SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Lei himself doesn’t really use meter very much (all his big damage combos are meterless). I need a character with footsies on par (at least) with Law, how do Asuka/Lili fare when they come against shoto cr.mk territory? Learning big combos and tight links isn’t really a problem for me, my personal learning curve comes from learning a characters’ footsie tools.

…what are the conditions required for Lili’s dive kick resets? Is it just tag in on a ground bounce or is it more specific?

The dive kick reset needs a ground bounce in order to work but you need that ground bounce to actually happen late enough so Lili has time actually get in there to dive kick while the bounce is happening.

Asuka’s only real footsie tools are: df.hk (slow startup, second hit whiffs at max range), b+mp ( slow startup, second hit whiffs at max range), f+mp (overhead, slow startup, unsafe but comboable with 1f link) and st.mk xx cr.mp (lots of forward movement but loses to low pokes, safe on block)…

You can use her sweep-throw and counter if your reads are godlike, but thats risky as hell.

Lili on the otherhand competes fine against most of the cast, losing outright only to the likes of vega, chun, julia and others with great range.

Sounds like Lili is more to my liking. Lei has a ground bounce combo off his drunken stance overhead, if I can get a reset opportunity off that I will be a happy man. Law was only getting resets off dragon knuckle crumple>cr.hp. And those are pretty easy to react to.

Fair enough… but I have no 1.07 update on 360. Like, at all. I log in, I’m fine. No prompts to update, nothing.

As far as I can tell from the matches I played with AlphaZero a little while ago, nothing has changed at all for any of my characters (Juri, Cammy, Law, Julia). Granted I didn’t do any extremely extensive tests (and not about to until I know there’s an update for 360 too), but yeah… nothing to report here.

It would just be… really awkward if they updated it for the Vita release and PSN only, but made little hidden nerfs with that patch and not say anything.

I’m going to have to agree with Combofiend about marduk being the best grappler. He is the only character I fear as a grappler. His command grabs are scary.

i can confirm bryan’s nerf. his juggle potential on fisherman has gone down. completely unnecessary

i’m not too happy about a lot of the 2013 changes either. chances are i’ll be dropping sfxt if this bullshit keeps up

I’m sure we’ll be able to get a better idea of what direction they’re taking this game once the tekken roster and mechanic changes get posted. At this point all we can do is speculate. If you get a brand new car of the deal you can’t really say you wasted your time playing this game at all. :smiley:

It’s probably just there for cross-platform compatibility with the PS Vita and nothing more…I think. o_O

About the 2013 update, is there a chance for them to change their minds on some of the nerfs?

Sure. Just wait til 2014

I got the 107 update, but I haven’t noticed any real changes. Ryu (LOL) certainly seems the same, he didn’t lose any of his combos. Cody seems the same in the chain department, IE, no nerfs.

Forgot to mention: I know the patch will be coming out in December. :stuck_out_tongue:

Link below my sig is the reset vid. Pretty much all you need to know is there. Also have a written guide. Join the lili army or else i’ll take you over by force. =)

The Army grows stronger, we can stand up to the Lili army now.

You’re really getting under my skin, you airhead! You’ll never win against me! Never, ever!

Hohohohoho. We shall see Asuka Kazama. You can only win with elegance and grace and you seem to lack that. >=)

So far from what I’ve seen Vega isnt too bad…

but if this game goes to shit I’m just gonna revert back to CvS2 or drop fighting games completely till a patch or SF5 or CvS3 or TxSF

you like having your jab confirms drop that much? well, then by all means have fun when your cr.jab, cr.jab xx fierce is blocked and you get punished for half your life

on top of that, vega gets even less frame advantage on his normals despite having a weak pressure game to begin with. have you really thought this through? are you looking at the same changelog that i am?

also, i’ve confirmed that lei’s palm loop has been nerfed

after SF4 i’m used to it. it sucks but I’ll adjust… I’m actually more bothered by the cMK nerf

well… from what i’m seeing not many characters have much of a safe pressure game. So people have to manage risk vs reward a bit more effectively. sMK is now safe since cody’s cLK was the only thing that could reach it on block. With so many reversals now unsafe even on tag baiting becomes a LOT stronger… which Vega is pretty good at. I have a feeling tho that the patch is designed to make Cross Assault the new standard for damage dealing, and pandora and the new Ultra.

it’s pretty hard to think it all out till i see the changes to the rest of the cast and the system changes. Regardless I’m going to give it a shot for about a month and make a decision from there whether or not i like this new redesign… if not, like i said I’ll revert back to where Vega was a powerhouse and play CvS2

so what was the 3 mb update for just now? To prepare 2013? Nothing is different.

racism was socially acceptable before the 1960s. we’re all used to it. it sucks but we’ll adjust

no, fuck that.

fighting games should be a mental battle, not an execution battle. i don’t care if some kazuya player completes a full EWGF combo on me. it’s impressive, yes, but i’d be more concerned with the kazuya player’s decision-making and how he managed to open me up to HIT that combo in the first place

the most important thing to consider in balancing fighting games is how much a player is rewarded for being smart vs being stupid

no matter how you look at it, there’s no justification behind turning vega’s cr.jab into a 1-frame link again. it wasn’t cool in sf4 and it’s not gonna be cool (ESPECIALLY) in sfxt. why add something like that for the pure sake of making it harder for the player? was vega landing cr.jab, cr.jab some kind of problem? no. it was a normal that had little frame advantage on block, was raw launchable, and was pretty much vega’s only way of converting into damage (which is, btw, a bunch of scaled chains from jab -> launcher)

you could HOLD UP in between vega’s cr.jab, cr.jab and only be punished with an air reset

do you realize how stupid that is?