SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Dude really said: “When Urien does his backthrow on Mika Cammy or Falke, is he smelling their sweet pussy as he slams them down?”

I’m going to bed.


I ask the same thing when Alex does his command grab

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not to do with SFV but I find it so tiresome that some games have long ass combos, it makes the pacing so awkward. It’s really tiresome for me to play DBFZ much these days because of this.

umvc3 and dbfz in particular have problems like this… get hit once and put down the controller for 20 seconds until your character is dead or get ready to block an entire blockstring after that which can also be pretty long. I honestly find long combos just for the sake of it to be bad in gameplay, MvC2 has a good balance of that with bnbs that don’t last an eternity whilst having the right amount of damage caused per combo.

dbfz is just ass I think I’ll drop it all together

Short combos are love. Short combos are life. I’m playing fighting games to interact with my opponent*, not to dial button conbinations for twelve seconds.

  • specifically that I get to interact with my opponent. Not him with me. That’s why I’m standing halfway across the screen while I’m poking you with a long-ass stick. You don’t get to have fun. Only me.

Wow, you sure have a lot of fast food chains. I only know two from that list because that’s all we have here. Which I don’t particularly care about as there are cheaper ways to poison myself anyway.


The main reason I dont like cheap shit is that it doesn’t give me a sense of fulfillment, I want to beat you because I outsmarted the fuck out of you, or I simply just played better.

I can never play an Ibuki, where 75% of my matches result it - do this then this then this, you win here’s 6 million LP.

I get why people like that , they just want the W, they like trickery.

Even when I played Yang that’s about as cheap as I got and I don’t even think he was that cheap. You needed footsies with yang. Not like his retarded brother.


But UMVC3 combos are hella stylish. DBZF, not so much.


Some long combos in UMVC3 kill relatively fast any way especially with XF. Outside of combo drops your characters are like Mario lives and the 3 out of 5 matches for a set balances the time you have playing neutral in between that

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Different strokes for different folks. I’m with you, but I see why people would disagree too.

Last week I played with a dude that said that he openly hated characters with oppressive neutral and thought it was incredibly unsatisfying to him to win with those types of characters, while he himself only plays robbery-characters. And he genuinely thinks having to gorilla your way in and then forcing fast guessing games that you need good MU knowledge to defend against, is more satisfying and feels less cheap than controlling the match. He likes taking risks and getting payoff for it.

I disagree with literally everything he said, but I can still see where he was coming from. And who am I to judge someone for how they like to play fighting games?

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This Tweet is the answer.

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Weird way to look at things tbh. I like cheap shit because:

Directly counters “spam”
That player keeping you out with one move, that other guy running like his life depended on it? This dude picking dhalsim and not knowing any frame data and still becoming master?

All that loses to ONE, maybe 2 mistakes if cheap shit is on the horizon.

There’s a correlation between easy things and hard things. For almost all mixup characters (pre sf5) it’s hard to get in. It’s also hard to actually do any damage at neutral since most mixup characters have terrible neutral tools. This in turn means keeping MOST mixup characters out ISNT hard.

And the opposite for the “non cheap” neutral characters, these assholes like sf4 chun/sf4 sagat can sit there and NEVER mix you up and still do more than half your life in damage on average without ever hitting you with a combo. Chun with nothing but random fireballs, st.hp,st.mp,st.hk and cr.hk

And there’s nothing wrong with that, variety is the spice of life, but when you have easy mode keepaway characters like sf4 chun with her huge range and fast walkspeed, or sf4 sagat with his fireballs of doom and safe focus breakers, then generally speaking, you NEED cheap shit to try and overcome them after having gotten your ass kicked at neutral. It’s basically the gief archetype onky layered onto other characters with different things thrown in.

Like sf5 ibuki. Ok, cheap bitch. BUT… her mixups aren’t what REALLY make her cheap. What makes her cheap as fuck is the air ex kunai. Without the THREAT of that, she tends to come apart. Sure she still has st.hk and a kunai or 2. But without air ex kunai none of that shit is really a threat. It’s the same way that command grab characters can make you pay so hard for trying to jump their command grabs. You need the command grab first in order to make the opponent jump in the first place.

Me personally, rather than bitch about cheap mixups, which tbh aren’t nearly as cheap as in oldschool sf, instead the bitching should entirely be on neutral bypass that allows the cheap bastards in for free.

That’s the on,y thing that should really be discussed, otherwise, fighting games are based on cheap shit.

And yes, keepaway can also be cheap. When sagat or guile or ryu/ whoever is throwing fireballs against a character that they have a clear fireball advantage against… that shit is braindead. But it’s in the game. I don’t see why people acknowledge “mixups” as cheap but overly powerful matchups or archetype matchups as not cheap. Cheap is anything that is braindead and gets results. Throwing fireballs and walking backwards is pretty effective and doesn’t exactly require a PHD, not all fireball players are made the same, same as not all mixup players have a 6th sense like Itazan. There is skill in both styles of play. Only thing really dumb is move priorities/move damage/move range/characters and things that break archetypes, like ibukis ex air kunai and rashids heavy and ex WW allowing for ranged pushout bypass.

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My 2 cents on the VTC argument, Capcom shits the bed when they decided to make every VT different from each other, not mention the VS. The damage scaling on hit is huge, but didn’t solved the problem and some characters are able to use resets to make their offense even crispier. Making VTC minus oB would solve the problem partially because people would start popping theirs VTs just raw and that would make the differences between them even bigger.

Unfortunately high level umvc3 had some of the longest and most boring combos I’ve ever seen. I still really like the game overall but lighting loops, sword loops, and super scaling on infinites really could test someone’s patience lol. Morrigan and storm infinites always seemed to take the longest lol


It’s called cheap for a reason. It costs you nothing vs what you get in return.

Dps doing 120 damage is vastly unbalanced against jump ins for example. It’s not even solely about mix ups.


Sure, if you only judge the dp on damage then you will of course come out with a skewed result versus jumpins. But, if you instead judge the LIKELY outcome and also factor in more than 1 or 2 scenarios… it makes sense:

Jumpins… only work 1 way. You jump forward.

Dp works:

Versus ground moves
Versus crossups
Hard to mixup
In wakeup scenarios
Has invincibility if one needs it
Done on reaction versus standard jumpins whereas most jumpins that actually punish fireballs are anticipatory in nature (if on reaction the the fireball will usually recover and you will get dp’d)

Jumpins are Hail Marys, DPs are Swiss Army knives. There’s a reason for the discrepancy.

You want better damage versus a jumpin, DONT react, read the jump and dash under for a punish. I mean if one KNOWS when the jump will come, then this is available.


Reminds me why I stopped with the random matches I was doing before and only upload my losses now

Seeing me win doesn’t really teach me much (and well, at my level they wouldn’t be worth watching anyway for anyone else), it’s when I lose that I learn the most.


I would never call a jumpin in sfv a hail Mary unless you could get way more damage off of anti airs. The risk/reward is way too much in the jump ins favor for me to ever consider it a hail Mary.

Risk versus reward has always been skewed in jumpins favor, and yet, in the oldschool the rule was “don’t jump”… even though jumps netted you half life for no meter into a KD with oki frame advantage…

I think you guys are missing the point. It isn’t about 1 move versus the other. It’s about the system in a holistic all encompassing way.

Like as an example, make grounded moves have more range and safer on wiff and all of a sudden jumpins are shit WITHOUT ever touching dp stats.

Forest for the trees people.

Meh, I’m just in a shitty mood. Don’t mind me.

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Ha been away a whole day and the first thing I see coming back is Dime writing Bullshit again.

Some things never change.