Cancel with Ryu Safe?

          Yes: HELL NO IT ISN'T!                No?: :(

EDIT: Shouts outs to my failed flowchart design despite perfectly putting everything in place properly.

You know, I always felt that Akuma should do more damage. But when I looked at his overall gameplay, I believe he’s meant to be a zoner with bursts of rushdown using tools like Demon Flip and Dive Kick, sporadically. Now, with the vortex almost being back in, I think he’s fine.

I’m one of those Ryus, it’s a bad habit that gets punished hard by good players. I think a video needs to be made to show how to punish 1 hit DP’s.

Raw Launcher or backdashing usually works pretty well. Typically the flowcharts will always send their partner screaming in mashing cr. Lp’s.

SHHHHHH they don’t know that…yet :badboy:

Yeah sorry, not until next week.
Been focusing on actually practicing cos tomorrow I’m playing in the Nordic SF25 qualifier to the invitational qual in France.
Wish me luck!

I gotta give OZleon credit when it’s due: No one has really improved their game as much as him. I remember not too long ago he was totally free to me, now he’s straight beating my ass everytime we cross paths. Good shit bro! :tup:

Edit: Officially 11-0 on Legit_ReapZz…when is he ever going to beat me?! o_O

Except you can’t dash cancel, you have to commit.

Personally I’d leave the damage on his normals alone, Akuma is already capable of doing insane damage solo when he has meter and/or is in the corner, buffing the damage of his normals would just up that to absurd levels, the problem is when he doesn’t have meter or access to the corner.
As for his supers yeah they definitely need to fix the issues with demon as for his Misogi they could either make it do more damage or make it easier for Akuma to combo into (make it so after a light tatsu he doesn’t have to chain or add in a light to get the Misogi to connect).

Here’s the buffs I would make to Akuma:

  • :lk: tatsu buffed to 70 damage, :mk:/:hk: versions buffed to 60 damage.
  • Misogi travels faster thus making it possible to do comboes that were not possible before OR Misogi now does 350 damage.
  • Auto comboes being able to be turned off means that when off they no longer conflict with Akuma’s demon setups.
  • Misogi motion simplified to :d:,:d:+:3k: rather than :d:,:d:,:d:+:3k:.

Thanks bro. Way too much trolling in that 2nd match.

No worries man, good luck!

LOL they were fun matches, all of em.

Just fought a ridiculous Rufus and discovered that he is ButtonToucher: The Character. Holy smokes.

hey the sfxt qualifiers are being streamed and i dont see scrub stuff someones playin steve/rolento and actually DOING STUFF :o

this has to be the worst Ryu/Hugo team I have ever seen

Lets get some Xiaoyu and Lili in there for some excitement kthx. :sunglasses:

Edit wow…these guys are sloppier than me! LOL I don’t feel so bad now.