SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I liked the way A2 handled it, where you didn’t have EX moves but had 3 tiers of supers.


Why does anyone believe this is going to get better?

The road was meant to go downhill full speed.
SFVI will be the big crash and you get Jumpcancel Combos, a even worse System than the V-System and a new generation of Akuma Top Tierism

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Count me as another that loved the Alpha super meter. Would not be opposed to it returning, with more variety.


I like the SF3 and SFxT meters.

SF3 give a lot of decisions and variety with varying meters and stocks.

SFxT has the 3 bar meter with a use for each length.


I thought that was from the Alpha series but I wasn’t sure since I’m not very familiar with those games.

Focus on different Super Arts would be cool, only Cammy has a utility based super in V. I think that’s one of it’s shortcomings. All supers are simple damage-dump, I don’t think any besides Cammy offer actual utility.

Ryu has different speeds on super fireball but that’s it. Can’t think of any others. Bison Air Super is cool.

SF3 SAs were dope, I’d be fine with Alpha or 3s system coming back, but the design of the supers would need to be on point, cause some of the SF3 supers were garbage.

I don’t think this stuff is flawed from the outset you just need to build the game to support it.

Would VTC be as bad with air blocking or real alpha counters?

Would it be as bad if it took a real resource?

I don’t have answers to that, but I think the problem is trying to bolt this stuff on to more traditional system.

To give Capcom credit. I really think they tried with Vtrigger… it just didn’t work.

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VTs and Soul Calibur SCs are super similar.

They’re both usually install based, they both come from a roman cancel esque screen-freeze. SCs push the opponent out and reset to neutral upon activation unless you hit an opponent in the air, so even though they just got an install and are scary, you can now play midrange and attempt some keepout. SC timer also drains when you take hits while it’s active, so you can actively deny their SC timer by landing hits on them.

Both suffer the same issue in that the activations themselves are impossible to deny or play around - which leads to neutral situations where the opponent does not care what you do, where you are, their positioning, anything contextual is now meaningless - because I have this tool that one-ups all of that.

VTs don’t really come with a single drawback. The only ones I can think of are things like Sak VT2 and Cody VT2 where these characters lose core tools while they’re up. There’s no repercussion for playing poorly or making a wrong move, you can probably cover yourself with VTC, or some form of VT enabled mixup.

I really want to play SFXT again. I never gave it much of a chance.

FADC was the worst mechanic ever included in SF history, hands down, I will pick VTC every day over it. FADC and VTC have in common the fact you can’t really punish them and the ability to give advantages to some characters over the others. In SF4 I used characters without a dp, that alone makes me play a different game from almost every character with a meterless reversal (Yun was another story), in V every character has advantages using VTC, but Fang or Vega can’t take advantage of it like Ibuki or Urien does.

Adding these kind of mechanics will always lead to different classes of characters, shit ain’t gonna change anytime soon, not even in SF6.

Next argument?


I’ve still got it on Xbox (backwards compatible) if fools want to play.

No gonna lie though, the game has problems. It does a lot right too… so it’s really how you weigh that stuff.

You can’t cover yourself with VTC if you are using Falke’s non-existing VT2. :stuck_out_tongue:
I see situations and situations for VTC. With Falke, being +3 after vskill VTC allows for a throw. Wow, such tremendous power!
+17 after shot vtc allows you to df+HK and frame trap with st mp.

Then you have Bison, Rashid…

There’s so much random shit said here that I don’t know where to being. So I’ll say that Diamond players are definitely better than people at the lower rungs. At the very least one of the Diamond players has been clearly better. This random Dominican Necalli just lit me up hella free. It was pretty great. DPs were on point, IDGAF command grabbing on point etc.

Kind of silly how much shit changes from Super Plat to Ultra Plat. Gonna be neat cleaning up the game to get at these dudes before my PSN runs out. :pray:


This reminds me of something though, anybody else notice that Final Round seemed to feature a lot more V-reversals in high level play than we’re used to seeing?


Well it is an SFV discussion.


I agree through, people saying skill doesn’t matter are overplaying their hand just a touch…


That’s because Karin’s VR is actually good in her overall kit, plus she charges Vgauge quite well and she has 2 bar VTs that are not gamechanging.

Would VTriggers instead being supers be better like FlyingVe said?

That has to be part of it. But I don’t know that it was all down to seeing a lot of Karin.

I wonder if the top is just moving towards using it more to reduce the randomness they’re exposed to once they’ve already established the lead.

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