SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Hwo’s overhead was always combo-able.


No probs. :slight_smile: Just to make it clear, I’m not saying the 2013 update is going to be all roses and peaches and such, btw. I’m not liking some (key word is some -Juri in particular :bluu:) of the changes either. But I’d still like to see the changes as a whole first. Perhaps if it is even worse than we think then we can get word out to the likes of Dawgtanian voice thoughts on it reasonably, see if we can halt that train.

What I wish they would do, is let us (actual players) test this. Do some public location testing. Get some feedback for Christ’s sake.

Overreacting re: Bryan. Nothing changed. Maybe you were just messing up stuff.

That moment when an idea is so good, but will never happen…
I think I’ll be on suicide watch after this “Patch”

Can you guys check if we can preview the new set of costumes on the color edit now?


Check again. I know what I’m doing with this character, his Atomic Slam M/H definitely lost it’s juggle since this 1.07 thing.

Someone on PSN play me who’s played me before, you’ll notice the difference.

Sniper, dammit why’d you leave? Now I have to hold all this salt QQ

GGs man. :slight_smile:

I believe you, but I really don’t want to. Checking right now.

edit: fuck i can no longer do cl.hp xx into fisherman after launcher! capcom fucked up!

lol it’s that placebo effect man. Last time they patched the game people were coming up to me like: “Yo Vulcan, I don’t know anything about Yoshimitsu and I’ve never really cared about him, but I messed around with him for 5 seconds in training mode and I found that CR.MP IS SPECIAL CANCELLABLE NOW!!!”

err… that’s not really new, but thanks I guess…

As far as I know Lili is fine. Why did Bryan lose a juggle point on fisherman’s slam?

Ok so I started playing tonight after having to get the update on the 360. Noticed it saying there was new dlc blah blah. went into training mode and my chun-li nina gem activation combo no longer works. Chun use to be able to do her 4.mk combo and instead of your standing close hk you could land and hit with a raw launcher.I was using this after tag canceling chun in during a nina Bnb to put nina back in and have 2-3 power gems activate in a single combo. Now the opponent just falls right through the raw launcher. That is incredibly frustrating that there was no documentation or even warning this was hitting.

Just finished watching the LA SFxT top 8. Great play overall, top 3 had me yelling at my monitor. Really disappointed in PR Rog’s “playstyle”. Love him as a player (especially in AE), but he did the same thing in NYC with Kaz: Fish with faux footsies cr.lk into abc launcher. He still hasn’t quite learned how to maximise his tag combos and with the 2 hit overheads from both Cody AND Akuma it wouldn’t be hard to work on some reset setups. Glad he made it that far, disappointed it was by using one dimensional tactics by abuse of a stupid ass cr.lk. If he stays strong when 2013 hits, I’ll be impressed to see his gameplay evolve into something more substantial.

I’m bored of my team of Law/Lei. Particularly Law. Want to pick up Asuka or Lili to replace Law on point, someone convince me which.
I am aware that this will start a war between the two colonies, I worship chaos.


Neither. Both are pretty subpar as point characters. You’ll be going through the same exact crisis as me right now. I stuck with Xiaoyu as a point character for quite some time and while I’ve been successful for the most part, every match is a struggle starting off. Just do yourself a favor and stick with Law and just use either of those two characters as a floating anchor character for certain match-ups or fun.

We have a recurring theme going on. People should check for juggle property changes in their main combos to see if there is any change.

Ugh. No. As much as I like the character you do NOT want Asuka on point, bunny’s trying to make you lose. She’s a decent anchor but dear god DON’T put her on point D:

Go with Lili if you need a new point character. She has a strong AA, great mixup and decent footsie tools that you can easily combo into launcher.

…on a side note, no change to Juri or Asuka as of 1.07.

Asuka if your a masochist. Lili if you like style and grace and having no meter.

…no wait, just pick up Juri.

EDIT: is 1.07 a PSN only thing? I’ll check once I’m done in this lobby I guess, I got no update when I logged on before.

LilixAsuka obby

Nina’s juggle remains the same.

Roknin, I have noticed changes in the characters I play after having to update the game. Now to be fair I haven’t played since DoA5 came out but a couple nights before I was doing the combo I mentioned 5-6 posts ago. Now I can’t do that combo. And it changes more than just 1 combo I used, it changes one of my main combos that was crucial for my gem setup.