SFxT General Discussion #3 - Still Alive

Is Gumby supposed to be Sethlolol?

It’s however you want to interpret it. We had wins and losses!

I thought those three people were the stream monsters and Gumby was the proper SF X TK players. :rock:

Yeah you know me. Doing those pesky unblockable lili set ups that never end. XD

It has to be because, Law and Paw won the day!

Sakura is going to be my new secret weapon. I figure after having to put up with Xiaoyu’s horrible approach on point and lack of footsies it’s time to make some adjustments and optimize my team for the meta-game without resorting to “tier-whoring.” This should be interesting seeing how I do with a real footsies character.

it’s not bad. it’s very fun actually. Sakura is a support character if anything and she an set up stuff for lili. Hk tatsu from sakura can lead to tag cancel to rabbit thorn. If you switch between the two you should do well. =)

Huh they did give Sak a better Otoshi now too huh… Songi we should have more sakura battles

Sakura definitely has the tools to play point. She also happens to be getting a buff in 2013 so it should work out.

omfg they nerfed Bryan LOL


How did you find this out!?

I just hopped on training mode because I felt like practicing my bnbs, noticed SFxT had an update. (the Vita x Console thing)
It’s his Fisherman’s slam*…the juggle properties have changed, I have to do shorter boring ass combos now lol. the only fucking character I like. Who the hell even complained about him?! No one even plays him. I quit.

iono but you’ll still own me… it wasnt your bryan that kicked my ass

I feel you bro… I really do. Proceeds to snap SFxT disc and slash his own throat with the pointy-part

Going home to confirm all changes. They said they wouldn’t make changes until after the the tournament was over!

Huh? Nerfed when? How? The update isn’t even out, so is this some kind of Vita-only thing? That would make no sense…

<----- is confused.

Can anyone help me out on this? How is making evrryones normals negative 10 frames on block and taking away the entire hitbox gonna get rid of the timer issue? In my mind that’ll just make people scer’d to throw out normals and pressure because they can get punished for it(since the startup frames are still the same)
Or am I mistaken on something? Real head scratcher for me…

It’s not the 2013 update. PSN just updated SFxT with some Vita bullshit saying you can play with Vita players. I’m playing on Console, again, not the vita versions.

In other words, stealth nerfs?

Those were boost combo nerfs across the board, not nerfs to everyone’s normals, if I’m understanding the nerfs you are talking about correctly.