SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

there’s a lot of stuff slightly out of pocket but people are having fun saying it.


I don’t know, I’m finally really having fun with this game. Feels like I’m understanding playing my opponent properly after years of playing FGs, I lose and I’m not mad at it, jut see that I keep doing some bad habit stuff in real time. Somebody does something clean and I appreciate it. Game is still ass and all that but w/e mental breakthrough about how you think about fighting games sort of clicked.

That said, v-reversals are and have been way underutilized. The idea that some characters don’t have game outside of v-trigger is also a meme. Y’all need to stop memeing.

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Carl’s Jr. should be S tier that’s not even up for debate. People are blinded by that lame golden arch and think MickyD’s is the holy grail of fast food. Also this nigga has fucking Jack in the whack at B tier. I don’t even know what green this fool is smoking to rate the most mediocre fast food joint that high. Also I’m sure it’s Asian bias but Panda needs to be move up to B tier at least. I smash Panda twice a week its fucking god like.

Whataburger on the same tier as Wendy’s.

on B tier.

Disrespecting the GAWDaburger like that.


We saw a lot of Karin in top 8, her VTs are lower impact and her VR sets up meaty Orochi at +1, or dash meaty into one hit confirm.

Karin is better off VRing and gaining momentum to get you to the corner faster than waiting for VT. Compare that to BrianF, he wants his VT1 up ASAP.


I get mad… but that ain’t new. I can be a salty SOB.

I like the game well enough, if I didn’t like it I wouldn’t play it. Most of the time you can understand how and why stuff is happening which makes the grind feel meaningful. Compared to SF4 where you practically needed a Sherpa to explain what was happening.

We went through a full season of Abigail players getting whacked before VT, activating and winning.
Rog got his VTC nerfed and basically disappeared from the face of the earth, and don’t give me the “Brian F was top 8 just last week” because I need to see it happen more than once to believe it wasn’t just a fluke.
Laura basically only exists in VT.

And even the char that are not crap outside of VT, like Ibuki have had their identity relegated to VT.
She was supposed to be a mix-up machine but they took her mid screen L/R off and now her only true unreactable mix-ups are off VT

JWong needs to stick to fighting games. His food tier list is ass.


Help me out if I am forgetting someone, but isn’t the whole presumed top tier at the moment characters that are pretty fucking good outside of trigger?


Where are you currently? I still remember how shook I’d be as a Super/Ultra Plat getting paired with a Diamond. Felt like I had to move a mountain just to win.

Yeah but lots of them still have silly triggers on top of everything.

You can batter Akuma, then VT goes off and you explode. As an example.

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considering the top tier are Rashit, Ibooki and Very Evil Ryu
They are broken outside of VT and have fucking great VTs to boot.
Fucking Rashid has 2 great VT because he was not retarded enough with just one.

Point being though that they’re at the top because of what they’re doing outside of their trigger.

Lots of mid to low characters with demigod mode triggers aren’t doing anything worth mentioning at tournaments.

I don’t think that’s quite fair.

They are on top for both reasons.

Point is, you can’t have a character like Rashid in a game and say the game is OK.

Ibuki, Rashid, Akuma, Birdie? They haves some of the best 2 bars available in the game.

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Glad you ask, here’s my list again for ZioSerpe’s benefit:

The thing about a lot of this cast in the hella good spot have tools to win without needing v-trigger. Some of them get crazy ass v-triggers on top of their tools. Now the guys in the middle have solid tools but are lacking stuff to move them to the top. Yeah, I have that crazy ass FANG pick up there but dude is underrated.

either way, a lot of the cast can work you the whole game without activating v-trigger. “You mean to tell me Rog and Urien can do work without v-trigger?” They sure can, the v-triggers just make them go extra.

So really, the more comfortable you are squeezing the most out of your oki and EX meter for damage, the less you’ll need to rely on v-trigger for comebacks. Once that happens, v-reversals become more meaningful.

Abigail had issues with his core tools at first. Then he got a bunch of buffs to those ON TOP of the silly v-trigger. If you think Abigail needs v-trigger to punk the shit out of you, you aren’t playing good ones. I got made to look like a scrub yesterday by a Necalli that never activated v-trigger. These characters have a lot more play than they’re given credit for.

How much v-trigger does Karin, Guile, cammy, Rashid, Zeku, Mika, Birdie, Akuma or Bison need to fuck your shit up? G only really needs one EX bar so he can cancel a stand jab into his EX rush punch. FANG will pressure you to the moon band back without a VTC.

People really underestimate how much a lot of the good characters are working with from the jump and the issue the ones on the bottom are having. For example, the Chun discussion. People mentioned a lot of stuff about Chun being “bad” but nobody really got to the crux issue she really has: Her main combo ender that goes into a knockdown is only accessible from a downcharge. That means that she can’t force you into an oki situation at will like some of the top tier character. If you made MK or HK legs knockdown on hit and let her have a meaty, she’d be an entirely different character.

But anyways, v-reversal probably saves lives and wins games more than its given credit for. Do it early too. Don’t wait til your cornered.


If you take away every trigger in the game though, those are still probably the best characters.

I don’t know who is mid to worse where you could just x-copy a better trigger on to and it fixes everything.



The two obvious answers.

Edit: birdie got a 2 bar trigger and that bumped him up.

Maybe. It’s interesting though that those are also two characters with super swingy match-up charts.

People hated parries in 3s “it destroys neutral” the game literally had to die and resurrect to get a second chance.

People hated SF4 FADC into DP “It removes the risk” and kills footies

People hate SF5 VT cancels “There no draw back”

People usually hate on whatever mechanic that is added that is different and seems “easier” or scrub friendly.

That’s nothing new, and nothing new with sf5…the problem is SF5 doubles down on it with the gameplay.

We want it to have heavy damage like 2, have the priority system and linking from 3 and take something like the FADC cancels from 4 and toss in CC and V skills.

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