SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

this might be the dumbest conversation i’ve ever participated in or witnessed

we’ve now gone full circle to you just flat out admitting that i’m right and actually, you’ve been saying that i’m right longer than i have, and that’s why you’re mad

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I only rephrased @Pertho post because your response read like you were responding to a completely different post.

I made no attempt to rephrase your post nor made any comment on the whole conversation.

If my attempt to clarify was insulting… sorry?

Since Alpha 2 like gauge has been talked.

Which is better Level manage supers or Super cancelling?

Complete and utter bullshit. Good Zeku’s only raw activate when the situation has been forced to fullscreen to try and have an attempt at screen gapclosing using his VT. Good Zeku’s will rarely - if ever - not use slide to activate, because it’s good regardless of context. 10/10 will slide > VTC, if you aren’t doing that - you’re doing it wrong. Unless Momochi isn’t a good Zeku all of a sudden and there’s some galaxy brain floating around in Plat - Ultra Plat that I haven’t heard of.

YouTube’d “Momochi Zeku” just to prove a point, first set that comes up Momochi doesn’t use anything but slide > VTC. He even gets baited one time and immediately slides after being baited. I think I counted around 13 VT activations - every single one was slide xx VTC, so no. You’re deffo wrong on that.

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Of all the match ups where having V-trigger chambered is good, you pick the one where it isn’t.


I mean I can pull up another if you care that much to be disproven.

This just popped in my sub-box, and as soon as he got VT1 up he slid and tried to VTC. He got baited twice and still did it every round as soon as it was up, unless Unsung is now also not a good Zeku. Or maybe it’s the MU again. Crazy how that works.

I’m not gonna sift through more gameplay just to say you’re wrong, cause you 100% tripping thinking Zeku is better of raw activating fullscreen, lmao. Slide xx VTC is the #1 way to go into his VT. And what’s happening on screen doesn’t matter, you have top Zeku’s just letting it rip, cause that’s how VTCs affect the neutral.

I don’t think he said you were better off raw activating?

What I read said that the VT1 dash is so good, that you don’t need to tunnel vision on Slide>VTC.


I can’t find any examples unless he cherry picks of a Zeku not immediately attempting slide xx VTC because of what it offers.

And i can pull vids on how useful having it activated is outside of just slide VT.

I literally wrote a post here on punishes to Birdie’s bullrush that you can only do once v-trigger is active. So really the whole game doesn’t have to revolve around using your v-trigger in the only one way.

This thread on some next level dumb stuff right now.

I mean this is what I’m arguing against. They don’t, I’ve just shown you they don’t.


Please show me the multiple defensive applications that these top players care about over just enabling an aggressive play with slide xx VTC, because it trumps whatever defensive play it enables. Aggression is rewarded in SFV, making the play and not having to hold things.

You’re delusional and just call people dumb when you have bad takes on the game.

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That “10/10” comment didn’t say that top Zeku’s do it. It was just a humorous way of saying that he had no problem with a raw activate.

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Slide VTC is and remains the best Zeku option to activate his VT. The point is… that shit becomes risky now cuz everyone and their mothers knows how it works. It’s easy to be tunnel visioned with it and because of it the risk of a neutral jump into fat combo is right there around the corner. Not to mention the fact that doing slide again into VT dash will waste the VT combo itself,the opponent can mash if you try to late cancel it. Isn’t rare to see even top Zekus doing slide–>VT dash into nothing for this reason.

Incredibly humorous phrasing stating that Bad Zeku’s tunnel vision slide xx VTC yet here are two of the world’s best Zeku’s doing exactly that and not what he spoke about at all.

And I could probably pull up countless more games of this same stuff.

I mean, in the two games I just grabbed as the first thing that popped up on YouTube for me, their slides get baited and they do it immediately right after they’re baited.

The opponents knowing doesn’t really matter.

Slide VTC is and will stay Zeku best way to activate his VT, that’s out of question.

I know your dumb and that nobody can really help you with that, but top players are notorious for not knowing a lot of system stuff. It took Bushin a good year and some months to figure out that if you cancel into the vtrigger ender from slide you end up at -1.

I went through the Zeku discord to look up the Bullrush punishes I found once you have v-trigger active and they weren’t there. Guaranteed that you’ll see a lot of style changes wiht Zeku’s v-trigger once it becomes more common place to remove offensive options from opponents with his v-trigger.

Because since you’re a dunce about it, if I can eliminate the threat of command grabs, certain frame traps, mix ups and other stuff while making my ability to whiff punish better, why would I waste time hoping for a VTC slide to do it?

It isn’t great against Rashid, but against a lot of other top tier characters having VT active is excellent. Am I saying that they don’t know how to use a lot of what the VT lets you do? Yeah.

Just like Wong wouldn’t learn Rufus set ups, some of these guys haven’t really explored a lot of stuff. Top players are top because of a lot of reasons, they usually aren’t the tech monkeys. Tech monkeys have also notoriously not been top players.

So hold that. You could be learning cool stuff to do with it, instead your acting like Cipher’s baby brother because god forbid somebody in this forums found out stuff other people aren’t using.

Suck it nerd,


And literally no one has said otherwise.

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Also, VT dash punishes all projectiles on reaction with big damage.

And generically, VT Dash>cMK >Bushin chain is like a slide that does 400 damage.

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They’re pro/good Zekus for a reason, obviously their slide timing is different from a regular Plat or even Diamond Zeku out there. Not optimal Zekus can’t hit the opponent 100% with it, most of them are too thirsty for that easy way VTC and a smart opponent can sniff that from a mile. I admit, when I’m nervous I did it myself mindlessly and I pay for that.