SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

yeah Ryu is the clear example of why you shouldn’t let **fucking scrubs and haters **have it there way each time…:confused: Hey Intuitive I am currently hosting on ranked on AE…set your search to any region…come at me bro. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

You come at me, bro. :stuck_out_tongue:

who is on psn right now?

open lobby all day

[Spoiler=My face when reading the version 2013 changelist]

If they buff throws to 5f, do you think they’ll change Gief’s LP SPD to 4f? (No hate in reply wanted :slight_smile: )

What would you expect for Dudley? Rather buffs? There must be a reason why nobody (except me) plays him :smiley:

All throws being 5f is actually a pretty nice nerf for Gief.

To you wondering about the Juri s.HP buff, I suppose it is to buff tag combos when you cancel it into HK.fuhajin.
Comboing into super gives her higher solo AA damage. Cr.HP xx JC late j.HP, j.MK, s.HP xx super should be possible.

You can’t tech giefs throw and it has crazy range. Clearly it needs startup buff.

To the ryu complaints: If you’re having trouble with ryu dp as AA, you probably aren’t spacing the ground game properly… Or noticing how good his fireball is. You always need to be conscious of where your opponent will be if he jumps and you can walk to adjust your spacing while they’re in the air.

A million times this. It’s just two months, THINK ABOUT THE CAR

I think the weaker chars should just get buffed to the same level as the stronger chars, I don’t really like nerfs, they kinda tend to make the game a bit boring when character’s options are weaker/shut down. Unless it’s really needed like Gief (fuck Gief btw)

Hopefully they buff Paul/Blanka/Yoshimitsu/Marduk/King. I love all those characters, but they’re not completely viable if you compare them to Ryu/Kazuya/Chun-li/Gief/Cody

It shouldbe able to get them all on that level,without nerfing the fuck out of top tier characters.

Xiaoyu’s buff is actually pretty useful, it gives her a viable reversal now. Although she may not get anything off it, she can use it as a safe tag (MAYBE) and a combo on hit. She already has a pretty gdlk backdash so she’s gonna be pretty annoying to pressure.

Still free to crossup tho, <3 Asuka’s j.hp.

EDIT: Just found out that it’s +6 on hit, bitch can combo off it herself.


EDIT 2: Ok this buff is fucking amazing, she can combo cr.hp off ex hakkesho, cr.hp xx elbow > st.mp xx mp hakkesho > lp hakkesho > cr.hk does 494 damage MIDSCREEN and 515 in corner with cr.hp instead of st.mp. Also insane corner carry.

EDIT 3: Just saw it’s 33f startup, ok maybe not so amazing, but still really hurts for a reversal.

I’m not particularly fond of learning a character - investing time and dedication only for a dumb patch to come along and change the landscape.
case in point –
Juri’s SA gets nerfed from 350 damage to 300 for no reason early on
Ken’s 2013 SA is listed as improving hitbox and increasing damage. — What?

Don’t get me wrong wasting 2 bars on an SA is pretty dumb unless you are starting out with that character and have yet to discover better alternative means. But as a Ken player and Juri player both are pointless nerfs/buffs
that is the problem I have with patches like this
that is why I hate COD so much – you find a gun you like, rape bitches - profit - then they nerf the gun because OMG too STRONG Type-95 BLAHHHHHH
Now the gun is complete ass.

Oh and NO character should be completely invulernable until the ‘END’ of a move – Don’t even care unless Kazuya is completely unsafe as hell and can be punished with any freaking move in the game on block. How does that balance anything?
I bet they don’t even touch Chun Li’s Cr. Mk hitbox which is completely f*ked up

Right, so you agree? :smiley:

Nah, I’m not saying it’s necessary, was just wondering.
Gief is pretty fine. Doesn’t need anything.
But I also can’t think of a nerf that would be realistic and would NOT hurt him too bad.
I’m happy if they wanna nerf all these bloody chains, so go and nerf the LK-MP chain

I swear, the PC version better be getting this update within 2 weeks of the consoles this time. We’re still stuck on 1.02 here, Capcom! What happened to getting the DLC characters in September, huh?! :arazz:

I’m usually a patient guy but this is getting ridiculous.

Sorry Jamp, Tatsu already has the keys to that car. :rofl:

I really dunno what you would bother using Ex Hakkesho to punish with that god awful 33 frame start-up. It’s a useless buff, I still will not waste my meter on Ex Hakkesho especially when Ex Turn of Fortune has super armor and grants a free combo that doesn’t require a 1 frame link.

I’m thinking maybe they plan on changing Ex Fortune Cookie instead since that has an 8 frame start-up and looks to be way more viable as a reversal option over Ex Hakkesho.

Yeah I got a bit too hyped before I saw the 33f startup, goddamn that’s pretty slow lol.

Robofobe, where the videos at? Wanna see my dropped combos :frowning:

Someone said the buff to kens super was weak?

More range and damage on of the fastest supers in the game is big. Gives him a viable punish to lots of stuff, and given the simple single QCF inputs for supers, it’s a viable footsie too.

I’m really surprised you missed that very important detail. I mean you had to have looked at the frame data before you tried to link anything with it. :rofl:

Ah I didn’t look at the data, was just told it was +6 on hit.

Silly me :rolleyes: