SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

If you have fun playing the game why stop?

If you enjoy playing it then yeah.

I’dve been on tonight but I lost track of time and spent most of my day posting here and posting elsewhere about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

When that game comes out… well, y’all may not see me for a few…months. @_@

(i kid)

I enjoy playing it but it has no real purpose as of now…I will keep on watching the streams and following the SFxT forums…:wink: but until patch date I think I will pursue getting that crown on AE with my girl Rose. I figured might as well attempt to become the only GM Rose in the history of SSFIV. It’s the proper way to end my journey in that game.

SFxT better feel like a brand new game for when it becomes patched. I can’t wait! You guys keep doing your thing. I’ll be back, soon!

if they dont address any of the characters that need nerfs i’m quitting this game.

or they could buff the bad ones to match up with the same tools and damage as the good characters?

Ryu buffs please. And I want Devil and Evil Ryu and some new stages!

Ryu buffs please, give him a meterless wall bounce like Lei.

I really don’t approve of nerfing as much I would like some fucking characters getting nerfed. I rather take good buffs for the weak every day. It makes the game more interesting. If we can learn a lesson from Capcom is that too much nerfing really waters down your game. Look to what happened to AE (regular version) all those stupid nerfs made for some bland characters.

Ryu needs to get his fucking DP buffed. It trades with a lot of shit or gets downright stuffed. WTF. Buffing his DP in terms of AA purposes would be wonders.

It would be nice to have AE2012 HP DP, that trades far too often.

Do not stop playing until the patch hits, for the love of God. That is how Skullgirls happens

Also, I believe my boy Raven needs some buffs. I know his cheap jab pressure and Cr. HP loops got taken away but he needs something else…I feel he needs something legitimately good to compensate for this. Notice the bold text…real good non-broken stuff.

I’ve never played Raven, ut isn’t he a solid enough character? What do you think he needs?

I think he needs a better AA (that is promised to be fixed for Tekken characters on the patch…) and possibly slightly better mix ups…The only reason they won’t give him better mix ups is because of his amazing zoning potential. But I feel this character fails to deliver consistent comeback potential anymore because of this.

Look at his strengths, he’s a zoner, like Guile. Generally, zoners don’t possess too many mix ups. I also feel Capcom are afraid to buff him after how retarded he was in Vanilla X Tekken. I hope all of the Tekken cast get a reliable anti air.

True, but he needs a buff of some sort…possibly some frame data tweaks.

So much this! I have a feeling our gal is gonna be strong now!

Also Julia buffs LOL, bring it on.

Julia buffs…I fear for my life, Nooooooooo!

Well for the record, medium punch DP in SFxT has 4 frames on invincibility just like HP DP in AE 2012. Though I think when used as an anti-air you can never get the full damage in this game (even when done as deep as possible).

But I agree with the main point, is 5 frames on invincibility really too much to ask for? Even if they want to keep it at 4 frames, at least make it do the full damage when anti-airing because at it is now, Ryu actually LOSES the trade against heavy jump ins. With characters with great jumping normals like Vega, Jin, Julia you actually get punished for making the right read on a jump.

Thank god for crouching fierce though. It’s way more consistent at beating jump ins. If you haven’t already, you guys should try switching to that because it does more damage than an anti-air MP DP (90 vs 70) and if it counter hits, that’s a juggle.

Mexican Uppercutting ain’t as fun as real uppercutting bro…Anti Airing with Cr. Fierce is effective but at the same time…it feels hella gay…I’m Ryu the legendary shoryu master and you expect me to mexican uppercut? :frowning:

The thing with MP DP, I find it to be like Super’s DP, where you have to do it deep. But I can’t understand why the gave him his AE2012 HP DP, with less invincibility. It’s not like it would have been broken, as you have to do it super deep in AE2102. I doubt that he’ll get any buffs, probably a damage nerf.