SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

"Oh God, how will these system changesaffect X character, he is ruined now, I give up on this game’.
Not that much better.
And rolls are too much of a free way out, they needed an adjustment. As long as it is not overkill.

GGs as well Alpha! Man that first like, thirty minutes my brain was like @_@… Had played offline the day before almost all day, had to re-adjust bust still got rocked lol.

Will likely get some more matches in soon. :slight_smile:

Agreed, that’s my only worry, but with rolls being present at all there’s likely no vortexes incoming.

Because, they wanted to reveal the unpopular news first.

Interesting Tweet about rolls

This is going to be a whole new game.

I’m getting more and more excited for SFxT, almost everything i despise about this game is being fixed and/or adressed, even the visual things such as the zoom and gem glow. I’m not expecting a different game, however i am expecting a much more polished game.

Rolls get nerfed and this auto correct thing becomes consistent. Akuma for broken tier with his 4f Cr.Mp, combos into Cr.Hk and vortex?!

They need to nerf the bullshit, I’m sorry if you don’t agree with the nerfs but the game is rewarding players to exploit and cheat. After seeing several tournies on stream I can honestly say the better player isn’t winning these matches most of the time.

Have you seen Stanky_Beenur on PSN yet? His Cody plays exactly like PR Rog’s (actually he’s an even bigger scum bag than PR Rog!) I think Stanky_Beenur would destroy him if they ever met. That’s why I’m really glad this game is getting the changes implemented. When online tactics work just as well, if not better offline I feel that is a huge issue!

This means that the damage nerfs make alot more sense.

Right? Just from a PR point of view. Is the thought that that is the information that both fans will care about AND will win over people on the fence so they’re holding it back? If this was the first time we’d ever heard of this game that strategy would be sound but here?

Anyway, despite my character looking pretty watered down in the new version I’m very excited. The core of the game, the juggle system and raw mechanics are things I enjoy and seeing a new take on it has me real interested.

I just hope rolls don’t become useless.

You read a roll (or maybe even react to it)? No need to setup up a crazy crossup. Just do j.HP/HK.

Pandora’d VIETNAM_GENERALS. World order has been restored.

My question is if the 8f vulnerability is during roll startup or the last 8 frames of it. That would really change how I do my Heihachi meaties and oki.

Also, here’s hoping the Rolento jMK nerf is NOT to his crossup hitbox, if they did that he wouldn’t have a real crossup :frowning:

It didn’t even need to be unpopular news in the first place. They could have said they were changing the roll and chain mechanics along with the health regen, and people would have been happy or at least interested about that. Instead here’s a list filled with the word “reduced”. On paper, and out of context, that SF character list looks bad.

If rolls have a confirmed 8f punishable window, then it’ll totally change wakeup games. You still won’t be able to set up safe jumps and classic AE style jump-dependent vortexes the same way, but it’ll be a LOT easier to just sit there and threaten either meaty pressure or throws on wakeup. I’m interested to see what happens with that. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with rolling at the moment - characters who rely on pressure don’t really have that many problems staying in, if that’s what they need to do (see Rolento, Zangief and Kazuya).

What a nerf to rolls does is make wakeup more functional.

With the combination of rolls, backdashes, Alpha, and most character having multiple reversals. Alot of characters had a hard time doing much of anything on wakeup.

woah woah, Capcom really going in with the changes

The only thing rolls needed was to be throwable and some recovery. Not sure how I feel about 8f vulnerability

depends on where are those 8f, startup or recovery. My guess is on recovery.

OZ is gonna be pissed at me for taking his line…Dat gold warmachine!
