SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I’ve never used speed gems so I’m curious: Would the speed gems make fireballs recover faster?

Nah. They only affect dashes, jumps, and walkspeed.

Funny you say that because you’ll find that most of the people who hate Lili in this game tend to fall into the following categories:

1. Tekken Players who have always hated fighting against her.

2. People who just play the same little ‘group’ of characters and then go and complain about seeing someone new, hence they call them broken/cheap or throw random insults just because it’s something they’ve never fought against before.

3. Die Hard Street Fighter players (or sometimes new players) who have probably never heard of her (but they have possibly heard tales) and so when they see her, instantly their guard drops because they probably carry the: ‘AWWW IT’S JUST A LITTLE GIRL’ mentality beforehand.

Only for them to get completely rocked when they see their health just disappear from a single EX.

Players from 3. can turn into players from 2. because of the crushing mental blow that you have placed on them after that possible beat-down.

Although I would be lying if I told you that I don’t laugh when I recieve either the random hate-mail or the random insults from people over mics like:


Gee man ever heard of an Alpha Counter!? o_O

EDIT: @OZLeon: They also increase the speed at which your character runs on and off the screen after a switch cancel or launcher.

Alpha counter? What is this alpha counter you speak of? I’ve only heard of cross cancels. :coffee:

Lili in Tekken can be really ruthless if played right. I know because I get countless hatemail when I play both her and Xiaoyu. Then again, I hate letting my opponent off the ground once they’re there, so it’s up to them to guess the right roll to use. It’s really a breath of fresh air when I can be the one sending hatemail. -glares at all good Heihachi players- :rofl:

Thank goodness for teleports. :rock:

You scumbag :mad:

Man it feels good to get 2 wins on OZ’s team. I don’t think I got to see his speed gems activate one time. Feels fan-fuckin-tastic! :smiley:

Still alive indeed.

Sup thread?

Well when you do law’s Light punch fist fury rush, you can tag in Akuma and use his Light Demon flip Hyakki Gosho (The Punch) to cause a ground bounce and depending on where you are at on the screen it will create different combo opportunities.

If anybody on PSN is trying to run a first to five hmu…I need opponents…

If I didn’t have the worst internet connection in cali i would.

Ping currently at [S]863[/S] 950

Oh yeah make sure to save your shit for nationals, don’t wanna miss out on all those big money big rep SFxT tournaments coming up in 2013


You mentioned you wanted to play before i finished class an hour early and will be on psn for the next hour or so lmk if you want to run a ft5 on psn. Same goes to big boss

Sounds good I just need to get dat Julia experience. I already saw you got a write up on the Xiaoyu match-up (as if you need it…that junk is 7-3 in Julia’s favor! :rofl: )

Check your internet Songi i will blow you up if you lag like last time

Sent invite twice

I’m gonna reset my router so gimme a minute.

Is it just me, but has SRK stopped working on your Firefox browser? Off Topic

Man I don’t think its your ping bro. We’ve fought before and it was straight. Thing about SFxT, the bigger the lobby, the worse the connection is. You have a great Vega and Lili so the fact that the internet would mess up our match upsets me.

Im on now. What is your name? Also Wolfkrone is on two. He beat me 2-1. but after I beat him he goes and makes another lobby? WTH is that about?