SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

naw man u seriously just have to NOT LET HIM GET STARTED ON ANYTHING, everytime he beat me in a good match i got worried about eating a random dp and backed off… only to eat a dp later on anyway @_@

Well thats cuz Julias dp isn’t really good outside an anti air. You still have to respect it tho. I blocked your stuff the first couple matches so after that i stopped blocking cause you weren’t posing any threat on my wake up. If you got me to respect your rush down i would have been blocking more

Honestly if ya’ll just listen to more K pop you will be much better

What. I don’t know korean though…

I want to play Chaos’ Nina so badly T_T

Sadly I couldn’t really afford to drag the matches out since I was so pressed for time. I hope to get another set in when I’m not trying to stuff my face. Granted, I wouldn’t have won either way but I at least would’ve had a chance to play a lot better defensively had I not tried to speed things along taking such stupid gambles so often. My defense needs a lot of work anyways, I’m probably one of the worst players here when it comes to playing defensively.

King of all things bad here.

@@ u dont respect my rushdown? but thats my best trait ;;

Check srk inbox sir

yea… willl is on the list too @_@

No $$.

Im just trolling but seriously u dont even need to know the language its that gdlk

He’s not unbeatable like Tatsu so go for it. I’ve got a million and one excuses to why I did so terrible against him and quite frankly it makes me feel better having them.

but ive beaten tatsu… once lol but seriously i want to be able to compete with the “big guys” Tatsu, Ryan, Jibbo, Vulcan, all of emmmm >.<

I wish I had some “big guys” over here, but almost everyone in Australia’s FGC hates this game.
Actually, are there any Australian names in SFXT that I should look out for?

You know, while the game does have its frustrating bits, I really hope that Capcom doesn’t overreact with that huge ass patch that’s in the works and kowtow to people who would never play the game anyway.

I just hope to see a changelog before the patch hits

I choke. Sooooooooo much. facepalm

GGs BI and TZA, as always. :slight_smile:

Toro + Kuro = Bryan Counterpicks

:rofl: LOL TROLL’d!:rofl:

guys…i think i may do it…i think i may do it…

I think i may play kaz/cody…

I randomly pick kaz by mistake and it was the most random fun i had and well cody…HE’S FUCKING CODY.


I find this hilarious because it’s believable.