SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Feels good to main Julia right now.

Literally picked her back up last weekend after a long break from playing her. My loyalty was rewarded.

Now if they don’t nerf Juri again (hell Capcom feel free to buff her) all shall be well.

God damn it!

Just wait till they buff Bryan and Hwo.

And nerf law.

You will have so much fun. :slight_smile:

Inb4 Julia new top tier, gtfo Chun!

Edit: Fuck Julia, I really hate the character with a passion. Urge to quit rising…

They probably will do that too. Dumbasses.

Oh well I can finally play a fully unleashed Paul Phoenix just like I was meant to back in March.
I still have fresh memories of picking up the game going to training mode and moving Paul for the first time. It was the worst feeling.

But serious Julia is hard to deal with already and now she gets a damage buff.

This will be my main game for 2013
no more marvel for me!

unblockable with kens tatsu, unblockable with hwoarangs HH, unblockable with guys medium tatsu, unblockable with juris twirl kick… the only way this wuld be fair is if they remove the super armor that comes with it, other wise ima be doin unblockables for days, i do have a pocket heihachi

I seriously want my Asuka buffs.

All that wasted low tier training mode won’t be for nothing.

my GOD if they buff hwoarang O_O

Gurl will be scary if they change up her neutral game in any way.
She always had super potent oki but nothing else.

Just some better normals and high lows and she will be frightful.

BTW was talking bout asuka

I guess we all have our demons, eh? Julia’s definitely good but she seems pretty fair (can’t say about how it’ll be after the update yet of course).

Of course, Rufus is my demon - every time I play a decent-to-good Rufus I want to put the controller down and throw my 360 across the room.

Yeah, there just seems to be so many unblockable set-ups with this now. The corner set-up I mentioned with Ken’s HK tatsu seems like it’d be one of the best though, since it keeps them standing. Let’s see here…

Combo into Heihachi’s LP Demon Breath, tag cancel to Ken. Gives enough hitstun to allow Ken to get a combo off of it into HK Tatsu. If in the corner, tag cancel back into Heihachi and start charging Chrome Dome.

It’s like Capcom WANTS people to hate my team. :bluu:

Nerfing Juri is part of the update process. Just resign yourself.

/cantankerous for real though I’m excited that this game is continuing to be supported. Hope there are more announcements. Wall bounce on CH will help Abel’s meterless damage somewhat - hope they buff his command throws.

Also, Capcom, you just feel real free to buff the poopstuffs out of Hugo, Juri, Bryan and Abel if you want to.

unless they remove super armor

Ugh I dont even know how they could begin to make Hugo better.
So much stuff wrong with that character.

I feel like you should have a Klonoa icon for every emotion imaginable.

<—Juri player since Super.

People hated her then, when she wasn’t all that good at all.

People hated her when she got buffed and still wasn’t exactly lighting up majors outside of like 3 players.

People hated her when she was effing announced for SFxT.

People hated her for actually being good in both AE2012 and SFxT.

People hated her even when she got continually nerfed in SFxT.

People hate her still despite he not really being all that great in SFxT anymore.

<—Gives no fucks.

Haters gon’ hate. Rufus players aren’t gonna’ drop him because I bitch about him, and as much as I hate that character and everything he stands for… I’d be disappointed if they did. :-p

I feel like this has potential, but unless Heihachi’s unblockable can override existing blockstun (anybody know if Bryan’s unblockable can do this?), it seems like most characters would be able to back dash away from this mixup, since chrome dome only has 2 active frames, and charging the headbutt means you’re committed.

Being in the corner would help this out somewhat, because you could delay starting the charge to hit as soon as block stun ends or shortly after, to catch backdashes after the invincible frames have ended.

And just to add in some unbridled speculation… here’s hoping that the damage buff to CD includes it always ground bouncing on hit.

To everyone who wants Cody nerfed:

That’s fine.

Just means that from now on, I gotta hit you more to win:coffee: