SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Never did understand the Juri hate.
I though her and Hakan were both fresh and inspired character designs.
I guess people don’t like fresh and inspired character designs though(they like dem shotos).

…That actually made me literally lol. Good shit. XD


I never did either man. I loved her since day one, though I’ve had my “I’m done with this character!” moments. She was frustrating for me, haven’t played a character with her style before.

But both she and Hakan were just really interesting designs. SF needed a female villain - and no, Cammy as a doll didn’t really count. And Hakan’s whole concept, as goof y as it’s made to be, is pretty cool.

Even play-wise I don’t get it, she’s fun to watch (gawd that sounds weird lol). Flashy, definitely takes skill to play (less so for the basics in SFxT but more so beyond that)… Was it just the voice? That much I could understand, though I really enjoy both VAs.

Iono. Whatevs to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Juri…

I’m happy with this update! Who needs Darkstalkers?! :sunglasses:

Just waiting for some more character changes and the Pandora revision (if they’ll change it).

It’s a stab at me.
I am have mained Law constantly since the beginning of SFxT and Ve is scared of my bruce lee imitation.

Also Ve enjoys Bryan as a Character, I despise him.

I *like *hating Rufus. He’s the man I love to hate. He serves a purpose for me.

All the Juri hate is depressing, though. I love her so much and it’s unwarranted. She’s solid in both games but nothing more.

Hugo is pretty bad now that he’s been figured out (downback, zone, anti-air his splash and don’t stand on top of him on wake up or go jump happy when he has meter and he can do precisely nothing to you) and he’s about to get worse with the throw buffs. You can throw Hugo out of EVERYTHING. Still though, he still feels “balanced” if not actually “good.” I mean, you mess up twice and he’ll kill you. That should be what Hugo is like.

Am I the only one kinda giddy to see who gets the nerf bat the hardest? Even if one of the biggest candidates is my main?

And this is why you’re awesome.


I… kiiiiiiinda’ am? It’s that weird “train wreck” curiosity. You know you shouldn’t look, but… for some reason you start slowing the car down…

…then you see it and you’re like “WHY?! WHY DID I LOOK OH GOD WHY”

Granted I’m honestly hoping the brunt of the changes are buffs. There’s been enough nerfing already.

Meant to say, I really agree with this. I don’t know what they could buff because he’s honestly a few small buffs away from being too good, but he definitely does not need nerfs because he’s like one half-decent nerf away from being pretty bad. And yeah, a good Hugo with the right tag partner can kill you in two mistakes. I know that from experience. >___________>

I never see much Juri hate but what’s there to hate about Juri? Her laugh, her trash talk, her hair?

You know, I never got the Juri hate in SFxT. Then again, I main Alisa and RagingRay knows how much I love that Alisa vs Juri matchup.

I can play Paul now!

I will say, if it’s the voice I can understand. As much as I like her English VA, I had to set her to JPN in SSFIV because of the constant “Yahoo! Yahoo!” and “Ha ha! Ha ha!” which annoyed me for some reason.

Doesn’t seem as bad in SFxT, though it might be a placebo effect lol.

Even then, her voice isn’t for everyone either. Reminds me of Angel (KOF’02 in particular), in the sense that of my friends, I was probably the only one that really liked her voice (and the character in general lol).

I hated Juri at launch but that was because she was my “nightmare match-up” back then. Honestly if I had played SF4 I probably would’ve thought differently.

It seems like every week you hate someone new.

Dang, Songi. Where does this intolerable hatred for Heihachi come from? Is it because of SF X TK or does it run deeper then that?

If it makes you feel better, I’m gonna be running a Cody/Heihachi team once the PC gets the DLC characters…which is hopefully in the next couple of days.

…actually, how would that make anyone feel better? I might as well put my status as “Please Hate Me.”

…yeah, I’m still gonna run that team anyway. The Team of Iron Derp. :smiley:

It’s just SFxT that I hate Heihachi in. In Tekken I have no beef with him at all which is kinda funny because he has a very annoying move where he runs away and can charge up and really deal some stupid damage. He can be played very annoying in Tekken as well but he has terrible lows in that game so his weaknesses are there for all to see. In this game his weaknesses are masked by a godlike J. :hk: that is capable of crossing up as well. I really hate 3 characters in this game Julia, Cammy, and Heihachi. I really don’t even hate Cody. I just hate how stupid Capcom was by giving him such a braindead ABC chain.

I need more cheap stuff with chun then the game will be good :slight_smile:

in all honesty from the looks of it not much will change now that EX Lunge Punch wall bounces Julia wont get as big of a combo post hit but she gets more damage upfront, so it evens out. Not sure about the extended air time but as it is now is you do fp or rh on a jump in to late you will enter start up animation but will land before the attack comes out, so its just a small fix that should have been in the game already and is not game changing. I wonder about this target combo string into super not sure if its good or bad

Yeah, that’s what I thought. :smiley:

Is it just the J. :hk: that makes him seem derp though? The only way I see Heihachi as “derp” is if you run into a player who does nothing but J. :hk: and the overhead chain. Heihachi is a lot cooler than that. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I hope they get rid of the stupid stuff with Cody. I’ll be using him regardless, but I’d like to not be hated by the community for it. :slight_smile:

…you maaaaaaaaaaay not want to play me lol. Cammy’s another one that I’m surprised is on everyone’s shit list across both game’s she’s in but I still main her in this.

That said, I can at least see why she’s irritating in SFxT, unlike Juri. Cammy’s kinda’ insane.