SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

The comp is low on PC version.

The few matches I’ve tried to have on PC against randoms have generally been serious tests of my patience. Apparently Capcom added a teleport function into the game. >__>

…I’m overreacting a lil bit :razzy: but I tried everything I could think of on my side to figure it out. :frowning:

What burns me though, is how I can fail so miserably in those conditions, but the person I’m playing against lands all the things.

Are you

are you only on pc?

It’s not tuned the same as the console. PC is like two patches behind.

I’m on every platform almost. 360 primary, got PC and PS3 copy cheap.

Alright, I’ve gotta put this somewhere.
I’ve known for a while that Lili’s d/f+HK (Andante) is godlike anti-air, but I’ve never really messed around with her. Now that I am, I’ve discovered this (even though I’m sure someone has already tried this/come up with something better):
AA d/f+HK, HP xx qcf+HP, f+MK,HP
330 damage, you can tag cancel at the qcf+HP and follow up because it leaves them floating for a really long time.
I don’t know why I wasn’t playing Lili before.

The more you play the more you’ll realize how good she really is.

Lili is very well balanced. She really doesn’t have anything broken that will require nerfs or anything extremely underpowered that you need buffed. She transitioned over well from Tekken and her basic gameplay remains pretty much the same. Get your opponent on the ground and make sure they never get back at neutral once they’re there.

A lot of people may already know this, but I’ve noticed that in a switch cancel, the tag partner comes out on the side where the active player’s back is turned. I discovered this when I performed a switch cancel in the middle of a Shinkuu Tatsumaki. There are times where my partner comes out from the opponent’s side if Ryu’s facing away from the opponent when the switch is made. This could be used to make the partner reach the target faster.

Thanks. I really appreciate it. :slight_smile:

Out of curiosity…what makes Heihachi so hated anyway? I’ve heard people on this site calling him derp and saying they absolutely despise him…and yet I’ve received nothing but complements for my Heihachi. I have yet to receive rage mail on the PC version for using Heihachi…instead I either get complements or just nothing. Am I playing really differently from the average Heihachi or is it something else?

Also, yeah, I was surprised at his Hwoarang play. Him being an A+ rank I was expecting Dynamite heel frame-traps, insane mix-ups and basically play that would completely shut me down. But instead I get day 1 mix-ups and basic stuff that was pretty easy to counter or just block against. And I should know; I played Hwoarang the first week the game came to the PC and played almost the exact same way before finally getting bored and swapping to Heihachi. :sweat:

Regarding the earlier talk about SFXT supposedly being “boring to watch”, I believe what also makes so many people think that way (besides the timeouts) is the overuse of Cross Rush (LMHH), even among several high-ranked players (which doesn’t necessarily means HIGH-LEVEL players). Yesterday, for instance, I fought like 9-10 Rank B ~ A+ players, and most of them only were punishing with it, even when it wasn’t necessary to switch at all. Not only they were wasting some great opportunities to deal huge damaging stuffs, but from a viewer’s perspective, it can be really boring.

Fortunately, there are also many high-skilled players who bring us some great show as well. And at those levels, SFXT is awesome to watch. It not only inspires people who cares about this game to keep improving (and why not make some people give this game an another chance), but also encourage people to find new stuffs and bring them to the community.

Respect to everyone who really keep supporting this game regardless of all the hating / boycotts around it. It shows personality and helps the community to grow as a whole.

I really really enjoy this, I’ve been playng DOA5 - a seriously very good game, but to mix things up I popped SFxTk back in
and only saw a handful of lobbies and the same 2-3 people in ranked. The future is looking bad for this game and that really does suck.

For shits and giggles though I went into training mode and turned the cross gauge to infinite; just to see some kinda of crazy ass combos my team could do.
and in doing so I discovered a few actual combo possibilties that I hadn’t thought of before.
It is just a shame the corner is required because doing these 500-650 damage combos mid screen would be disgusting to pull off in a match.

Ehh, when I go into ranked and endless it’s a full page of rooms during peak time. I don’t think I’ve had a problem finding ranked. I only run into that issue on PC.

Miharu in TTT2!

Got destroyed by LordWilliam123 earlier today in a humiliating fashion. Those matches made me question what the hell I’ve been doing in this game all this time. :frowning:

I’ll want to say this line again…

Reasons to hate Hachi:
[]lag frame traps. His frame traps are good but in a lag environment they can be UNSTOPPABLE!
]crossup j.HK. I swear to god its unblockable with the perfect spacing.
[]counter stays active for daaaaaaaaays!
]he looks like Doctor Wiley. Seriously, no one likes that guy.

Yeah I’ve had that feeling before…

I’ll agree with those in bold. It just screams “OMG it’s too overpowered, neeeeeeeeerf it plzzzzzzzzzzz!”

But you’ll have to thank Dr. Wily for creating Zero. You also forgot that his hobbies include tossing his offspring to volcanoes and outer space.

Never thought of that. I’m gonna go colorise him into Wily now.
They should’ve made that his swap btw.

Same. If I’m on and it’s not after midnight (aka 3am in the east), I can usually find matches no problem. Endless has dried up a little bit, but not too much (XBL btw).

I have been thinking over the last few days…Is Dhalsim really that top tier? And also is Tokido the number 1 player on PSN? Cause I heard someone say he has over 40K and it matches this account’s BP. Also it’s Cody x Dhalsim which I believe its his main team…?. Someone clarify me on this, please.

Dhalsim has too many bad match-ups to be top tier. Then again, I have never fought a Dhalsim that really was able to outright beat me. If you understand how his teleports work and how to block correctly he’s pretty much no problem.

Also Tokido is on PSN?