SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Asuka was annoying, and then after the matches I remembered I could just mash out of CADC’s. :frowning: I also completely forgot what Juri’s dive kick is on block.


“Rising Uppercut (Fastest Input) - Block stun reduced by 2 (-1F on block)”

Looks like they nerfed EWGF on block(and some meter gain nerfs). I’m surprised that was all they did.

Juggle potential is down too isn’t it? That’s not small.

Also, alot of Asuka/s CADC’s are -2, and that still leaves her options.


I don’t feel bad for Capcom nerfs, most of the cast on Capcom side was braindead as fuck. Time for Tekken side to even the score and make them see exactly what we’ve been going through on Tekken side.

Didn’t see anything about juggle potential. I’m not sure they really know about how good the move is, but then again I’m not sure they really know about a lot of the stuff they’re changing in the first place.

that mist step nerf makes me scared for lili’s AA. If that’s gone I’ll catch you guys on a different game.

Oh wait, I got confused.

But now mist step lost all its strike invul. So the move’s general usefulness is still diminished.

Lili has like 4 viable AA’s… that would have to be alot of nerfing…

Holy balls they buffed Cole!

EX Slaughter Hook is the one that lost strike invulnerability. But Mist Step did lose it’s invincibility to standing attacks (while also having its hurtbox reduced?), so looks like the move won’t be as effective, like you said. Which I’m fine with, less derpy and it still remains to be an obscenely good combo tool and great AA at the right ranges.

Both my mains got nerf bitch slapped.

Loving the King buffs!
• Running Jaguar Bomb (L) - Invincible against air attacks
• EX Running Jaguar Bomb - Startup 13F->10F

  • Full body invincibility against strikes


It’s gonna be such a good holiday season this year! :party:

Everybody loling at Julia.

Her MP is no really good, and notice her cMP wasn’t touched in boost chains. If anything, bitch is buffed.

LOL Julia health nerf. Yeah I totally did not see that coming. :rofl:

Am I misreading something or did King get a lot of damage boosts?

Shhhh. Don’t tell them. Let them celebrate a lil’ while.

Looking forward to some lab work. I’m… loving everything I see for King so far.

EDIT: my bad for the double post, figured the board speed would be faster than that. XD

Some nice buffs to Nina. Cr HP from 8 frames to 5 frames. LK geyser cannon from 15 frames to 8 frames and invincible to air strikes from 6th frame onwards.

I guess that’s what they mean when they were saying that Tekken chars were getting improved Anti Air abilities.

Man that Julia health nerf is lol-worthy. “Yo! One of them there females got 1000 HP!”

Capcom employee - * spits out coffee * “-----what?!! Nerf that shit ASAP!”

amen brother, they better not touch that !!!

They did the same with Makoto from AE to 2012…Capcom confirmed sexist?

That is precisely what makes it sooooooo funny. Like, I an’t stop smiling.

Min you, I play the character and I’m not dropping her now at all (plus she got some other juice). It’s just, you couldn’t predict an easier nerf if you tried. :rofl: