SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Eh whats this psn update?
Edit: nvm its the vita update.

Yeah, I’m thinking he meant Lars as well.

If so… Lars is interesting in this game. He feels more like an SF character to be honest. That said I have little-to-no experience outside like an hour of training with him in Tekken 6, so… >___>

ugh! waiting on the changes for Hwoarang is killing me.Watch dynamite heel be -3 on hit,-12 on block. Flamingo stance is gonna be 4 frames slower(talking like I know frames and use flamingo stance.)

Maaaaan… if they nerf Hwoarang I don’t know about this game anymore :frowning:

After looking at the Cody changes, I think he’ll be better. And it’ll give me reason to use EX Zonk instead of just Zonk in my combos. Already got combos in my head for that change. Wow, they nerfed Vega, didn’t see that coming. Also, why’d they do that to Bryan, I was training with him and noticed he couldn’t do the Fisherman thing anymore. yeah, I’ve been outta the loop…

1.07 Sakura got her juggle limit nerfed too.

Why would you be surprised Vega was nerfed? He is the best charge character in the game. I think after nerfing Ryu it was only fair this guy got nerfed as well.

However, I am Anti-nerfing all the way. I really dislike the direction they went with the changes for the character. You would think after 25 years of making fighters Capcom should know how to properly balance their game without catering to trolls, scrubs, crybabies, whiners and straight up player haters.

sarcasm. he’s not that bad a match-up, just gotta be patient.

I am just mad they took the “lets nerf Ryu route” once again. Capcom thinks addressing character balance its nerfing the shit outta Ryu as their main course of action.

The fuck, don’t know why I put that. Shoot me now. :wasted:

Yeah, I meant Lars. He’s pretty interesting in Tekken so I was just wondering how it transferred over.

Also, I’ve been messing around with Julia for a while now. Don’t see what all the fuss is over besides her backdash, which is pretty ridiculous. :rofl:

Fuck, I didn’t even think about that. I’m completely okay with reducing the range on that thing for footsies since it is insanely good, but if it fucks up party crasher combos… that’s gonna be a major bummer. Party crasher apparently didn’t get changed in any way.

More meter gain on qcb+P will be nice, the meter nerf on MK/HK DP is very unfortunate but it was pretty insane as it is now. 60 + 60 for both hits is 1/3 of a bar, which is why I usually ended combos with it for that sweet sweet meter gain. 20 + 20 is a huge drop, but it’s only fair I guess. (even though the Julia hate squad never knew about this)

Nina got some hurtbox nerfs but she sounds better overall?

A brand new, hopefully not gimmicky crossup and Geyser Cannon is an actual DP now, I like it.

Quit whining, learn to adapt.

Who needs tp adapt when to nerfs youre a follower in Sanfordkellyism?


That’s what I was saying to all the people saying he should be nerfed? It goes both ways.

I’m so glad they decreased the pushback on Kazuya’s s.HP. Fuck that move.

I also like that even Toro’s DP lost blockstun to fuck with tag cancels.

Picking a new top tier is a way of adapting :rofl:

Funny thing is you haters could have done the same instead of crying for nerfs. It goes both ways. It’s the never ending conflict of mentalities.

I didn’t notice anything like that with Sakura, then again I tend to keep it relatively simple due to my lack of DP skills. I can’t do DP motion for shit!:oops:

I really dont care, 2/3 of the things i wanted to be nerfed are nerfed, now i just gotta see what they do to hwoarang to see what new tools i can adapt him with, especially sincce i made new blockstrings already lol

Oh god, I’m starting to get worried for Heihachi now. Feel free to nerf the crap out of his j.:hk:, but please, please, please don’t nerf his high-low game! I don’t care if you nerf the high-low chains, but leave his regular overhead/low alone.

Actually…I’m more worried about his frame-traps. What’s the point of having a high-low game if you can’t even stay safe in the first place?