SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I think his safe high/low WITH that range is a bit retarded. And I find his standard BnB boring as f***.
You had a bit more mixup, used more nice frametraps. The Tatsu switch cancel combo with Guile jHp is nice…just because I told a friend of mine to do it a while ago :smiley:
And yeah his jHK is absolutely a joke! His counter is not bad, the problem are the followup possibilities, esp. with 1 meter. What shall I say with my poor Dudley?

…Great, now I hate him again :slight_smile:

Gg’s last night dude, was a great way to end my fall break. Especially since you were one of the few non Ryu/Ken/Chun-Li’s teams I’ve fought in the past THREE DAYS. But yeah, the most fun I have is when I play people here.

yes he does.

He beats the right people, that’s all that matters. Sure he loses to the likes of cammy and Lili, but he still stops gief and he has cody to counter any people who get up close and personal. As i mentioned before in another thread he can chain combo and not be punished for it. It’s mad stupid atm and tokido is playing a very smart team.

Waiiiiiit… so Tokido is Zet-familia? Holy shit. Explains so much why I never see him lose.

Well, it’s official. I have no idea what to do against a good Asuka player.


Didn’t help that I was playing with only 4 hours sleep either…good games to that guy though. :slight_smile:

if sim sim showed me anything its that a high level sim player is not to be facked with. Especially since he plays it sim on point and cody as anchor. B.mp all day. you gonna have to fight me on the ground with my safe/unsafe/blockstring chain combos.

I was wondering if it can be confirmed…From the looks of things, it’s gotta be him! He was the first person to speak highly about that team and I see him dominating the top Japanese players on SFxT PSN online so it kinda adds up.

GG’s Wind, we went back and forth on wins for 2 hours lol

I watched some of the Japanese online qualifier for Capcom 25th ani, and I can confirm that it’s Tokido for sure.

Welp, my arcade stick died… Faaaaaack.

No more SFXT till I get another. :frowning: Which means no more training for my runback with that Ogre player.

0_0 I wanna play him!!!
But… I must defeat Tatsu to stand a chance

LOL! I want to play him too. Honestly there’s like no good Dhalsim players on PSN at all. Most are just 1 trick ponies, once you figure them out it’s free BP.

fixed that for you.

I wish Evil Ryu was in this game so I can stomp on more people. :frowning:

You should play as Heihachi then. His stomp leads into a full combo and is safe on block. :slight_smile:

u funny guy

Anyone see crosscounters newest video with Jibbo’s music as the intro? It was a nice and catchy tune.

The option select I came up with in half an hour on the first day I started playing SFxT again after like 2 months is the best so far? Well that’s not good. I looked into Cody and found that he can do the same thing with ruffian kicks, although not to quite as much frame advantage as Gief with green hands. And Nina can do it with her command dash, although she can’t do a safe meaty attack out of it Think about how many characters have attacks that move them forward and have lots of active frames. It’s not just Gief Cody and Nina! My guess is that lots of characters in SFxT can do autocorrect option selects to maintain pressure, but for whatever reason you guys haven’t bothered to come up with that stuff (or at least haven’t publicized it). If I were you I’d look at Cammy spiral arrow, Dudley machine gun blow, Guy run, Ibuki neckbreaker and command dash, Julia swift step/swift step explosion, Ken hurricane, Law shaolin spin kicks, Sagat tiger knee, etc etc. Hell, what about inputting toward back toward just at the timing where the opponent would roll behind you if he’d rolled to get a dash toward the opponent either way? I understand that not all of you think roll/stand is as much of a stupid problem as I do, but you can really negate it in a lot of ways, and it doesn’t seem as though people are putting in work to do that.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. It seems like such a simple trick that can be effective for a good amount of characters but it didn’t seem like people were really looking into it (and some of them didn’t even know about it) until I posted that video demonstrating it.

Speaking of tech…wasn’t there a discussion a while back on option-selecting launchers? I haven’t heard anything about that in a while…assuming I’m even remembering it correctly.

Wow, who would have thought? I guess I should never underestimate people with random names…it could be someone famous on disguise. hahaha And it makes sense that he said SFxT was his main game ATM. And he has that many BP with that team. Hmm…perhaps I should follow him on PSN then. See what kinda tech he has.

Also…I watched the Ryu/ Boxer video…

Is it possible to charge up TAP while Balrog is off screen (archor position) ? Cause if that is possible that sounds fucking crazy O.O Maybe he won’t be as worthless as people thought he was.