SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

I honestly don’t mind the system changes (including ABC nerfs, red life recovering slower and CADC no longer gaining meter). What I don’t understand is why they are changing and especially nerfing SO FREAKING MUCH. Like, I’m looking again at all the nerfs and I’m trying really hard to find a justification for some of it but I just can’t. 90% of the character nerfs are either stupid, pointless, unjustified or mad random. Honestly, aside from Cody, Kaz, Chun Li and maybe Gief, who was really broken to the point of really NEEDING to be nerfed?

It’s like Capcom just thought: “We’ll just make a lot of really random nerfs to make the list of changes look impressive and give people the illusion that we’re working seriously hard on this.”

Personally, I’m not going to drop the game. I’ll wait and see what the new version feels like but I can understand why so many are angry about it. Nerfing should only happen to what is truly objectively considered broken by high level/knowledgeable players. And not decided by random scrubs. If you’re going to balance your game based on scrub feedback you might as well remove blocking, throws, overheads, combos and projectiles since scrubs think those things are cheap.

Let’s not forget the fact that landing air throw actually builds way more meter than it used to, which now gives us extra incentive to combo into it.
Guy is gonna be so sick in 2013.

Okay, now I have a question.
I’ve got a friend that plays Juri in AE, and he’s pretty good with her, too. When he did play SFxT (for a few weeks after release), he played Juri/Asuka. My friend here likes to play a very calculated footsie/spacing/zoning game, but likes to rush down when appropriate (e.g. when he’s got U1 stocked). Also, he’s not a fan of long combos in a match at all (he borderline despises Marvel for this reason). In his (albeit limited) experience with SFxT, he found that while he doesn’t dislike the game, he feels that the game’s systems just don’t facilitate his playstyle (long combos over footsies, timers limiting footsies*, etc).
*He still counts time over as a legitimate win, but he doesn’t feel that the win is as satisfying that way.
My question is twofold. Firstly, yes, I know his issues with the game aren’t exactly hard to deal with, but what’s the best way to demonstrate this to him?
Secondly, if that doesn’t work, do you think the system changes in 2013 will facilitate his playstyle more?
I mean, I understand that the game just might not be for him, and that’s cool, except only two other guys play the game around here. ;___;

Also, on a side note - roknin, has anyone told you about how sexy Juri looks in your avatar?
Just sayin’.

All the damage nerfs are most likely due to how health heals now.

Frame data nerfs are pretty stupid tho

Hate to point it out to you but it looks like that is a mistake on Capcoms part I do believe.Poisons forward dash has not been changed in any patch since release and it was originally the fastest forward dash in the game (14 frames). With how charge attacks have minimum frames before being able to cancel it becomes 19 frames for normal CADC and 17 frames for EX CADC which made it equal in speed with lots of other characters.

The text from Capcom-unity reads “Forward Dash - Full animation reduced from 22 to 16 frames” which if you look at her frame data makes no sense as her BACKdash is 22 frames while her Forward Dash is 14 frames. The only logical conclusion I could get from this is that they are NERFing her forward dash to 16 frames. The reason for nerfing it baffels me but perhaps they are worried about her already strong (in comparison) CADC game with the new 5 frame throws.

That said we have to wait and see as this is purely based on the assumption that this is a nerf to forward dash rather than buffing backdash due to the fastest backdash being Kazuyas at 19 frames and all the rest being 21+ which seems like too drastic a change especially when you consider its 3.5x faster than her backflip unique move.

As a side note they also seemed to make a mistake in saying Poisons “Close HK - Start up reduced from 14 to 11 frames” which is very likely also incorrect as her Close standing HK is 6 frame startup and Crouching HK (sweep) is 10 frame start up.

Her Far standing HK is a 14 frame startup however and thus would make sense with the frame data change as the faster start up would make it a more viable anti-air and would stand in line with the buff to Crouching HP startup.


I really feel like Juri, Guile, and Rolento should not have been nerfed. His Rekka is pretty much all he has. Now he will play like Fei Long (more of a high execution, punish character). Besides the boost chain spam, Rolento was never a problem. Juri’s jump cancel is easy to get out of me (Mainly because I play with fast characters), and Guile has two moves lol. I don’t think they should have dropped his health without bringing some of his combos back from AE (like regular Sonic Boom into spinning back hand. I can only do this using EX SB).

If they give Lili a decent walkspeed, I’m going the fuck in with her again. But I can see capcom nerfing some of her EXs (ex sunflower lance, best ex ever lol) and regular AAs (DF hk).

I feel that’s one of the things that bothered me about Lili, that she walks like she’s wearing a chastity belt. But I absolutely love her “you will NOT jump on me like…never” thing

True Bro. I think that it will better. I’ve been practicing only using boost chains to really punish and playing more AE Bison. I’m excited about MP being 5 frames. I already have some combos lined up. Still have some bad habits to kick but it will come. For those that rely on boost combos its going to be real tough.

Anyone knows when will they release the Tekken side changes?

I knew there was something up with her forward dash buff, it definitely isn’t 22f now, I always thought it was 14f already or around that speed.

A thought they’re gonna release the patch notes about a week after the first ones.
So three/four/five more days


Best bet. Obviously it’s not set in stone though.

Likely it will come out Wednesday morning.

The thing about the nerfs is that they don’t make sense in the current game. 2013 will be a completely different game. If that is a good or bad thing remains to be seen so it’s too soon to be angry about these nerfs.

After some bnb checks (including juggling into raw launch on both sides), Juri and Alisa seem the same after the patch that hit today.

EDIT: this is on xbox. There was a 3MB patch there too.

What about characters suddenly losing some of their juggle potential on moves after last night’s patch? ;__;

O.o; lili walk spend is slow yes but she can get across the screen faster than most characters. You need to watch alouine sensei or me play her and you’ll be like dang she is too good. They better not mess with ex sunflower lance. It’s a fair move that isn’t overpowering. If they nerd her best anti air it will be fucking dumb since they are trying to buff teken anti airs. Us lili players dun have much to complain about since we are rare. You she give her another chance now. She is just too good to pass up.

Yeah and I kinda see that as a problem in some sense.

Couldn’t they have addressed nuanced issues instead of presenting a slew of new possible problems by shifting the meta play even more with character tuning and “systematic changes” ?

Doing the above would result in a pretty drastic change of playstyle for a lot of characters. It’s almost a refresh of the whole game except there’s no name change.

Inevitably, I don’t want the game to go into the direction of chain fishing like it is right now for a lot of characters.

As a result of the current patch notes released, I presume in the future when more changes drop and nerfing chains to be more punishable people will fish for more counter hits and make this more SF4ish using mids and lows to pressure instead of chaining for pressure. This would validate more gambling of raw launchers and the like. Buffing overall throws would exercise this fact as they’ll become more useful. Throws = 5F universal, fastest lows *hitters *= 4F universal and if I’m not mistaken many command throws are also around 5-7F as well?

The thing about being “a totally different game” is that plenty of us loved the game as it is, it just needed the slightest of adjustments they are planning on a complete overhaul. I’m honestly worried.
