SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Chun is without a doubt, one of the strongest chars in the game. She’s definitely top 5.

Because she has tools for everything makes her a strong character. There are other characters who just has better tools than her thus why I don’t think she is top tier. Kazuya for example hits way way harder, has much stronger mixups, a better jump, more health, and still has very strong footsies. Not to mention that his reversals are comboable for a ton of damage.

Yes I know the range you could hit with it is pretty close but its there. From far you could still do the attack into EX fireball and combo afterwards.

The only thing Kaz has over Chun-Li is damage and health. Chun’s footsies are far superior to his. Cr. Lk basically beats out everyone else in the game except for Cody (obviously) and Dhalsim at the moment. Chun’s zoning game is pretty stupid with her far reaching normals and her Kikoken’s (a lot of characters cannot use projectile immunity against it) being so low to the ground. Chun has a superior anti-air that is capable of converting to over 250 damage and if she wants to she can tag in partner with launcher for free as an added bonus. Kaz’s Twin Fang 50/50’s are pretty worthless especially at high level play, most decent players will simply block and punish them. Hence, why the good Kaz players (like Chaos) never use them.

If damage was the determining factor of being top tier then Rolento would’ve never been considered a top tier character at launch, we all remember how godlike his pokes were until 1.06 patch. I would like to know what Characters besides Cody and Gief that have better tools than her. Those are the characters that come to mind who are top tier right along with her at this point in the game.

Maybe i’m just different but the only thing that made Rolento hard for me was the fact I didnt know the matchup. His jabs (just like cammys) never bothered me…

also Vega has better range and damage potential and walk speed than chun, Half the tekken cast (if not more) has way better tools to open up opponents with. Hell even cammy has virtually as good of pokes as her. The #1 advantage chun has over the rest of the cast is the up kicks that enable a free jump in combo from her partner. But even that’s debatable as Xiao has that same ability. I think Chun is good… but like Jin, she doesnt excel in anything partucluar. She’s just mediocre on everything

man will08 musta did a number on you.
Yes chun has good pokes and great keep out and zoning. She can take away zoning from her enemies at two bars. If you are looking for characters to play in xtekken then always look for tools and if they can take away options.
Chun’s big weakness is damage. She doesn’t do enough damage so battles can drag on and there’s always that chance she can die. Luckily for will08’s team he has julia so that covers the weak health of chun and ads a dp and heavy mix up which chun lacks. See the trade off between the team. Julia can do what chun can’t do and vice versa. It’s not always about having the character that does damage. Doesn’t matter if they can’t get in.

Street Fighter X Tekken Arcade Edition maybe? Probably not…

nah it’s probably something else.

chun’s biggest weakness IMO is anti air.

#1 it costs meter
#2 it can be easily baited and blocked

it’s for a game i have no intention of buying, nor playing

Really though, I didn’t play it “safe” enough to beat him. You have to play like a total coward if you want to win in against a footsies/zoning team. If you try to make the first move you’re gonna die quickly. I play that way against OZleon and I do the same against Chaos if I really want to win. It’s not flashy but it works 9 times out of 10. Honestly Will08 isn’t unbeatable as far I’m concerned. It’s really just about me being willing to exercise the patience to deal with longer matches, which I find extremely boring.

Don’t get it twisted JKF, I know Chun-Li like the back of my hand. My co-op partner plays Chun-Li and I am well aware of her various abilities. I have character loyalty so I’m not gonna counter-pick with Gief just because I want to win that badly (not like I’d ever play a braindead character like that anyways). I’ll do things my way like I have been since the start. I’m not gonna sweat the losses though, as I said before I just needed to experience his playstyle then make adjustments accordingly and come back stronger. I only claim one player in SFxT unbeatable and that’s Tatsu.

:d::df:+:lk: is her meterless anti-air and it does decent amount of damage and allows for launcher ender. Its weakness is the fact that it can be hard to aim vs grappler body splashes, but that’s what St. Hp is for if I’m not mistaken.

Justin, Ricky, Tokido all dropped Chun. She’s not top tier.

Half-kidding. But I honestly am not too sure she’s top 5. However, I’m only in week 3-4 of using her with little to no training room time.

Myself and B.I. should be on a lot for the LA 25th… I, however, need to make up for lost time with rigorous training lol.

ok maybe i just don’t get knocked outta the air enough by it to see it as reliable. Cause it looks about as useful as it’s SF4 version. But it could just be from having shitty opponents

I personally think chun is top 10 worthy… but top 5 nah… Kaz, Hei, Gief, Cody and Juri and a couple other make that list before she does.

even if it’s super xtekken it probably won’t have karin and i’ll be butt hurt once again by capcom. THAT’S ALL I WANT COME ON GUYS!

My friend is legit. He’s beatable but you gotta play your a game. i will even go as far as saying chun is not even a problem it’s julia. The standing resets kill you and he burns meter at the right time. For me to beat his team i need to double team a character. I don’t care if ken takes 60% of my hp because my team can deal just as much back. If there is one thing i learned in sfxt is optimizing damage even if you have to burn three meters to kill them. Them staying alive keeps the fight going and that’s never a good thing.

She can’t do damage. That’s her problem. If your partner gets wtf owned then chun has to make a comeback. She’s great to start a match but don’t expect her to make some glorious comeback. They’re much better point characters and anchors that do way more damage then chun.

it’s for the obvious new DarkStalkers game to be announced.

Also As a vega player Chun is one of my favorite characters to partner up with. Chun and Juri IMO are the 2 best partners Vega can have.

What’s Chun’s best solo damage? Who’s her favorite partner?

Or Xiaoyu

How can u even compare chun’s AA to Kazuya’s? Kazuya’s mist step crushes air attacks and leads to about 500 damage on hit without meter. Not to mention that mist step itself crushes all standing attacks making footsies with standing attacks risky against Kazuya since one hit from kazuya can equal 500+ damage.

I really don’t feel like making a long post but if you think that Kazuya doesn’t have a strong mixup game, then I suggest that you do some research. Twin fang 50/50 is nothing compared to his other strong mixups.

You forgot Xiaoyu. The damage output with xiaoyu/vega is highest. Cody is also excellent.

anything that needs meter to do crazy damage such as a lili or julia.

I think Xiao is 3rd personally.

I’m referring to personal preference btw and not in terms of facts. Xiao is probably the best partner for Vega period, but I am not quite as comfortable playing in that pair. I’ver never partnered with a Cody so i have no idea how well they work together

If chun does st.mp into legs -> tag cancel and its blocked, does the incoming char have + frames? If so someone with good mix-ups and damage would be nice, heihachi etc.

It will never be as good as Jack’s seismo -> tag cancel, but if it gives frames its still something.