SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

^ This. I just don’t understand their “Gameplan” thoughout all of this. So far in my mind its this.
“Timer issue?Meh Lets nurf everyone till they cry like a hungry baby”

Or am I missing something.

Oh hell no… That would have been the absolute worst thing they could do. The gem system gets enough ire as is - using it to fix the game at this point would have been akin to throwing it off that aircraft carrier. o_O

Personally I’d still like them to “solve” the gem system itself. I like the idea, it’s just too many of them, and still cumbersome to select them.

The Top Tiers of UMVC3 do not compare to Vanilla’s.
Less meter gain, less bullshit assists (no invincible assists alone makes it obvious), assists not immune to hitstun decay, no DHC gliitch, the fastest characters were slowed down or had tools taken away with very few exceptions, no block during air-dashing, even X-Factor is less damaging and scales more. The only thing that got a boost is hyper moves across the cast(mashable ones).
Ultimate is still a crazy game with many exploits, but compared to Vanilla? Watered down a 1000 times over, easily. And the game benefited from that.
Of course, that was a whole different studio handling it with a different director, so comparison is irrelevant but you are way off base.
Also, Marvel is nowhere near as popular worldwide, it’s just close to numbers in the US.

And Ryu nerfed to shit in SFIV? He is mid-high now at SFIV, and even at AE, when he was at his worst, he was of the better mid tiers and perfectly usable. Just Daigo not playing him did not make the character irrelevant.

Also ‘just buff weaker characters to match top tier, that’s the same as nerfing the top’ is stupid reasoning. You have to consider the game mechanics as well.
What do you think makes the game better, buffing everyone boost combos’ so they are safe or nerfing the ones that are safe?
If you give characters tools to make one of their harder match-ups even, it could tip the scales for others too much.

Not every decision made for this patch is the best, but you act as if suddenly the whole cast has been homogenized and nobody has options.
That’s just reaching too far

What… There’s fastest dial-up? SINCE WHEN?

GGs Roknin, dunno what the hell I was thinking half the time against ShadolooDoll…got so bored chasing…it?..that I was watching NFL Redzone DVR out of the corner of my eye and kept forgetting to tag characters in:rofl: Pretty sure I died 3 or 4 times with a full health 2nd character in there.:shake:

PSVita version acquired! Pretty cool. You can use the right analog stick to move the dummy around in training mode.

You may isolate network battle against PS3 or Vita players or both.

And dat AR. Dat Poison.

Should have hid the Blanka toy.

Also picked up the vita version today: Goddamn, Vita version looks JUST like the console version. Seriously, those nasty-looking vids where the characters had all that grey/black on them and had really dark outlines?


NONE of that is present. Character models are clean and sharp. My estimation of the Vita’s graphical power just shot WAY the hell up. The backgrounds are fully animated, unlike Umvc3. There are no shadows under the characters, but this is a GREAT trade-off, and you don’t notice anyway. And now we get the dlc characters on console FREE. I’ll play the Vita version on the road, but I don’t think I’ll be going to the console version. TTT2 all the way.




If I could, I would travel to the UK, smack open Dawgtanian’s head, and then slurp out all delicious secrets he knows a la Prototype.

Like one of the commenters said, maybe the roll is only available during the initial knockdown, where you would normally quickrise.

God PR Rogs Cody is so scummy…

Tiny bits of FPS dip but nothing really impacting game play. The game looks gorgeous. It’s not the native resolution for sure and just a little scaled down but I’m loving it so far.

…wow that sounds so messed up lol.

My wild wild guess is rolls are throwable. NOTE: THIS IS JUST A GUESS. I HAVE NO IDEA.

It would be nice if someone would just come out and say this shhhhhhhhtuff already! :crybaby:


2013 Roll info.

Yeah I saw that too. I need them to go ahead and give us the info already. Dawg is on that teaser status right now, lol.

Oooo, oki is actually a threat now.

As long as the word “vortex” remains far, far away from this game, I’m willing to give this new roll change a try.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why they didn’t reveal this stuff first, instead of going with that big list of nerfs out of the gate.

Oki was always a threat in this game though.
I really hope they don’t change the rolls too much, they’re already pretty much fine as they are.