SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

The thin I hate most is the stealth part.

At least fucking tell us what your doing Capcom.

The fuck happened to patch notes?

please tell me more about this mass influx of mediocre vega players who are winning tournaments and majors in sfxt

also i’m not really buying into this “let’s nerf boost combos” thing that everyone seems so fond about. can you imagine if bryan and bob’s cr.LK xx cl.MP boosts were nerfed? nina? for these characters, their low pressure is often unsafe/limited/nonexistent and boosting into a safe chain from a low normal helps to cover that weakness.

again, not all boost combos are problematic in this game! i don’t even think there is anything wrong with boost mechanics in general, only that certain characters have more abusable boost combos than others when they shouldn’t. universally nerfing boost combos actually ends up punishing more characters over others (i.e. characters that need to rely on boosts vs characters that don’t). it’s not such a simple issue like everyone thinks it is

i’ll try to work on a 1.07 bryan vid to help players figure out his new optimal combos

We need to find out what they nerfed.

1999 baby!

I think I’ve got it figured out. Just less damage and hard to break the habit.

It really hurts his EX Fish hook more than anything.

Lik I said, its the secret part that irks me more than anything.

i’m trying to understand the reasoning behind it as well. it’s not like bryan players have been terrorizing the game.

sfxt 2013 is like trying to fix something that isn’t broken

My guess:

EX Fish hook is one of those reversals that leads to tons of damage. They may be trying to nerf those across the board. And that they just turned down the juggle potential across the board.

Obviously, lots of wholes in that theory, but it’s all I got… :frowning:

But why not tell us? Dumb change or not?

Also, Amen on the boost combo thing. Tekken characters almost need them. Of course, we haven’t seen the tekken changelog yet… so anything could happen.

Also, GGs to fullAuto.

Haven’t had to deal with EWGF in a while.

Fuck that moves.

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen FullAuto in a while. Still need to get some matches in with him, think last time he EWGF’d my face two inches over. :-p

It was pretty even. I’ve got alot if high setup characters that give kaz trouble.

Still, Bryan changes made that team difficult for me to play.

My ass there wasn’t broken shit in this game. It breaks my heart to see just how hard some characters in this game have to fight to even compete against downright lazy techniques. The risk/reward ratio in this game is completely off, and even if I win a hard match it never feels like my opponents had to struggle as hard as I did. This game is fun, but it has some deep flaws that piss me off, especially when good players like pr rog or Justin Wong just use lazy fucking techniques to get by and still win.

Got to use my new secret tech on FlyingVe. Walk up to throw, but instead hit the tag out buttons and get punished.

Also I would have played you with other teams, but I don’t have any. Too lazy to learn anyone else

It’s going to be nice to see players having to take just as many dumbass risks as me just to win a match. That’s all I have to say. Also one change I’d like to see is make Raw launcher scale damage up to 125% starting off in combos. (reward dat risk!) For such a high risk mechanic it has shitty risk vs reward. I mean, if you miss the launcher you’re eating ANY punish combo your opponent has in store for it.

argh… WTF did this 1.07 do to my bryan? no fisherman juggles… :frowning:

this shit better be a bug. I thought the update wasnt till december? wonder what else they broke (hopefully) by accident.

need to tweet these mofos and see whats up. get them to maybe give us a change list.

Hey, walk up raw tag is high tier. You saw me doing it too…

How’d you like the original Asuka/Juri? :slight_smile:

they better not touch Lili’s AAs or EXs (this one is likely), or I’ll rage. Also, the nerf to Abel’s alpha counter was BS, now he doesn’t have that unique thing anymore, why can he retain his old one?

Julia got ALL the nerfs I asked for!!! YES YES YES!!! Finally no more bullshit Cr. :lk: gimmicks! :smiley:

Link or it didn’t happen.


Looks like the two out of 3 of my favorite characters got buffed.
:coffee: Not bad

Just glanced through.

I’m fairly happy.