SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

This popped up on my twitter feed, its basically asking you an unpopular opinion about Street Fighter, and this one from Viscant caught my attention, what are your thoughts?


It is, but it has no cancel, so it’s really just for pestering/conditioning.

Not bad though by any stretch.

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I mean on VTC as well, it’s a fantastic ankle checker. Birdie’s cr.mk does a similar job over more range, but Yeezy makes up for it with incredible walkspeed.

His low forward is prolly his second best neutral poke, so idk why Perth thinks he has bad low checks. Anything that can catch microwalk block OS is great, especially if it leaves you at -2 with plus frames on hit.

With VTC absolutely.

But I think that was his point (?).

Also, it’s -2 and has no cancel, so it’s something people look out for as a signal that it’s their turn.

Like I said, a good low… but I wouldn’t say great.

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-2 is a value where it’s not your turn on data but you still threaten counter-pokes. It’s really good in neutral outside of VTC situations and a safer way to fish for VTC without threat of n.jump punish on his slide. But a Zeku would prolly never think of going for VTC outside of slide in neutral, outside of combos.

Momochi makes good use of it, st.hp/cr.mk big boi neutral buttons.

Don’t agree with the take. The complexity of fighting games are what make them great and limit E-Sports appeal.

He’s talking about SFVs release, which he’s absolutely correct on. Not FG design.

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SFV’s release being trash isn’t an unpopular opinion though. Guess I completely missed his point.

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That was gonna be my comment, he’s just using the opportunity to speak about it though. Don’t take these shitty Twitter thread titles too literally.

I think his point was that missing the opportunity to stick the landing on SFV launch was missing an opportunity that won’t come again.

I agree and disagree at the same time
I agree with the problems the 2 triggers have, but they are not bad, by any stretch of the imagination, they are serviceable VTs. The problem is that serviceable, expecially on a character like Chun who excels at a part of the game that it’s easily bypassed, does not cut it in a game where all the top and high mid characters have good VTs or VTs that play in the strength.
Karin is one of the least impactful VTs of the higher echelon characters, but she can do fat damage from a light so it doesn’t matter.
Mika’s trigger is not really impressive per se, but it plays amazingly with her strength.
It has been explained at length how Zeku getting 2 slide cancels out of VT is pretty great for him.

It’s just the problem with SFV Chun (post IAL nerd), she doesn’t have anything that is actually bad, pretty much every tool she has is nice, but she has nothing broken to exploit therefore she lingers at the bottom of midtier despite constant tweaks.

It is, but it isn’t a threatening. The only time you have to be afraid of a Zeku low is when he has V-Trigger.

Not what I said at all. Odds are really good that you’re fucking ass with your character and that’s why you’re frustrated. If I mention that I need 10 tools to deal with 3 of yours (outside of slide VTC), then how am I saying he deserves it?

What i’m saying is that your character can go kick rocks because she can easily keep the vast majority of the cast at bay from the jump.

“ZoMg ThIs SliDe Is GoOd wItH VtC”.

So what? how is it stacking up to a lot of other silly VTCs in the game? Got characters out there canceling specials into trigger but this one slide being safe twice in one round is really killing your vibe?


Something is suspect here but whatever, bring the hate. Let me bask in it. Let me know how mad you guys are at Zeku blowing through suspect frame traps and shimmying you for 300 damage.


Bad Zekus dont do that. You get so many defensive applications out of having vtrigger chambered up it isn’t even funny.

Slide VTC is really good, but it also puts you in a wacky headspace where you get thirsty for it. Once you can activate the target combo though, a lot more of your normals become incredibly dangerous and you remove tools from a lot of characters arsenals. You even remove certain blockstrings and other issues, blow up tick throws etc.

10/10 will activate v-trigger raw, from full screen and then find a way to perpetrate with it.


I’m a big proponent of not burning itaden right away.

That dash, when not teathered to the VTC damage scaling leads to stupid things. Even VT dash >cMK>Bushin Chain is like the slide on crack.

it sounds like you’re fucking ass at playing vs menat and that’s why you’re frustrated. but that’s okay, your babyrage over the suggestion that your character might have a strong vtrigger is entertaining to me

just fine

I think you are missing the point in @Pertho ‘s signature posting flavor.

He’s saying that whining about Zeku VTC and Vtrigger is silly given how it compares to all the other VT’s in the game. Menat can do the same thing with an even stronger VT.

@Pertho has been screaming that Zeku VT1 was strong from the rooftops for months.

i think you didn’t read even 1 word of this conversation or you’d know that it was about nerfing vtriggers across the board

Wanna know how I know you dumb?

I’ve been the #1 person telling this whole subforum for at least a good year and a half to 2 years how good Zeku’s Vt1 is for a number of different reasons. Don’t come here with your bag full of Hallmark tears because Menat doesn’t get to do Marvel mix ups twice a round anymore.

that’s no reason to take away stuff that’s solid in other characters.


VTC isn’t the bigger problem, the ability to reset from it is. It’s pretty clear how some characters can’t really gain advantage from VTC on hit, some instead can bypass the damage scaling nerf and obliterate your health bar with a shitload of stun too. As someone mentioned Laura is a completely different monster when she gets the VTC, doesn’t matter if on hit or block, we can say the same for some others? I.E. best Zeku can get from his VT is ~300dmg in one shot, way different from Menat,Ibuki,Urien, Akuma or Rog, but he’s in good company. I mean c’mon, who’s really afraid of Fang, Vega or Ryu popping theirs VTs?

Strength aside, I just find slide VTC super obnoxious only because the person using it starts thirsting for it so hard. It’s like two VTC’s in a row where you can only avoid it for so long.

It’s just annoying as fuck.