SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I mean, I’m still gonna hold my VT for a VTC off slide or cMK 90% of the time, but I can see situations where a raw activate has merit.

SF6 will be like Smash Brothers where every button is a special move (Square = hadouken, X = Tatsu, Circle = DP)
And triangle is the item move. There will be random food items like cheese pizza that drop and you can refill your life by standing on it and pressing Triangle.

And random items like knives and baseball bats that drop and u use the item move button to pick up and throw it at your opponent.

Press all 3 attack buttons when your meter is full to execute your super move. Mash harder and faster for more damage.

Lol, what? Think you’ve missed the entire prior argument, because it was about how VTCs affect neutral and destroy interaction by offering options that will be used regardless of context. Chatsire got it, but you’re a bit slow it seems.

I can pull up any Zeku match where this is proven, meanwhile you can keep on telling me it has fantastic utility outside of slide xx VTC, but it’s not going to be used 90% of the time in favour of just sliding into VTC because of how easily rewarded you get for it.

And again, you just call people dumb and try to one up your ego whenever someone calls you out for being wrong on something. Lmao.

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So… @Pertho didn’t actually make any comment about VTCs destroying neutral. He said Zeku’s slide VTC was no more or less dumb than other VTC bullshit, and that there’s more to the trigger than slide>VTC.

He did say only bad Zeku’s do slide VTC, but I’m 99% certain that was hyperbole, and arguing against a hyperbole really isn’t productive.

And I can see the opponent trying to don’t have a piece of it 'til is gone most of the time. I prefer to stay in range where the opponent has less room to evade my VT pressure if possible, raw VT popping sounds like a last resort for me,all depends on how far the opponent is from Zeku before doing that.

With his bad Zekus hyperbole, Pertho does.

Poof. This entire post is talking about slide xx VTC being used by bad Zekus, I’m arguing against that using the discussions original point. I pull up footage showing the contrary, get called dumb(belittling people is an easy way to validate yourself in an argument).

I’m not really going to see hyperbole and intent behind words on a screen, so forgive me for misinterpreting the mans words who is usually wrong on all matter of things pertaining to the game. It’s practically impossible for this dude to think his takes are wrong, so it was prolly a waste of time. But it’s not hard to just pull up footage from top online and offline Zekus to disprove this completely, lmao.

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Off the top of my head the only time I might do it is against Guile or Sagat, where I may even be struggling to get in a slide spot.

Something about this warms my heart.

I think it is that it reminds me of pissing matches that used to happen before the forums were sundered and remade. :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t have a comprehensive list, but there are definitely lots niche situations where an SFV character is better off being in trigger than holding on to the cancel. I don’t know why Zeku would be exempt from that.

So… I quoted this in the post you responded to?

I mean, if you argument is that he is so dumb that he honestly believes slide VTC is bad…

I guess that given that phrasing, my mind would jump to that being hyperbole before I would jump to that being serious.

Like when I say delete Rashid. How serious do you think I’m being?

Honestly it was pretty obviously hyperbole, but I enjoyed reading Frost going off on it.

Didn’t really contribute to the discussion regardless though. Frost is still right.

To blow up fireballs? Could work, usually in these situations I’m close enough to pop VT when they shot then VT ender immediately on their heads. I didn’t worked on the distances for a full VT combo for punish that particular situation, probably because I’m thinking on EX fireballs being very fast.

Well pertho is the forum version of grumpy cat.

So sometime you gotta ignore the “flavor”.

The discussion was about how VTCs create windows in neutral that destroy context and force options that are not possible to deter/play around. Zeku slide being one of the offenders. To which Perth said there are other applications of it and bad Zeku’s don’t rely on it. I said that’s bullshit, which it is.

I’m aware, and I’m aware characters like Akuma can hold onto his VT1 for niche anti-airs and better 4f punishing, but that stuff doesn’t come close to mattering when you can make aggressive plays with options your opponent isn’t going to stop. Cody can hold onto VT2 for incredibly strong 4f punishes, but EX.Zonk xx VTC is still used 90% of the time because holding onto something for defensive play is not good in V.

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The dash is projectile invulnerable from frames 3-17 so you can dash through into Bushin chain.

To be honest at that range most people are so scared of the slide you don’t see many fireballs.

Man you missed Veserius. He is the real grumpy cat. Makes Pertho look like an angel in comparison.

He posted quite a bit during season 1 and 2 days.
I used to make memes out of his quotes using pictures of Gordon Ramsay getting angry.


Ves isn’t a grump any more, he a nice boi.

If that is your point, then you two are actually having different conversations.

Which is why the responses don’t make sense.

I mean no disrespect.

Where’d he disappear to man? Haha.

No worries, easy to get lost in a discussion. No idea what Perth’s talkin about then if he’s on some other shit.