SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Yeah his VT1 does work because people never fucking stop jumping at him. It’s honestly hilarious.

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The thing is the footsies in SF5 are actually ok , not ground breaking and not as good as other games, but decent.

Having the mental fortidude to methodically pick apart your opponent over the course of a round only to have them flip the table and kill you is something Ive battled and still battle with.

It leaves you with the impression that playing solid and smart is not as rewarding as playing aggressive and reckless.

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The ground level stuff for V is solid. Even dashes work fine without the V specific mechanics, the neutral is okay but you are just a bit stubby across the board.

Then you introduce VTs

Then you introduce CCs

And suddenly you have this horrible, explosive, volatile ground game that’s better played quick and recklessly. There’s no point trying to play a slower poke oriented game when I can threaten psuedo 50/50s at the midrange with dash/CC.

And there’s not really a need for me to worry about loss of health from poor play when it’s enabling me to make an unstoppable aggressive play into VTC, and either hit you for 30% from that or put you into copious amounts of blockstun.



Sorry, I wasn’t really focusing tonight, I told my friend I would watch his Video game reveal, so my attention was split.

This actually applies to every archtype even zoning. I’m by far better I’ve noticed playing active Sagat than zoning Sagat. Even if I am zoning there has to be a lot of fakes and a lot of movement.

I think as a Sagat player it’s decieving because you watch Bonchan and you try to emulate his style, but it just doesn’t work. You’re only seeing the cream when you watch Bonchan replays or Bonchan tourney play ( because he’s hand selecting the match ups). Similar to if anyone loads up their replays , you always look great, but it’s cause you’ve hand picked the matches.

I think a good example is Alex, a pretty universally accepted lowish end character can seem like a retarded fool when you start play the SF5 meta.

Like I said I think the game gives you enough “I picked right moments” to make you think that the options you are using are decent.


menat would be so damn good in sfv without vtriggers. i wish

I think the meta and erratic pacing of SFV would honestly go away if all VTCs required a hit to be enabled and were unsafe on block. All having a unique hit animation that sets up a unique one off combo. It’d probably become much more about baiting and whiff punishing to guarantee a hit into your VT at that point.

VTs would not become an instant switch you turn on, you’d actually need to land a hit, and that means you as the defender could actually fucking play around the options.

You could just make it a universal -4 on block.

Also I’ve said before the problem with trigger isn’t the damage , it’s that it’s likely you are still in another mix up situation after it’s finished which is probably stun.

I’d rather you just melt 500 damage off my bar and we reset ( ala the Ultra) over putting me in 3 round ending guesses.

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Most of the fighting games ive played are pretty volatile so i dont really have a big deal with it inherently. I more so just dont like specific mechanics of certain games or the way a specific character plays.

All VTCs strategically probably sbould be minus on block, but I’m past the point of caring considering what ive dealt with before where people can activate stuff on you thats invincible for a long time, forces you to get hit low on frame 0 and puts you in shit where you basically have no choice but to get hit and can poke back less than you can against most of the activated triggers in V.

For me its just fun figuring what I can do. These days I usually just play aggressive early to try to burn V Reversals out of people. That way they have to activate on my terms and if they burn a v reversal gives me more room to play lame longer.

I’d slap a -8 on them and call it a day, -4 I’ll still do it. You aren’t hitting me for more than 200 and I’m threatening 300 and a mixup to stun you.

-8 is too much imo. A tight light punish is acceptable.

Either that or v reversal directly counters an activation. Something it should probably do anyway.

-4 would just create situations where some you still can’t punish, ala Birdie.

You need some deep frames to deter this stuff just being thrown and to threaten some actual damage out on the table. -4 is still easy safe spacing for shit like fireballs, sweeps, EX moves to put you in the blender where pressing a button will get you tagged by their buffer.

VTs should be treated like ultras, they’re huge payoff but create highly advantageous situations on block, at least ultras threatened high damage but left you negative a million.

Strange take, but i feel like the scaling nerf on VTC combos stealth buffed VTC on block. Like obviously it was a good change but now I feel like it’s more valuable to force a block than to continue a super scaled combo, which seems backwards somehow.

Also how about VTC at -6?

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that’s not exactly what a buff is, but it did encourage vtriggers to be used in this way, definitely

Yeah not a buff but encouraged usage that way sorry. It’s late here.

You cant really just change the SD of a cancel to flat number like -6 easily.

My suggestion was just double or triple the activation time.

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You guys can all go choke on it for hating on my slide VTC. Its only +6 on block. Not even a big deal.

I made a slide safe. Big whoop.


Yes I think it’s safe to assume +6 is quite safe from punishment lol

just make vtc only work out of special cancellable moves. easy, fixed, all the bullshit is gone

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Works for me