SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Sorry Empryrean, until Julia becomes less braindead with those “fake footsies” I won’t show any respect to their players. (Exception: Ryan Hunter) Everyone else is fraud, come @ me.

Played some more matches with Juri. Man, anti-airing with cr.HP into a combo into super for 500+ damage feels so good. I’m not looking forward to that getting nerfed on PC. :sad:

I think Roknin was right. Once you go Juri, there’s no going back.

I’ve also noticed that setting the dummy to CPU in training mode is useful for practicing your spacing and anti-airs. Still not a substitue for practicing against human opponents, but it’s a decent training tool in my opinion if you don’t have access to online. Obviously it’s not useful for practicing pressure or frame-traps since they just mash through everything. :sweat:

Mine is in transit! AR looks neat.

Rapid fire normals do not belong in this game.


yeah i actually REALLY like Bob, might start maining him soon

I warned you. :smiley: I may play without Juri here and there because argh so many characters I like to play, but at the end of the day when the chips are down…



Theoretically her AA should teach people not to jump… of course, that’s in theory. In practice…

  • jump, gets AA’d for 300+ meterless and a stocked fuhajin
  • jump, gets AA’d for 400+ 1 bar TC
  • jump, gets AA’d for 500 w/super- immediately goes to favorite site to bitch/moan about Juri and how broken she is

Outside of that, I’m getting used to her CADC stuff now (though I did not do too hot last night, Sniper and AlphZero were having a field day with me lol… I hate Bison), so that’s been fun.

As far as CPU, it’s definitely not optimal but hey, you gotta’ go with what’s available sometimes. Just remember that against the CPU you want to focus on execution and not things like frame traps or mind games… CPU doesn’t care about that lol.

Hwoarang AA buffs? now my DP will have SOME invinciblity and not trade every damn time??? I’m… ok with this

Hey trading is good.
That’s how Cammy got her 300 damage DP :slight_smile:

Tried to ditch Juri with Nina, but I ended up returning to her arms (or feet) anyway. The only problem I have with her is that I’m unable to use that cr.HP anti-air due to my crappy reflexes. Perhaps not relying on cr.HP is a good thing or not?

I really see high-speed characters (Juri, Bison, Vega, Lili, Cammy) to be the top-tiers in this game.

Once you go Juri…

You get bored.

I almost didn’t recognize you with the name change. :smiley:

I think you’ll need to learn to use her cr.hp anti-air eventually. Gotta get those fools to stop jumping like idiots, ya know? :wink:

I don’t know what it is about Juri in this game though. I HATED her in AE. I didn’t like playing as her and I hated facing her.

Yet I really, really like playing as her in this game…


I dunno…I’m finding the opposite to be true.

Depends on the situation. I find that for the jump-ins I have trouble hitting with cr.HP, cr.MP usually best (it’s still as magical as it was in AE). The benefit to cr.HP of course is the damage off the jump cancel. So it’s not so much that you shouldn’t rely on it as much as you can’t be lazy and fall asleep with it. I can tell when I’m being lazy because I’ll start getting stuffed for trying to AA - usually means I’m just auto-piloting and using cr.HP for everything. “They jumped? Whatever I’ll just do cr.HP… wait why did that trade?!”

LOL! Fair enough, to each his own. For me, it’s the opposite. Always got that itch to play Juri.

I can’t access my other account since that uses the “Login with Facebook” button. For some reason I always end up getting an error when using it. Luckily I have made a secondary account before that shit happened.

My fighting style is more prediction-based than reaction-based, so I guess using it is a tad difficult for me and also the reason I end up using Kasatsushi more than necessary. The beauty with Juri is that her special moves are easy to do and memorize (just qcf and reverse qcf motions) and yet they are flashy and full of finesse. Her divekick is probably the best in this game (It has the farthest reach) and one of the game’s fastest and most mobile characters. I think the only person who could beat her in both speed and mobility are either Bison, Vega, or Cammy.

Bryan’s Fish Hook has 100% had it’s juggle properties changed.

Earlier today:

Ben: “Boy, I oughta get these acheivements before 2013 sends me flying off to another game. Gotta get the Pandora ones.”

picks Team Poverty Fighters on a whim

getting beaten as Law, starts mashing

mashes out EX QCB+K

sees the wallbounce


Pandoras into Paul’s Super

…maybe I’mma stick around for awhile longer.



I don’t understand why you can’t juggle into Right Upper AT ALL EVER unless you do it raw. Not worth it to do EX extensions into it anymore when cross-cancel to Hei will do more now.

Any notes on changes with 1.07?

I told you, man. I’m done with the game.