SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I can’t find anyone to play SFxT on Australian XBL any more. :<
I guess I’ll just have to run some sets with Disaster FX again soon.
Also, I found out that Lili’s TK EX dive kick causes enough hit-stun to land a raw launcher after it. I thought that was pretty silly. Hell, I think Lili is pretty silly. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Her Dominating Heel :f:+ :lk:, :lk: also has enough +frames on hit to allow you to raw launcher right afterwards too. This only works in the corner since the opponent will stumble back when hit by it. I often will use Dominating Heel when my opponent is cornered so I can get a free unscaled launcher for massive damage.

Found a neat Pandora set-up with Ken and Heihachi. If you’re in the corner and you combo into Heihachi’s HK Hell Axle, it gives you enough time to combo into Ken’s :b: :mk: and go into pandora (since Heihachi runs off screen just as the recover frames of Ken’s :b: :mk: end). Then you can go into Heihachi’s EX Rising Upper, st. :hp: xx Super for some good damage. I got 602 damage from the following combo;

jumping :hk:, f.:lp:, f.:mp:,st.:hp: xx :hk: Hell Axle xx Tag Cancel, Ken :b: :mk:, Pandora, EX Rising Upper, st. :hp: xx Super

I had the pandora power gem, the pandora meter gem, and the power gem that activates when you land 5 normal moves (though in a real match that gem probably would have been used up so the damage might be a bit less). I got 682 damage from just doing a raw st. :hp: xx :hk: hell axle into the rest of the combo…but I don’t see myself landing that too often in a match except maybe off of a desperate tag or a launcher punish, unless I really think that I’ve read my opponent.

The only problem is that it requires the corner, you need to start with 3 bars, plus you need to use up two gem slots for the pandora power gem to get that large amount of damage and the pandora meter gem to get it to work in the first place. It just seems way too situational to use in an actual match, when I can have an optimized gem set where all my gems activate off of a basic Heihachi BnB combo (2 power gems and a speed gem), and I can get 550 damage by doing a basic BnB into a cross art without any gems activated, which uses the same amount of meter that the Pandora combo does.


I tested the alpha counter and it seems to be character specific. So far i’ve only tested it with julia doing the option select versus herself and here are my findings

Julia Jump in set up
mp > lp > qcf mp
kill the wake up frames with cr lk > jump in RH
gets blown up by the alpha counter option select

Safe jump version
mp > lp > qcf mp
kill the wake up frames with cr lk > jump in MP
Launcher comes out and gets blocked

Cross up version
mp > lp > qcf mp
kill the wake up frames with st mp *in case they tech > jump in mk
Alpha counter option select is difficult to time but when you get the alpha counter
on the cross up it will get blocked and you will be punished
***but you can tech roll the cross up

this is option select is useful but its a rock paper scissors game vs set ups. Alpha counter option select beats jump ins > safe jumps and cross up attacks bait the option select > Tech roll avoids the cross up

This option select is most useful in the neutral game, whenever you miss a anti air and your forced to block a jump in cause you didn’t react in time. Alpha counter option select wins evertime in this situation

Also bare in mind that some cross up attacks do lose to the alpha counter option select so thats why it is character specific

Cross up set up with Chun Li
Dash forward throw > dash > jump lk or mk cross up > land > cr lk
*if you alpha counter the cross up lk or mk > the alpha counter gets baited out and blocked
**** Same set up VERSUS CHUN LI
*if you alpha counter the cross up lk or mk > then the alpha counter hits

Cross up version
mp > lp > qcf mp
kill the wake up frames with st mp *in case they tech > jump in mk
***Contrary to what happened with JULIA, Chun li’s alpha counter wins in this situation.

Conclusion - Alpha counter option select is character specific based on how fast your alpha counter is and which attack your alpha countering because its still possible to alpha counter a jump in attack and have it blocked OR EVEN jump in attack and DP which is even more character specific since the dp follow up sometimes beats the alpha counter, again depending on which attack used jumping in.

This tech is still usable tho especially if you have a good alpha counter like Jin, Chun li, and Cammy

Alisa is the EASIEST character to alpha counter in this game, seriously if i used those gems that build bars of meter from single actions she wouldnt have a way to get in and her keepaway isnt all that impressive when u get used to the angles that the fireballs go

I like the thought tho good shyt David, we need more “thinkers” and less “doers” in this game. I had no idea relevant people still posted tech for this game, shout outs to juri kills friends who directed me here otherwise i would have missed this. This OS needs some more testing before i put it to work. BTW i was already doing this WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING LOL. I would be playing waiting to alpha counter a jump in then get a launcher but it hit cause they attacked low, which made me lol and just kinda accepted my “Luck” without even knowing the science behind it

on a side note alisa builds some stupid meter. Also her chainsaws cause a slightly longer standing period which can be use for set up purposes.

You know, sometimes I don’t even know why I bother with Alisa/Asuka. Pretty much everyone I fight has better tools than me, and it sucks the fun out of a game when I’m forced to bend over backwards to win fights.

^I gave up on alisa week one. After the cr lp x 2 > st mk > st mp overhead gymmic got figured out she was done. Asuka is still viable tho her Cancan/DP kicks are only -5, she builds good meter, and has some good gymmics with her ex command grab. Too bad her normals suck and she’s slow.

Same reason why I bother with Xiaoyu in this game, character loyalty lol.

Edit: Granted Xiaoyu isn’t absolutely terrible but her normals get beaten by a large portion of the cast. If it weren’t for good guys like Tatsu I probably would’ve given up on her after week 3.

i play lili because she reminds me of…KARIN! =(

No you don’t. You just like looking at those legs :coffee:

…<///<;;;; um maybe…YES!

Don’t say that like he’s the only one. :coffee:

Whew taking a break and playing TTT2 for a few days really helped me. I’m seriously feeling so rejuvenated now I’m ready to destroy anyone who dares to cross paths with me. I still need some sparring rounds with Will08 so I’m not as free the next time we fight for real.

Raven is ass…and yet I still play him too for some reason. Now that the cheap stuff was nerfed the character was exposed as one who has a couple of terrible flaws haunting him down. :confused: Trying to see what I can do…I feel power gems are what’s needed to make him effective.

Same lol. Well, that and Juri just fits my “play style” as it were.


I mean uh coughcough*…



link to Gief OS?

Edit: nvm found it

and the one below it

Like Lili’s legs?