SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive


cr.lk, some of her chain, hp nerf, and back dash nerf. Those are some big nerfs. she got some buffs as well. Julia is far from gone but she won’t ever be the same that’s for sure.

i am liking the bob changes, i have to give him a chance now. also wtf is with the tame buff/ nerfs to the tekken characters compare to the street fighter side. Well at least so far. Still going to use rolento tho but using hugo not too sure. Even for a alt.

I’m actually okay with the backdash nerf, I was surprised it lasted this long. It was pretty insane.

The cr.lk I knew would be hit too, and her HP. She honestly didn’t get hit with anything I didn’t expect.

BUT, I am a Julia noob so I’m not the best to speak on any of that.

20 bucks on Ogre getting Ryu-like nerfs from scrub complaints. Prove me wrong, Capcom.

Julia doesn’t seem too bad, I think players will have to adjust to the difference in spacing with the backdash now, but that’s not too bad at all.

People were complaining about Ogre?

Scrubs are free to Orge’s overhead into low chain.

orge is a gimmick character. He’s like the blanka of this game. If you don’t know what you’re doing he’ll rape you. If you do you’ll rape him.

I got VERY plentiful ragemail for my Ogre play. Some nerfable stuff: the second hit of this LP LP MP chain is +8 on block, and Ancient Power H is like a DP with auto-correct built in. AND its safer than most DPs. He has anti-airs out the wazoo, so of course jumping scrubs will complain. Infinite Kicks chain and crMK xx crHP chains are tricky Overhead -> lows and low -> overheads that catch a lot of people off guard too. People will be crying to Capcom for nerfs to that stuff.
They might increase Owl Hunt’s reach slightly though, since Ogre’s BnB off of a jab tends to whiff for no reason a lot.

Doesnt this game have Blanka also? is he still as gimiccky as he is in SF4?

Yo, it just dawned on me… King just got all kinds of air control. They already “hinted” at Yoshi getting some AA buffing in the original announcement with that pic.

…I’m kinda’ fucking scared right now. Vulcan with Yoshi AA buffs = nightmare fuel. @_@

who…oh the one that took karin’s spot in this game…no fuck him he doesn’t exist. HE’S DEAD TO ME YOU HEAR ME! DEAD!

tell ya what i am kind of ehh looking at some the smart changes for the Tekken characters. i really hope they gave hugo some hidden buff or something. Maybe a little more range on his grab. Something to help the big guy not just get lame out by people holding down back. I really want to play hugo. Also i want to see the yoshi changes since he my favorite soul/tekken character.

You’re right. Everything that happened to her is pretty adaptable and the chain is an universal stuff. So yeah, Julia is still pretty dangerous and will be an even more dangerous tag character. People just don’t know.

Hush hush, I’m on the verge of thinking about what pandora tech her wall bounce will produce.

oh crap we have not even begun to guess what if any Pandora changes will come out of this update. As long as it not super crazy like xfactor in marvel i be okay with it.

Well i main ogre so im aware of his shenanigans lol, just hope he doesnt get nerfed too bad… Hmm if they nerf recovery on H AP i wouldnt mind too much its already punishable, if they nerf the hitbox then i guess you could use the MP version… I hope they improve startup on BK…

HAha nope she is still the same. I never used her crl:lk: anyway outside of combos. Her standing :lk: has more + frames on hit and block.

Only thing the light kick nerf might hurt for me will be cr,:hp: tiger strike dash cancel into party crasher, light kick, tiger strike. That cr:lk: might not reach anymore

It’s a shame that they nerfed her back dash. If they did that they should make her dp have more invincibility and it cant be thrown out of.

Damn was hoping that her forward heavy punch would of been an overhead. :frowning:

I think the hitbox on Cammy’s j.HK is different…