SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

yeah it seems all of lili’s stuff is still working as usual. gave me a chance to work on some new set ups and oki with lili. I can’t wait to use it some of you >=}

The juri nerf is related to the bold text. You jump she is rewarded by you being dumb. Now she is punished for doing the right thing with a damage nerf and now you can jump in on her all day long without having to worry. So why should the smarter player be punished. The logic here is straight up retarded. it sucks tatsu that vega got his cr.jab nerfed to a one frame link. Why make it harder for a player who earn something. =\ It just makes no sense whatsoever.

Downloading the new update now… wonder if anything outside the Bryan nerf happened.

A lot of people are mad about the hidden characters and crazy prices shit, and said “This game’s ugly as hell anyway. Put the dlc shenanigans on top of it and screw it to hell.”. And I agree with them. However, I will try the vita version, because that version comes as the console version should have. We should only have had to pay for stages, costumes, or music in fighting games, never characters. I could see paying for characters in other types of games, provided that character will have their own story mode missions and weapons, like in fps or action games. But that should never happen in fighting games, where the characters literally ARE the game.

this this this this. I remember some guy in my scene was like, “THE COMBOS IN SFXT ARE SOOOO EASY TO DO BRO!”

uh… problem? Maybe some people don’t want to be a basement dweller to do something? Some people have lives, jobs, families, better things to do than to waste time nailing something that has little to no room for error. That’s how I look at it.

Im not noticing ANYTHING different, wtf was it for?

edit: shit double post sorry

bad thing is i thought the balance was okay not great since a lot of character felt limited or weak but they could have been buff to even things out. The time out issue was with the red life not what the characters could do. my only real character was rolento when i played but now him and all my 2nd characters got nerf to shit. That my problem with capcom balancing if something is too good they nerf everything about it.

there’s nothing wrong with one frame links. A few of my combos have one frame links. Nerfing crap like that only encourages abc launchers and that will make people question the execution level of this game. Well maybe if the fucking jab to jab combo was more than just a one frame window i wouldn’t have to rely on such crap.

I’m torn. I like the current version, but I hate getting lamed out. Now I won’t get lamed out by boost chains but I don’t want this to feel like SF4 where all people do is run.

I play Bryan and I can see where they were coming from with the fisherman slam nerf, his juggle damage is pretty fucking ridiculous compares to basically the entire cast but then again that’s one of the reasons I picked him up in the first place (I love me some manly ass damage).

I play Akuma, everything is a one frame link for me. :rofl:


A brief run through of lili tech has be added for veteran lili players (like the 3 of you numbskulls <3) and for newbies. In today’s post i cover (asian accent) FOOT DIIIIIIVE…er i mean dive kicks. Take a read and take the quiz if you daaaaaaare. Failing grades = my foot gracefully up your ass >=)

I don’t know if this is possible but is there any way you could use some of your influence to get our messages across to Capcom? I am seriously dreading the hell out of this patch, it actually put me in a slightly bad mood over the weekend (first-world problems, I know). And I can’t play until December so I literally won’t be able to play vanilla online ever again. :frowning:

Can they at least let us play vanilla still? That would make me content.

How about we wait until the full patch notes are out and we get some time to play around with the new update before we start complaining? We still don’t know about more than half the changes that they are making so we shouldn’t be making judgment on it already.

I really think you, jibbo and ryan should contact dawgtanian and voice your concerns. I know dawgtanian talked to dieminion and other players of which he values the opinions of as pro players. He got positive feedback. I think there are both positive and negative sides to this update, and it would really help if you guys can use your weight as dedicated smart players to shed light on the negative sides of the update as well. Maybe it is still possible to change some of the … changes!

I’m really hyped for tekken patch notes, really want to see what they’ll do to my characters, specifically Asuka.

that wont happen until after the changes have been announced at the soonest

although i suspect that seth would have had more pull than dawg… and even Seth couldnt get alotta shit up stairs. Hell Capcom USA VP cant get a lotta shit upstairs

Agreed. Nerfs or no, I’m going to give the game a shot. If it sucks, there are more than enough games to play/learn. Guilty Gear is looking extremely attractive to me.

I find it odd that people complain about some characters safe boost chains (Guile, Gief, etc) then complain when Capcom, essentially, fixes the problem game wide. The logic behind boost combos was that the damage was low (I don’t think so) and that they were unsafe (right…). I guess stuff is only bad if it applies to someone else’s character (NIMBYism rocks).

I’m sorry Vega master, but I can’t agree with this. I don’t want a fighting game where mediocre Vega players can stand at ranges which I can’t do anything about and poke with cr. lp till they get something off of it. Yes it’s raw launch-able but the risk/reward is too skewed.

Execution is extremely relevent; it’s a matter of risk/reward. Do I go for this max damage combo (which I could drop at anytime) or do I go for something more reliable? Using Kazuya as an example, I’d always punish with 5 EWGF combos. Now, I’d rather burn a bar for w/e xx Slaughter High Kick switch cancel punish. The risk I take to attempt a 5 EWGF (yes I can do it and I know you can too - it’s still hard) and drop is way higher than the reward in that situation.
Edit: Not to mention that the latter punish (combined with your Nina combo) is a more damaging punish and I still get free order control off the overhead.

I like the being smart vs being stupid part. That’s why I’ve wanted a boost nerf all this time.

Let’s wait and see. We don’t know how things will play out till we play the game.
prepares to get shit on

Mostly it makes me wonder about all the people saying the changes will be awful/amazing.

… There’s a reason I don’t talk about Yoshi or poison much…

Poison? I’m wondering what delighting new CADC combos the faster dash will bring… :smiley:

I think they could do better with balancing execution and rewards. I don’t think making stuff 1f is good in here. The game’s presentation is ass on visuals and sounds. Feels weird linking anything in this game cuz of it.