SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Only thing I want to change on this guy is less push back on his sweep. For some reason it,s hard to punish with another normal

But but…MY FOOTSIES!!! And she gets more damage on ivory cutter, a faster cr.fierce 5 FUCKIN FRAMES! get ready for dat aa game bitches.

Hell yea party crasher is.good… If been practicing this one combo. If I ever get a jump in :hk:: to hit. I immediately do cr::HP:, ex tiger strike dash cancel party crasher. Since.that hit willx count as a counter and hit with any move that shit is like plus 20 on counter hit

Faster crouching moves and we don’t even know how bad the hurtbox nerf was.

Chances are s.LK will still be super stupid.

I fight OZleon’s Heihachi on a daily basis, his frame traps are stupid. Basically if you don’t have a DP you’re fucked. I can see some nerfs being tossed in his direction regarding them. Also hoping that unique low he has gets nerfed (f+mp??) the range is stupid and literally crushes backdashes. For characters that lack any form of wake-up options, Heihachi basically takes a shit on them for free once he scores a knockdown.

He needs to be damn good up close similar to makoto. That’s why he’s garbage anywhere that’s not in your face.

IMO all she has for herself right now are invincible limbs and random overhead and low mix up.

In Ver.2013 she should still have good limbs, better AA with c.HP, Geyser, and higher solo damage out put. Very fair trade off for having tradeable limbs now that she has reliable anti-air moves. Coupled with how chains are nerfed, her Tekken strings are quite good already and will shine more if people use them since they can cancel into fierce/roundhouse~tag

This is absolutely true. While he has decent mobility inside a certain range with f.MP, f.LK, and ex RU, these options all represent a risk of sorts if your opponent has a decent walkspeed and is good at whiff punishing. Hei vs Akuma is a monstrous pain, because, while f.MP is a great poke, and it helps in making Heihachi “sticky” once he makes you block something, Akuma’s walkspeed and 5f sweep make whiffing f.MP and easy and dangerous thing to do.

I’m expecting a walkspeed buff, but I don’t think I’d give up f.MP for it if I had a choice. And I wouldn’t give up b.LP being safe and a high crush for anything, if I had the choice. It’s one of the tools that makes Heihachi pretty unique, and without it, some matchups get a LOT worse (Geif and Kuma off the top of my head).

edit: Changed my statement about b.LP. I’d be ok if it got changed to -2 or something, but not with it becoming unsafe to 3f dps on block. Pressuring a dp character is hard enough as it is.

I like how CapCom is saying “wait for the system changes”, yea motherfucker maybe you should’ve posted that first

ps - although if we aren’t bitching about one thing it’s another :frowning:

Hmmmm I’ve had epiphany. I guess I’ll stay with SFxT I don’t know why but I will.

After doing ex shunpu, you can’t land the 3rd hit of otoshi when you cancel into it with hp anymore :frowning:
there goes one of my do-it-cause-I-can combos :s



I was hoping megaman would get 1000 health…id would even settle for 900…

depending on how you look at it he got some buffs…also god bless the king < (10 points if you remembe that game)

It’s probably because he and Alisa have character designs that are some anime that they’d be a natural fit.

You’re talking about Ex Tatsu, J. :hp:, cl. :hp:, :mk: Otoshi (3 hits)? If so, I was doing that all day yesterday with 100% success.

What? I don’t think anyone I play against finds my crossups gimmicky. Cheap maybe.

This actually makes a little sense now.
Not that it’s a good thing or anything, but all confirmed stealth nerfs (Bryan fish hook, Lei infinite, now Sakura JP) are to the DLC characters.
Gotta dig deeper into Alisa to see if something changed.

Geh, are you on right now? I’ll show you the exact combo

Not on at the moment but I’ll hop on real quick. I’m in the middle of studying so I won’t be staying on too long.

Everyone should have a cross up. Besides Nina anit doing much on wakeup
She needs more cheap stuff.